We grow Indook on our own

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It is beneficial to keep the Indo-duck for several reasons. These birds gain weight quickly enough and do not need a reservoir. With the right content, Indo-women rarely get sick, and the taste of their meat is difficult to overestimate. Confirmation of this fact is that Indo-women are bred in almost all European countries. Consider how to grow an Indoor on your own at home, but first we will find out why they should be brought in your poultry yard.



Indoor features

The described birds gain weight very quickly, which makes it possible to consider growing Indo-Ducks at home even as a small business. With proper care and proper nutrition, poultry can be slaughtered after 2 months. By this time, she is able to gain more than 2 kg of weight.

Young animals practically do not get sick, which is specific exclusively for Indo-women. Chicks of chickens, geese and turkeys do not have the strongest immunity and are susceptible to a number of diseases. But it should be noted that in case of violation of sanitary standards, it is extremely arrogant to talk about 100% survival rate of young animals. In order for the young not to get sick, he needs to provide good living conditions and properly feed.

The advantages of Indo-women include a good appetite. These birds will not go through food, they will feast on any proposed food, which greatly simplifies the cultivation of Indo-Ducks at home. It also simplifies keeping this poultry because of its frost resistance. Indo-ducks tolerate even the coldest winter well and practically do not react to temperature changes.

Unlike ducks, which need a body of water to gain weight, Indo-ducks can be kept on land.

Before you get small ducklings, you need to decide on the place of their keeping. It will be cramped for adult birds in a standard cage, however, you can make one whose size corresponds to the norms. But here, too, a difficulty arises: it is almost impossible to regulate the temperature with the cage content, therefore it is better to build a house that will protect the Indoor from any bad weather. It is enough to equip a barn where the bird can hide from the weather, and an open-air cage for walking. The aviary is equipped with a canopy, under which birds can hide on hot sunny days.

It is worth noting that Indo-Ducks are not shy, unlike most poultry.

Breeding features of Indo-ducks

Indoor breeding is a simple process. Depending on the availability of time and the desire to tinker with the incubator, you can buy eggs or buy young animals. For novice poultry farmers, the second option is more acceptable, since working with an incubator requires certain skills. Besides, good equipment is quite expensive.If you are going to constantly maintain an Indoor, then the cost of the purchased equipment will pay off after a few tabs.

Chicks should not be bought in the spring, as many poultry farmers do, but in the fall. Since Indo-ducks have strong immunity, the chicks will be able to survive the winter well, and in the spring there will be good young animals running in the yard, which will not take long to gain weight. In addition, in the spring, it will already be possible to get the first eggs. You can buy not chicks, but young ducks, however, the cost of young animals significantly exceeds the cost of chicks, therefore, from an economic point of view, it is more profitable to purchase them.

Indoor brood consists of 15-20 chicks. It is worth giving the birds the opportunity to enjoy the delights of motherhood, because they are good at this.

Growing in an incubator is challenging. Until the chicks hatch, the eggs must be systematically turned over. If the equipment is not automated, then it will have to be done manually. In addition, you need to constantly maintain a certain temperature and humidity level. In contrast, an Indo-female will hatch eggs and take care of the chicks without assistance.

Drake selection

To breed birds, the farm must have a drake. You should carefully select a drake, otherwise you will not be able to admire large ducklings. From the first month of life of Indo-Ducks it is important to observe them. The most lively male, who gains weight in a matter of days and is the first to come to the trough, should become a leader.

Puberty occurs at the age of 7-8 months. From that moment on, the drake tramples on the ducks. Most often, females reach sexual maturity faster, so one drake should be left from the previous brood. During the rearing of the new leader, ducks are already beginning to rush, so you can work in terms of breeding birds.

If a duck gets up from the nest and refuses to hatch offspring, you need to find a reason for this behavior. It lies either at the wrong age or in a poorly equipped nest. In this case, you need to see who is ready to hatch the eggs, and try to plant an individual of the appropriate age on the nest. The best option is a duck that bred offspring at least once. With the right approach, it can be placed on the nest in a matter of days: after hatching the chicks, it will carefully monitor the ducklings.

Poultry house arrangement

Before deciding to start an Indoor, you need to take care of arranging a special room called a poultry house. The only drawback of this bird is that it does not get along well with its own birds and animals. She needs a separate room. If this condition is not met, Indo-women eat poorly, which negatively affects not only weight gain, but also health.

It's easy to build a poultry house with your own hands. This is a small room, so you don't have to build a strong foundation. During construction, you can use the most affordable building materials - wooden boards. The house should be warm in winter and cool in summer, so it is important to choose the right construction site. She, if possible, should be in the shade. You also need to take care of the absence of drafts that negatively affect the health of the bird.

The house should have an artificial light source, well-designed ventilation and well-equipped nests for laying eggs. The weak point of Indo-ducks, or, as they are also called, muscovy ducks, are the legs, therefore, the poultry house must always have dry and clean litter. During the construction of the shed, it will be useful to think about the fact that the litter will have to be changed quite often, and this process should not be associated with any difficulties (low ceiling, for example).

As for the size of the room, it depends on the number of birds that it contains.During construction, in addition to how many duck ducks you will keep in the first year, you should think about whether you plan to increase the number of livestock. For 1 sq. m, a female with 8 chicks can feel comfortable.

Indoor content

The process of growing Indo-Ducks at home involves organizing food and caring for the birds. First of all, you need to understand that the Indoor can fly. To prevent the bird from flying away from the poultry yard, its wings are clipped (first phalanx). This should be done on the 30th day of the bird's life. You can clip the wings even at an older age, but then there is a chance that the Indo-duck will stop laying eggs.

Young cattle nutrition

If the chicks were bred in an incubator, then they will have to be taught to eat. A feature of this inherent bird is that instinctively it eats everything that moves, so the first food is put on the chicks' backs - they collect it from each other from the back while moving. The first food for ducklings is boiled eggs, which are pre-chopped. If the chicks do not notice the food, they need to point to it.

Already on the second day, after the chicks hatch, a mash is added to the diet. It is boiled in milk, bran is added to the finished mixture. On the 4th day, the diet is replenished with cottage cheese, pre-chopped grain, herbs (onions, spinach). On the 5th add meat waste, and on the 14th - boiled potatoes.

You need to think over the diet in advance. The food of the chicks should be varied: this contributes to the rapid weight gain.

Adult bird nutrition

The diet of an adult muscovy duck, like that of a chick, should be varied. Care must be taken to ensure that the birds receive all the necessary mineral supplements (phosphorus, calcium, etc.). The rate of weight gain and egg productivity depends on how correctly the nutrition is organized.

Grain crops (barley, corn, millet, wheat) make up a large half of the diet. They are relatively inexpensive, and owners of household plots can grow them on their own. If you give the livestock cereals, you can do without special feeds offered by stores. In addition to cereals, the diet should contain vegetables, greens, which are crushed before serving, and bran. Indoor women love wet mash, but they are perishable, so they are cooked just before serving, and everything that remains in the bowls after eating is thrown away.

Indo-ducks also feed on various small insects (bugs, worms), so you need to give your pets the opportunity to walk in an open area. It is desirable that the aviary be spacious and mobile. Free-grazing birds should be fed twice a day. What the diet will consist of depends on what the birds can find in the aviary.

Mineral supplements

Also, the diet should be rich in mineral supplements, but it is not at all necessary to purchase these supplements in specialized stores in the form of vitamin complexes. You can replace them with more accessible and cheaper products. So, for example, chalk and shell rock contains calcium necessary for birds. In addition to calcium, these substances contain vitamins. Poultry houses note that in the presence of chalk in the diet, an Indo-duck egg has a stronger and thicker shell.

Be sure to include meat and bone meal rich in phosphorus in the diet. Salt, previously dissolved in water and added to a wet mash, saturates the body with sodium. And sulfur, necessary during the molting period, is contained in cabbage, green beans and flax cake.

As soon as spring comes, the birds are released outside and left there for the whole day. In the presence of a green lawn, the musk duck will find all the trace elements necessary for the body in green forage and soil.

Indoor content

Taking care of the birds will not take much time and effort, but you need to keep an eye on the birds.Indo-duck women are curious. Accordingly, if they are released in an unenclosed area, they can go very far from home. It should also be noted that the Indo-woman pays attention to everything that is brilliant. Often, when finding out why the birds are dying, it turns out that they have eaten a nail or other metal object (pin, wire, etc.), therefore, before letting the wards out for a walk in a specially designated area, they need to be carefully examined.

"Heavy" air negatively affects the condition of birds, therefore the house should be systematically ventilated. It is advisable to do this during the absence of birds in the room. If the musk ducks are in the house, then it is important to take care that no drafts are formed during the ventilation.

So that the house is not stuffy, you need to follow the norms for placing your own birds in the barn. So, for 1 sq. m. there can be no more than 3 adults. Otherwise, musky ducks will step on each other. It is impossible to organize proper care for them in such a condition. The house should be equipped with perches made of wood. It is also desirable to make the nest of wood. Thick cardboard can be an alternative.

Indo-duck herself monitors the purity of her feathers, but for this she needs water, so a trough with water is installed in the poultry house, which will allow not only rinsing the wings, but also taking a feathered bath. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the water in the trough, since the birds will not only swim there, but also drink water. In winter, the water trough is removed from the poultry house. The sebaceous glands, both in the drake and in the fair sex, are poorly developed - bathing in winter can lead to feathered colds.

You can not give the birds hot water or food in winter: they must be warm.

Indoor breeding as a business

This activity brings money when the tribe consists of 100 individuals or more. You can sell not only bird meat, but also their eggs. You can also sell chicks and young animals, sell drakes and Indo-ducks in live weight. For a business to be profitable, you need to take care of having a customer base. It is most profitable to cooperate with restaurants that are ready to pay good money for high-quality red meat and are constantly in need of a product. Despite the high calorie content of meat, it is considered dietary, and its taste allows it to be used for preparing delicious dishes.

Individuals buy meat, as a rule, only before the holidays, so it makes no sense to consider them as main customers.

In addition to meat, people are engaged in the trade of feathers, which they neatly pluck after the slaughter of birds. They are used to make pillows and blankets. Feathers and down of muscovy ducks are taken in large enough volumes, therefore, you will have to store these products at home until the required volume is collected. This activity cannot be considered as the main income, since no one will give a lot of money for feathers and down, but this income will be enough to cover the cost of bird food.

Common diseases of Indo-women

As mentioned above, if you take proper care of the birds, they rarely get sick, but this happens, so you need to look closely at the birds and, if necessary, treat them. With the timely detection of diseases, problems can be avoided during treatment.

The most common diseases found in muscovy ducks are:

  • avitaminosis;
  • poisoning;
  • paratyphoid;
  • hepatitis.

Let's take a closer look at how these diseases can be caused and how to treat them.


During breeding, farmers often face a problem such as vitamin deficiency. The nature of this disease is clear already from the name. It is caused by a lack of one or another vitamin in the body.Depending on what exactly is missing, different types of vitamin deficiency are determined. The disease, depending on the type, has different symptoms. So, for example, with a lack of vitamin A, birds' appetite decreases and growth slows down. Pallor on the legs and beak, ruffled feathers and inflammation of the mucous membranes also appear. With a lack of vitamin D, birds begin to fall on their paws and their bones become deformed.

With a lack of a number of vitamins, cloacite develops. The symptoms of this disease are inflammation of all mucous membranes.

Treatment of vitamin deficiency involves saturating the body with the missing vitamin, but here you need to not overdo it, since an overabundance of one or another vitamin sometimes just as negatively affects the state of health as its lack.

For the prevention of vitamin deficiency, the diet of birds includes shells, fish and meat and bone meal, chalk. The daily norms of these products are prescribed in the norms for feeding birds.


The most common disease is food poisoning. It is caused by the consumption of poor quality feed. This applies not only to homemade mash, but also to green food. Do not give Indo-duck insecticide-treated greens, rotten vegetables or poisonous plants. It can provoke poisoning and an excessive amount of salt in the diet of birds.

Signs of food poisoning are diarrhea and vomiting, convulsions. In case of severe poisoning, the Indo-women die. Such birds are not slaughtered because their meat is unsuitable for human consumption.

Paratyphoid and hepatitis

These are infectious diseases that lead to the death of birds. Symptoms of paratyphoid fever are excessive tearing of the eyes, diarrhea and sticking of the eyelids, a complete lack of appetite. The veterinarian should deal with the treatment of this disease. Eggs laid by sick ducks cannot be eaten. The meat is also not edible. If the drake has managed to fertilize a sick duck before the egg is formed, the duck will be a carrier of paratyphoid fever.

Hepatitis affects the liver. If you butcher a duck with hepatitis, you can see how the disease changed the appearance of the liver. The disease affects birds at any age. Indo-women sleep most of the day. If breathing, both in chicks and in adults, is heavy, the wings are lowered, the bird lowers its wings, you need to call a specialist.

If there are chickens or other native birds nearby, it can become infected from Indo-Ducks, so sick individuals are isolated from healthy ones. The best prevention of infectious diseases is poultry house disinfestation. This should be done at least once every few years, and preferably annually.


Ducklings, like chickens, are extremely damaged by helminths. Caring for your own bird involves removing helminths with the help of medicines and folk remedies (onions, chopped spruce needles, garlic). It is not difficult to remove worms, but it must be done systematically.

Despite the fact that Indo-women are in good health, they must be constantly monitored. At the first symptoms of malaise, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Varieties of Indo-Ducks

There are several varieties of Indo-Ducks. We will not consider the characteristics of each, but only talk about which breeds are the most popular today. A distinctive feature of each is the color of the feathers.

Indoor women are white, black and white, brown or chocolate, blue, white with a pattern. In the photo you can see what a blue or chocolate Indoor looks like.

This is not to say that a bird of one color is more attractive than another. In terms of breed characteristics, some grow faster, some more slowly. There are breeds that are distinguished by high egg productivity, and there are meat ducks. This diversity is due to the work of breeders who got a hybrid of a wild Indo-female by mating it with their own bird.


You can even keep an Indoor at the dacha. They need a cozy house that they can make with their own hands before getting the birds. In 2 months, the bird gains weight, and the adult weighs 2-2.5 kg and is ready for slaughter. Taking care of ducklings is no more difficult than caring for chickens. Even novice poultry farmers can breed them. The main thing is to feed the birds correctly, observing the daily norms of minerals, which should be accounted for by each individual. Breeding Indo-Ducks can be carried out in various ways (from eggs, acquiring young or adults of different sexes). Bred birds in any convenient way, but Indo-girls do not reproduce as quickly as we would like, therefore it is advisable to acquire ducklings first, and over time - to increase the bird population. Since Indo-girls fly well, their wings are clipped.

The musk duck has tender and aromatic meat that is easy to cook. After slaughter, the carcass is cut up and kept in a marinade before cooking. Carving a duck is no different from carving a chicken. Then it is prepared according to any recipe.

As a result, we can confidently say that, despite all the difficulties, breeding Indo-dogs is worth it.

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