Clematis Asao - growing conditions

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If you want to decorate the site with a lushly blooming and densely leafy vine, then you should pay attention to the large-flowered clematis Asao. This perennial was bred in 1977 by the Japanese breeder Kaushige Ozawa. In Europe, it became widespread in the 80s. Consider what this culture looks like, the rules for planting and leaving it.

Clematis acao description

Clematis acao description

Description of the variety

Clematis Asao is a large-flowered vine with long curly stems (up to 3 m). Forms simple or semi-double large buds, when loose, they reach 12 to 20 cm in diameter.

Petals are lanceolate or elliptical with a sharp tip, 5-8 pcs develop in one inflorescence. The color is two-tone - the main tone is deep pink, in the center is a white or pale pink thick stripe. The core consists of large yellowish-green stamens.

During the season, it can bloom twice - the first time from early May to mid-June, the second from August to September. The buds develop on the branches of the current year.

This perennial vine is considered one of the most frost-resistant - it can withstand temperatures as low as -35 ° C. The root system has such an exposure, the aboveground part is very sensitive to cold weather and needs good insulation for the winter.

Landing rules

The best time for planting clematis is mid or late April, when the threat of return frosts has passed, the soil will warm up to a temperature of 10-12 ° C.

Clematis acao trimming group

Clematis acao trimming group

When grown in the southern zone, it can be planted in the fall, the main thing is to have time before the first half of September, so that the seedlings have time to release new roots and prepare for the upcoming wintering.

Seat selection

For this perennial vine, you need to choose a sunny area, where there is no swampiness and strong winds. The optimum depth of groundwater passage is 1.2 m.

It grows well in partial shade, the main thing is that in the morning and in the evening the shrub receives a sufficient amount of light.

The soil is suitable for sandy or clayey. In the first case, you will need to add 20 kg of clay, in the second - the same amount of sand or vermiculite. To increase fertility, peat with humus is added - 10 kg per 1 m².

If the soil is acidified (the indicator is higher than 6 units) it is limed, dolomite flour, calcite, slaked lime or chalk are added.

Seedling preparation

Young bushes of Clematis Asao are sold in florist shops or nurseries. Usually they are planted in pots or containers, so the root system is protected from drying out. Choose specimens with several branches, densely covered with foliage - they have well-developed roots, which means they will safely survive transplantation in open ground.

When buying, carefully inspect the crown - there should be no mechanical injuries, signs of disease and pests on the stems, leaves and buds.

Before planting, the roots are soaked in cold water for an hour, then cut to 2-3 cm in length to stimulate the development of new shoots.

Planting stages

Planting pits are harvested two weeks before the planned planting so that the soil and nutrients settle. Approximate size - 50x60 cm.

A little drainage is laid at the bottom - brick chips, pebbles or screenings are suitable. Then a fertile mixture is poured - the garden soil is mixed with 10 liters of compost or humus, 50 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added each.

The rhizome is lowered so that the center of bushiness is deepened by 10 cm. Sprinkle with sand and ash on top (1: 1). The soil mixture is poured to the top, trampled, watered.

Deepening the central part of the bush is necessary for the plant to bush well in the future. In the root zone, buds will develop, from which new shoots will grow. Also, deep planting protects the superficial root system from overheating in summer and from freezing in winter.

For group planting, the distance between the seedlings must be maintained - at least 1 m.

Care requirements


The plant loves moisture, especially in the summer season at the peak of active growth of greenery. In the first month, it is watered every other day so that the root system takes root faster and the seedling begins to grow green mass.

Clematis acao pruning

Clematis acao pruning

Further watering is necessary as the surface layer of the earth dries out.

Use settled and warm water. 30 liters of water are poured under one plant. It is poured not at the root, but at a distance of 40-50 cm from the center of the bush.

Reacts positively to periodic sprinkling of the crown. This procedure is carried out in the evening.

After the procedure, loosening is required to a depth of 4-5 cm. This maintains the moisture and air permeable qualities of the soil. As it grows, weeds, fallen leaves and carrion are removed. Then the near-trunk zone is mulched with humus, peat, compost or sawdust.

Top dressing

In the third year of life, they begin to feed with organic and mineral preparations in liquid form. Use ready-made dressings, the dosage is indicated on the package.

Food is carried out in several stages:

  • at the beginning of the growing season, the near-stem zone is watered with a urea solution - 15 g per bucket of water;
  • before flowering, a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is introduced - 1 tbsp each. l. each component for 10 liters of water;
  • in the fall, when the shrub leaves the foliage in the soil, compost or humus is covered up.

After top dressing, the vine is watered abundantly to improve the quality of nutrient absorption.

Pruning and garter

Clematis Asao belongs to the second pruning group.

The first haircut is carried out immediately after planting - all shoots are shortened by 2/3 of the length. Re-trim the next year before budding begins. In the fall, the seedlings are pruned to the very base.

In the future, it is formed in two stages:

  • in the summer, after the first flowering, last year's branches are cut off, on which there were buds, their number is normalized depending on the degree of thickening of the crown;
  • in the fall, when the vine fades a second time, the flowers with dry flowers of the current season are shortened, leaving a length of no more than 1.5 m.

Additionally, throughout the entire growing season, cut out non-viable stems, yellowed, dry and disease-damaged leaves.

All manipulations are carried out using a sharp and sterile instrument. After that, the crown is irrigated with a solution of copper sulfate.

As it grows, clematis is tied to an arch, pergola, trellis or other vertical surface to obtain a thick and dense composition.

Preparing for winter

Despite the good resistance to frost, at an early age (up to three years) the seedlings are very weak and can easily freeze over the winter.

Before sheltering under the bush, all foliage, carrion, and plant debris are removed. Mulch with peat, compost or last year's manure.The branches are tied into a bundle, bent to the ground, fixed with staples, covered with spruce branches, burlap.

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the threat of recurrent frosts has passed, the insulating material is removed, the branches are dismissed, tied to a support.

Reproduction methods

Hybrid clematis Acao can be propagated in several ways, each of which gives a successful result, provided that all the rules are followed.

Pruning clematis acao

Pruning clematis acao


Shoots are cut in spring or summer. An apical young growth of 15-17 cm long is taken from lignified stems. Choose cuttings with leaves and buds. At the bottom, the foliage is removed, closer to the top they are shortened by a third.

Immersed in Kornevin's solution, then Heteroauxin. After an hour of soaking, they are planted in a seedling box filled with a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). Depth of cutting cuttings - 3-4 cm

The plantings are aired every day, as the substrate dries, they are moistened. At the stage of the appearance of new leaves, the film is removed. In order for the seedlings to take root better in the flower garden, they are grown for another month at home.

By dividing the bush

Old bushes that have suspended growth, bloom sparsely, need to be rejuvenated. The shrub is watered, dug out, washed from the rhizome from soil residues, dried.

Using a garden shovel, the root system is divided into parts. Each seedling should have roots with one stem and bud.

To avoid infection, the cut sites are irrigated with copper sulfate, then sprinkled with charcoal. They are seated according to the same principle as purchased bushes.

Stem layering

This propagation in the fall will require a flexible branch close to the ground. All the leaves are removed on it. Nearby, a groove is pulled out with a depth of 5-6 cm. Sprinkle with a fertile mixture of peat, humus and sand, mixed in equal amounts.

The prepared shoot is lowered, fixed with brackets, covered with the remaining soil mixture, watered. On the eve of autumn frosts, they cover with fallen leaves, sawdust, and spruce branches are laid on top.

In the spring, when the snow melts, the heat stabilizes and the soil warms up, a twig is dug up, cut off from the mother bush. Cut into several segments with roots, planted in the garden.

Diseases and pests

Clematis have several dangerous diseases and pests that can lead not only to the loss of decorative effect, but also to the death of the shrub. Weakened hydrangeas, which grow neglected and without proper attention, are susceptible to infection.

Clematis acao group

Clematis acao group

Wilt (wilting). The infection leads to a sharp wilting of the entire crown. It is not subject to treatment, so the bush is dug up and burned. The place of growth is spilled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

Rust. Fungal disease manifests itself in the form of red or brown spots on the surface of the stems, foliage. The damaged areas dry and die off. The treatment is as follows: first, all infected areas are cut out, then the crown is sprayed with Ridomil Gold, Skor or Hom.

Powdery mildew appears in wet and rainy weather. On all organs of clematis, you can see a whitish coating in the form of flour. Later it darkens, the diseased areas die off. It is necessary to treat the crown with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate.

Gray rot. Brown spots with a grayish bloom on the surface of the foliage are a sure sign of infection. Later, the fungus covers the entire leaf plate, which leads to its death and fall off. It is necessary to cut out the diseased parts, irrigate the crown with Azocene 2%, Topaz or Quadris.

Nematode. A small worm-like insect parasitizes in the tissues of the root system - it blocks access to oxygen and moisture. From insufficient nutrition, the stems and leaves lose their turgor, wither.

It is impossible to save clematis damaged by this pest. Therefore, it is dug up and disposed of.The place of growth is spilled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

To protect against infection with diseases and harmful insects, simple preventive measures must be followed:

  • buy healthy and strong seedlings;
  • avoid thickening when planting them;
  • regularly loosen the soil, remove weeds, cut off non-viable parts;
  • water, feed on time.

Application in landscape design

Thanks to the bright and lush bloom, which occurs twice a season, Clematis Asao has gained great popularity in landscape design:

Clematis acao trimming group

Clematis acao trimming group

  • it is planted near gazebos, terraces, arches, pergolas, and other vertical surfaces;
  • combined with varieties of different colors to create a multi-colored hedge;
  • planted surrounded by low-growing flowers - marigolds, calendula, hosts;
  • the vine growing along the fence looks beautiful.

Variety reviews

Gardeners have this perennial culture in good standing and are often used for landscaping the garden:

  • due to its high frost resistance and good immunity, the plant can be grown throughout the territory of our country;
  • it multiplies well in several ways, so you can independently get many new seedlings to decorate the garden;
  • when laying nutrients, it can fully develop on any type of soil.

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