Favor grape variety

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One of the representatives of productive crops is the Favor grape. It has excellent fruit preservation and pleasant sweet taste, shows high stability during transportation.

Favor grape variety

Favor grape variety

Characteristics of grapes

The table grape variety Favor has an average growing season of 125 to 135 days. The hybrid is grown for fresh consumption or for heat treatment. Compotes made from it are especially popular. The variety has a low acidity index - 5-6 g / l. One adult bush gives about 6 kg of berries.

Favor grapes require timely pruning, in which 7 to 11 eyes are left on the shoot. The hybrid form of the culture is a frost-resistant plant that tolerates temperatures down to -23⁰С. At the same time, high humidity has a bad effect on the bunches - a large amount of precipitation causes the fruit to crack. They also deteriorate in extreme heat. To prevent this, monitor soil moisture.

In December, Favor berries are already gaining sweetness, they are being harvested.

The variety practically does not affect wasps and fungal diseases. During transportation, the berries do not burst, do not crumble, so they can often be seen on store shelves or in the market.

Description of the bush and fruit

The bushes are vigorous, reaching 3 m in length. The leaves of the plant are dark green, three-lobed, have strongly dissected edges. One bush can withstand up to 30 eyes. Due to its rapid growth, it needs pruning. The flowers of the culture are bisexual, so there is no need to plant pollinating plants.

According to the description, grapes:

  • large;
  • elongated;
  • conical shape.

They are red in color with a purple tint. The pulp is tasty, sweet and sour, juicy. The bunches are large, each weighing up to 1.5 kg. Berry weight - up to 20 g. The skin is dense, easy to chew, does not stick to the palate. The length of the berry is 0.31 cm, the width is 0.25 cm. The fruits are not peeled.

Growing grapes

Favor grapes are grown by covering at the beginning of growth. For insulation in winter, it is covered with a film, sprinkled with earth on top. In some cases, an additional layer of fabric is placed on top of the shelter. All work is carried out in dry weather. The plant is planted in a sunlit area, without closely spaced underwater waters. There should be no cold northerly winds on the site.

Favor is propagated in 2 ways:

  • Vegetative. It is carried out using a stem on which several buds are placed. It should be free of cracks and mold. The stem is cut at an angle to check its viability. If the cut is greenish, the material is suitable for reproduction, and it is placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 3 hours. Then they put the cuttings in water. Before planting, the end of the branch is cut off and planted in a plastic glass, which is covered with a mixture of sand and earth.
  • Sexual. Grapes are used to breed new species, in breeding cases. This is seed propagation, in which the bushes do not show parental properties. They begin to bear fruit later than the plants planted by cuttings.

Favor grapes are unpretentious in care, but they need a number of preventive procedures against pests and diseases.

Landing in the soil

Saplings are planted both in autumn and spring. A planting hole is made in accordance with the root system so as not to break the roots. If the planting takes place on sandy soil, the hole should be made deeper. The roots are treated with a solution from clay, straightened, carefully inserted into the hole and covered with a mixture of sand and soil, then watered.

Before planting, the soil is loosened, weeds are removed. A wooden support is placed next to the plant so that the grapes can stretch out. The culture is recommended to be grown near the house or to build the necessary structure for it, along which the vine can curl and hold.

Plant care

The plant needs mandatory pruning

The plant needs mandatory pruning

Favor 3 is an unpretentious plant. To ensure a bountiful harvest and increase the resistance of grapes to diseases, various agrotechnical measures are carried out.


Agrotechnical measures


1PruningCarried out only for adult plants. In early summer, the tops of the shoots are cut off, leaving 5 leaves behind the second bunch. In August, the shoots are cut to the first leaf.
2FertilizerTop dressing is applied in the spring. For this, nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. A mixture is prepared: 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of potassium salt and 10 liters of water. Manure is also used. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed with copper sulfate.
3Loosening, weedingThe soil around the bush is loosened, the site is rid of weeds.

If the bushes are not cut off, there will be no large berries. The procedure provides the shoots with sunshine, which allows the buds to develop.


The plant is watered, depending on the amount of rainfall and the season. If the winter was snowy, no watering is carried out in the spring. If there is little rainfall in winter, they are watered twice: after cleaning the shelter and 7 days before flowering. In autumn, watering should be abundant, until frost. In the summer, it is done every 7 days at the rate of 9 liters per bush. Add to water:

  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate.

After watering, the soil is loosened so that a crust does not form.

Diseases and pests

Dangerous diseases that harm the plant include:

  • mildew;
  • oidium;
  • anthracnose;
  • gray and white rot.

Rot first affects the leaves, making them black. Untimely treatment of the disease leads to death. Anthracnose infects berries, leaves, and appears as spots. A sign of mildew is the oily surface of the bush, and oidium is the slow growth of berries.

Pests that hit Tabor:

  • spider mite;
  • leaflet;
  • grape itch;
  • birds.

If you notice signs of the appearance of insects and diseases in time, appropriate treatment will help save the plants. Birds can harm fruits by eating them. To combat them, you should not use chemicals or organics, but scarecrows, mirrors, rattles or sound repellents.

Disease and pest control

To fight diseases, grape bushes in the spring are treated with fungicides using "Skor" or Bordeaux solution. As a prophylaxis of diseases, mulching and timely harvesting of leaves are carried out.

To get rid of pests, the bush is sprayed with chemicals:

  • Kinmix;
  • "Fufanol";
  • "Commander";
  • Ridomil;
  • "Quadris".

It is allowed to use substances no later than a month before harvest. Against powdery mildew, mildew and anthracnose, plants are also treated with a solution of manganic acid, colloidal sulfur or Tiovit.

To combat rot, baking soda is used, mixing 10 liters of water and 80 g of the substance, as well as the preparations Topaz, Fundazol or Immunocytofit. Pests are fought with the help of drugs:

  • "Neoron";
  • "Anti-tick";
  • "Lepidocide";
  • "Bitoxibacillin".

The dose of the substance to be treated is calculated depending on the growing area of ​​the vine.


Favor grapes turned out due to crossing of 2 species - Talisman and Kishmish Radiant. It has large bunches and a sweet taste. Differs in high productivity, tolerates winter storage. The berries do not deform under the weight of the bunch.

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