Popular types of ducks

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Ducks are considered quite common poultry, which can be found in almost every corner of Russia, and duck hunting is considered a popular pastime with the highest percentage of popularity among all types of hunting for other animals. The species of ducks are diverse, as they are representatives of both the household and the wild. In order to learn how to understand each of the species, you need to know how all representatives may differ from each other.

Types of ducks

Types of ducks

The common duck is a bird with a wide and streamlined body, which rests on legs with membranes. From other birds, for example, geese, ducks are distinguished by the presence of a flattened beak, an elongated neck. Birds rarely get wet because of the dense feather cover, aimed at repelling water. Duck can have quite a lot of fat under the skin.

Wild ducks

Despite the fact that the number of wild ducks in Russia is significant, hunting for some of them is prohibited due to their inclusion in the Red Book. Below we will consider the most popular and encountered representatives of wildlife.


Mallard is a duck with a large population. There are 12 subspecies of these birds. The mallard is the most common duck in Russia. To distinguish it from others, just look at the photo or read the characteristics of the external reference species of the bird. Its streamlined body does not exceed 60 cm. The female, like the male, has a flat beak with small inconspicuous teeth that serve as a filter when eating food. In addition, the main features are:

  • the presence of short but massive wings;
  • the presence of small paws and low body weight (up to 1 kg);
  • a brownish reddish coloration of the duck, while the male is much brighter;
  • purple-blue tints on the neck.

Various fresh water bodies, where shrubs and reeds are found, are considered the favorite habitat of the mallard. Despite belonging to the wild, mallards can quickly adapt to agriculture, life among people.

The gray duck is found in the territory of stagnant water or in areas with a weak current. From the photo of the bird it can be seen that it is a small feathered one. The main color of her body is gray, although her head is decorated with various blotches, and her neck is cast yellow. The drake is distinguished by its bright color, gray beak. The female has a yellow beak.

Wild duck

Wild duck


Teal belongs to a rather small species, because the volume of a bird does not exceed 500 g. Similar birds are found in the taiga, they are distinguished by narrow wings and a short neck. Beautiful feathers shimmer in the sunlight. A characteristic feature of the male is a black beak. Hearing a teal flying is difficult, because the duck is quite silent. In the Red Book, you can find such a species as clownfish teal.

Diving ducks

Diving ducks are found all over Russia, as there are well-known species.Diving includes red-nosed, red-headed, crested ducks and gogol. You can meet them near the sea. During the winter, dives go to warm regions.

Diving ducks can swim and dive delightfully, submerging under water for 3 minutes. All species are large with short legs. Some dives, such as Baer, ​​White-eyed, are listed in the Red Book.

What other options are there

The types of duck are so diverse that you can endlessly consider them. Here are the names of several known breeds.


Gogols are ducks and drakes of medium weight with a short neck, massive, almost triangular head. Males are decorated with bright plumage with black tints. A characteristic and outstanding feature of Gogol is not only the presence of a memorable name, but also a loud, peculiar sound, similar to a squeak.


Blacken is diving ducks. They are distinguished by a short neck with a massive head and amazing plumage. The neck area of ​​the duck is decorated with a stripe similar to a collar, this is always clearly visible in the photo. The tail of the bird is lowered, and the weight does not exceed 1 kg. Duck is found in Russia in five different varieties. So, in the northern part of the country, marine species predominate.

Hunting for this bird occurs much more often, because it is considered an enviable trophy.

Diving ducks

Diving ducks

Krokhali and Ogari

Krokhali and Ogari are ducks of impressive size and are listed in the Red Book. The former are characterized by bright and color-rich feathers. The head of the male is predominantly green, and the chest is white. The female is always lighter in color, with clear orange tints.

Ogari are outwardly similar to geese, have high limbs. Ducks of the species are known for their chocolate plumage. Sviyaz is considered a large bird species, the mass of which can exceed 1 kg. The bird has a bright and memorable plumage, chestnut head, red chest and grayish tail. The back is decorated with ornaments. Females with red hair, uniformity.




Obtaining the name is associated with the awl-like feathers on the tail of birds. The feathers are often chestnut and gray with black and white markings. Feathered are distinguished by the presence of a long tail, an oblong neck and sharp wings. Peganki are distinguished by their unique and unrepeatable coloration. The dominant color is white, although the head is black and the chest is red. The belly is complemented by black stripes. The limbs are pink. The weight of the female reaches 1300 g, and the drake - 1500 g.

Wild species of ducks in Russia are represented in large numbers. Each of the representatives is a unique and special specimen. Many of the wild ducks are of great value to the hunter due to their unique appearance.

About the types of domestic ducklings

Every person who has a household or wants to start one should get acquainted with the description of domestic ducks. Types of domestic ducks are interesting in that they are raised for different purposes. Thus, directions can be worn:

  • meat;
  • decorative;
  • egg;
  • meaty character.

In agriculture, there are meat and decorative species. Representatives of the meat direction are widespread due to the high level of fertility, early maturity, and high-quality vitality. The meat types have tasty and nutritious meat, as well as a satisfactory egg production. All representatives are distinguished by their large weight and size, which makes it possible to obtain a large amount of premium meat. Each duck brings up to 50 ducklings per year. Meat duck representatives have an average weight and good meat qualities, however, egg production prevails. Orpingtons, khaki campbells are meaty. Breeding egg ducks is not common enough at home due to their low mass and weight.

Caring for all ducks is not difficult, since the birds are picky and unpretentious. It is enough to provide them with access to a pond or lawn in order to save themselves from difficulties.

To keep ducks at home without problems, it is important to provide the birds with timely and complete food, a warm and dry room. When choosing a particular variety of duck, you should pay attention to the climatic conditions of the region. So, some representatives may be completely unsuitable for breeding in the Northern Zone due to severe weather conditions.

What are "meat" ducklings

Consider those breeds that are considered the most common in the household.

  • Beijing. The breed is considered one of the best in the meat sector. It got its distribution in the Northern, Eastern, Southern parts of China. Ducks are early maturing and well-fed, but they have a negative attitude to the cold. From the photo you can see that these are massive birds with a large and wide head. They are distinguished by thick red legs and blue shiny eyes.
  • The Bashkir colored breed is amusing with an interesting plumage that combines the color of khaki and black.
  • Black White-breasted duck with black plumage of the head, belly, neck, trunk, while its chest is painted white. Her eyes are also dark with shine, large in size. Meat and delicious eggs are in demand, because the bird is often bred at home.
  • The Moscow White breed is presented with a large and long head, with a wide pinkish beak. Moscow poultry meat products are considered the most tender and enjoyable.
  • Gray Ukrainian birds are distinguished by their gray-brown wings with black and white edges.
  • Indo-ducks are distinguished by a massive body with a red-skinned head. Due to their pinkish fleshy growths, they are sometimes confused with turkeys. The breed does not differ in early maturity.
  • Mulards have the most lean meat. The breed is in demand because of the high quality of meat, cleanliness, noiselessness.
  • Rouen ducks are massive and voluminous. The color of the body can be either light or dark brown. Their meat has a delicate taste, and the egg production reaches 95 eggs.

These are far from all representatives of the meat direction, since it is almost impossible to list them all due to the large number.

Representatives of the meat and egg business

In the agriculture of Russia and the CIS, some breeds are also known, which we will consider in more detail.

  • Mirror ducks, which have an almost completely white plumage with wings that shine with the luster of a mirror. The breed is distinguished by a wide round chest with a wide and long body. In total, one duck lays up to 135 eggs in one year.
  • Saxon ducks, despite the direction, have a beautiful and memorable colored plumage. By weight, they are voluminous and dense, have a regular body and strong bones. A characteristic feature of the drake is a dark blue metallic sheen of color. The breed is considered productive with high egg production.
  • Khaki Campbells can have different plumage options: from sandy to black. Their meat has a delicate and pleasant taste, but ducks can hardly be called good hens. Campbells are loved for their calm and peaceful demeanor, mobility.

Egg duck breed

The breed of Indian runners is predominantly considered to be the egg direction. The duck looks like an exotic animal with an interesting bottle-shaped body. Unusual appearance makes her a regular at exhibitions. Runners are distinguished by their mobility and fearfulness.

The quality of the meat also deserves attention, because it is considered a tender and juicy delicacy. Amazing egg production cannot be compared with any of the listed breeds. A record-breaking duck is capable of producing 350 eggs, and an ordinary female - no more than 200.

Thus, the variety of ducks is amazing and delightful. In order to learn to understand these birds, it will take more than one day. The interesting and specific traits of the ducks make the birds unique and curious specimens.

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