The benefits and harms of duck meat

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As you know, one of the richest sources of animal protein is natural meat. Rejection of it deprives the body of essential nutrients that are irreplaceable by other protein products. The article tells about how great the benefits of duck meat are, to whom it is strongly recommended, and in which cases it is better to abstain from duck. The benefits and harms of the product - information for those who love duck meat.

Duck meat

Duck meat

Duck and man

Since ancient times, birds of the duck family have been bred to obtain valuable meat and eggs. Today, these birds are one of the most common poultry in our area, since the process of growing them does not involve any particular difficulties. The main condition is to provide the duck with a comfortable home and proper complementary food. The most popular breed that is raised for slaughter is musky (aka Indo-duck).

"Domestic" representatives, relatives of wild mallards, are also quite in demand, but the meat of the Latin Indo-duck is more appreciated due to its lower fat content and special refined taste. Broiler ducklings 2 months old already contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, without having time to overgrow with a fat layer. At this age, they can already be cut.

Nutritional value, useful and harmful properties

Like any product, duck meat has its own harmful and useful properties. On our tables, duck is not as popular as, for example, chicken or pork. But in the West, fried or oven-baked poultry is the main dish on the Christmas holidays, so at the end of the year the demand for its meat increases dramatically. Duck meat belongs to dark varieties, it is tough and fibrous, contains a large amount of fat, especially in the skin.

We are what we eat, so you need to carefully monitor your diet, providing it with all the necessary substances and not exceeding the norm of harmful ones. Is it good to feast on duck meat? How much can you eat without harm to your health? What are its main beneficial properties? The energy value of duck meat and its composition are as follows: protein content - 16 g, fat - 38 g, carbohydrates - 0 g. Calorie content of duck meat - 405 kcal. Gourmets are primarily interested in the unusual taste and juiciness of duck. But they know that the meat of this bird is not only tasty, but also rich in various vitamins and minerals, respectively, its benefits are great. Why is duck meat good for you? What is its composition?

  • a high percentage of protein and saturation with amino acids stimulates muscle work, and also saturates the body when exhausted;
  • the concentration of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is necessary in moderate quantities for the body for the well-functioning of the heart and blood vessels, for the normal functioning of the brain: polyunsaturated acids are especially important for the female body, thanks to them metabolism improves and toxins are cleared;
  • fibrousness makes the product valuable for diseases associated with anemia and the nervous system;
  • Betaine and Choline help build new cells;
  • Vitamin A contained in duck in impressive quantities is responsible for vision and skin, vitamins of group B - for cellular metabolism and enrichment with folic acid;
  • the fats necessary for the male body enrich the reproductive system with fats necessary for potency;
  • potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium microelements strengthen the general condition of the body: calcium - the skeletal system, nails and teeth, potassium - the heart and blood vessels, sodium regulates water-salt metabolism in tissues;
  • pantothenic acid, which is rich in duck liver, has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Duck and the human body

The beneficial properties of duck meat are better preserved during baking than when frying. Naturally, a portion will not cover the entire daily norm of the necessary substances, but it will make a significant contribution to the work of the body.

Unfortunately, like any product, duck meat has a number of contraindications, so it should be consumed in moderation. For people with certain chronic diseases, it is completely contraindicated.

  • Fat content and high calorie content: You can separate the skin, but the meat will still be quite fat. For this reason, overweight and obese people should not overuse duck. Those suffering from gastritis and pancreatitis are also advised to choose a more dietary variety.
  • Duck contains a large composition of cholesterol, which, accumulating, can lead to blockage of blood vessels. Eat this dish with care if you have liver disease.
  • Duck meat is a hard-to-digest product, it takes a long time to digest and does not go well with other food, therefore, as mentioned above, it is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems.
  • Allergies are possible in some individuals. If a person has such a predisposition, it is worth trying only a small piece of the treat to begin with.

Cooking use

In the post-Soviet countries, duck dishes are considered delicious and are prepared mainly on holidays. Feathered baked in the sleeve, with apples, in Peking style, on the grill, served with various side dishes and sauces, if desired, you can pickle. Baking a bird is a whole art that requires experience and professionalism.

When cooked properly, the fat in the duck should drain out and is used as a delicious gravy for a side dish. Lovers of healthy food know that greens are not only a great option for decorating a dish, but also the best food combination. Green vegetables help the meat to digest better and get as many nutrients from it as possible.

Choice and quality

The best option is to grow poultry on their own, but only a few of the population can keep their own farms and have their own business in this industry. Where is it better to buy carcasses so as not to be mistaken with the choice?

It is preferable to make such a purchase in the market or in butchers that produce a homemade product. It is advisable to ask the suppliers in what conditions the birds grow and what they eat. It is undesirable to buy in supermarkets: you can find mainly imported products. So, preference should be given to a small duck with a yellowish color, with red meat in the section. It is necessary to ensure that there is no stickiness on the elastic skin. When pressed, the skin should immediately recover, if not, then this is an old carcass with flabby skin. Large ducks (over 1.5 kg) contain a correspondingly increased amount of fat, and too small individuals in finished form will not please with juiciness and softness.

Age also matters: the old duck will smell like a smell. It is necessary to take a fresh carcass no more than six months old, and if a broiler, then even three months old. Young animals are easy to distinguish by such external signs as a fragile beak, yellow paws, as well as the presence of light fat in the tail area.

When the product has already been purchased, and you are going to cook it in the near future, put the purchased meat in the refrigerator for a day and remove it from there immediately before starting cooking. The shelf life in frozen form, depending on the temperature, varies from 3 months to 1 year (at a minimum temperature of -25 ° C).

The benefits of properly selected and deliciously cooked duck meat are clear. A skillfully served dish will become the highlight of the festive table. Enjoy your meal!

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