Vitamins for orchids

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Vitamins for orchids stimulate the growth and development of plants, contribute to their strengthening and reproduction. Vitamin cocktail helps to speed up the blooming of buds without any harmful effect on the plant, its use will help the flower take root at home.

Vitamins for orchids

Vitamins for orchids


The composition of vitamin cocktails for orchids may contain vitamins of different groups.

IN 1

The name of vitamin B1 is thiamine. When growing Phalaenopsis, it is used for a number of reasons:

  • stimulates root growth;
  • flowers increase in size;
  • earlier flowering in a plant;
  • active circulation of cell juice.

By using vitamin B1, orchid cultivation will be more successful.

IN 3

Nicotinic acid is good for phalaenopsis:

  • restores a flower after transplantation;
  • early flowering;
  • the formation of new shoots.

AT 6

Vitamin B6 is a useful element necessary for pest control, strengthens the plant's immunity. B6 should be applied to the substrate if fungicites have been used for a long time. In this case, the resuscitation of the plant will be faster.

The composition of vitamin cocktails for orchids may contain vitamins of different groups

The composition of vitamin cocktails for orchids may contain vitamins of different groups

AT 12

The use of vitamin B12 affects the growth of phalaenopsis. It saturates the flower with oxygen, stimulates its development and the formation of new peduncles. The composition of this component is useful for phalaenopsis, so it should be included in a vitamin solution.


Ascorbic acid strengthens the plant's immunity, increases resistance to diseases and parasites, neutralizes the bad effects of ultraviolet rays.

Preparation of vitamin cocktails

It is allowed to use components for the preparation of vitamin mixtures in a different sequence and without reference to the number of elements.

Resuscitation and feeding with vitamins

For resuscitation, a vitamin cocktail for orchids is suitable, consisting of a group of elements:

  • B1 - 1 ampoule;
  • B6 - 1 ampoule;
  • B12 - 1 ampoule;
  • succinic acid - 4 tablets.

All elements must be mixed and applied as a nutritious fertilizer, the resulting solution of vitamins must be sprayed directly onto the plant. This will be beneficial for the home flower and its roots.

Additional feeding is important during the period of active growth from April to September

Additional feeding is important during the period of active growth from April to September

The mixture obtained as a result of the compatibility of vitamins B1, B6, B12 is used to rehabilitate a plant without roots. Phalaenopsis is immersed in the resulting solution overnight. In this case, drafts should be avoided. In the morning, the plant is moved to normal conditions. Due to the fact that it is often impossible to water the flower, the second option for feeding with vitamins will be the daily treatment of the plant with cotton pads or a spray bottle. Additional feeding is important during the period of active growth from April to September, it will be useful for the flowering of the pet. Fertilization is stopped for the winter.

Honey solution

An orchid vitamin cocktail can be made with honey.Honey water stimulates the growth and development of orchids, it contains many vitamins and microelements. 1.7 g of honey should be added to 200 ml of water, mix all this and the vitamin solution is ready. Apply it to the points of growth, distribute it over the leaves with a cotton pad. After processing, after a few weeks, new roots and leaves appear, in some cases flower stalks are released.

Live unfiltered beer cocktail

A beer-based vitamin solution is easy to prepare. You should take 100 ml of beer brewed according to the classic recipe, 100 ml of warm water, 2.5 g of honey. You need to apply the mixture with a brush to the leaves and trunk. Plants with sluggish leaves and weak roots recover in growth and development, if you use such a remedy every 2 days, with normal feeding - 3 times a month. After this remedy, leaves rise in plants, peduncles and roots are actively growing.

Fertilizing healthy plants

Healthy plants that refuse to bloom need to be fertilized and fed. Banana peels are used to fertilize the plants. It contains potassium and phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen. When combined with a sprig of grapes, you get a useful fertilizer for the flower. The banana peel should be washed and roasted in the oven, ground into powder after cooling. It is used for wiping leaves, watering plants.


Making a vitamin cocktail for an orchid is easy. Its correct application will help to establish the growth, development and flowering of a home flower.

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