Pig birth

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Farrowing (giving birth to a pig) is an important event in the life of any farmer, because the productivity of the enterprise directly depends on the success of it.

Pig birth

Pig birth

The owner should prepare well for the replenishment of the livestock, study the issue so that the process goes without complications and the piglets are born viable. It is necessary to know the physiology and anatomy of the animal, how to properly feed the newly-made mother, how to deliver, how many days the contractions can begin, what are the signs of the onset of relief from the burden, etc.

If you follow certain guidelines, farrowing at home will be easy. Complications arise only in the case of pathologies and untimely assistance provided, therefore, from the day of conception, it is necessary to examine the animal and monitor the development of the fetus using tests and ultrasound.

Calculating the estimated time of delivery

The female gives birth on average at 114 days. These terms are flexible: from 110 to 120 days. Basically, it all depends on factors such as care, nutrition and comfort. Also, the age of the individual affects the time of birth: according to statistics, young pigs who give birth for the first time always overdue, and massive experienced sows give birth ahead of schedule.

A delay is considered normal, or, conversely, an acceleration for a period of one week.

Scientists have calculated that only 25% of pigs give birth right on time, 30% early, and 45% later.

You should be on your guard. It is better to transfer the pregnant pig to a separate room, where it will be under constant supervision. Better yet, keep a calendar. For example, if the female was fertilized on April 20, then you can take delivery on August 8 (plus or minus a week).

Number of piglets per farrow

Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately determine the number of future offspring at home. Those who are fundamentally important to know this figure should take the animal for an ultrasound scan. This is a painless process, and therefore the female will not experience stress.

There are a number of factors that determine the number of offspring. These include the following:

  • the age of the mumps (young animals usually have less offspring than adults);
  • breed;
  • the first is childbirth or not;
  • balanced nutrition (the better the animals are fed, the more chances of getting hardy and multiple offspring);
  • conditions of detention;
  • female health;
  • productivity.

If the female gives birth for the first time, you should not expect large offspring, since even multiple individuals give birth to no more than 6-8 piglets. But an adult and experienced sow brings 10-12 piglets at a time.

Preparing for childbirth

The future sow requires special attention, care and attention. All the following points must be clearly followed:

  • It is imperative to feed the pig with fresh food, since bad or low-quality products can have a bad effect on pregnancy, to the point that the fetus will dissolve. A pregnant sow should receive the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for the normal development of the offspring and a successful birth.During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to foods containing phosphorus, calcium, chlorine and sodium.
  • Food should be lightly salted. This is necessary in order to restore the normal content of sodium in the body, which is washed out, but is very necessary for the normal development of the fetus.
  • Due to the fact that the pig is not a very clean animal, it is necessary to periodically carry out helminth therapy. This will protect the pigs from the bad effects of helminths.
  • When the time comes, the amount of food consumed should be reduced. This is due to the fact that the full intestine presses on the uterus and can cause premature birth. Also, such an action reduces the likelihood of pathologies.
  • Due to the fact that a pregnant pig does not move much, it needs to be forced to walk from time to time so that it does not get too fat and can easily give birth.

During this period, they try to give food that has a mild laxative effect. Food is given in liquid or semi-liquid form to avoid bowel pressure on the uterus.

Place for childbirth

It doesn't matter how many piglets you get in one farrowing, you should definitely prepare a place for farrowing at home. For the process to be successful, you need to carefully choose a location. To do this, perform the following actions

  • disinfect the room to avoid infections and contamination;
  • take out unnecessary items from the room;
  • whitewash the walls and ceiling (for this it is better to use ordinary lime);
  • ventilate the room well;
  • put a bed of straw or hay on the floor;

The room must have certain temperature conditions: a comfortable temperature is considered to be from 18 ° C to 25 ° C. This needs to be paid special attention to in winter. It is imperative to protect the sow from drafts. If the summer is hot outside and the female is uncomfortable, she can be lightly sprayed with water at room temperature.

To deliver successfully, you need to prepare all the necessary items in advance.

  • a piece of clean cloth;
  • sterile gloves;
  • scissors;
  • pharmacy iodine (iodine concentration should be 5%);
  • threads;
  • potassium permanganate solution (weak, it should be slightly purple and prepared just before childbirth).

If the female gives birth in the cold season, then the place where the piglets will be immediately after giving birth requires special heating. It is necessary to install several lamps, preferably infrared, with a power of 200 watts. The temperature should be kept at 27-30 ° C. In order to control the temperature, it is advisable to also install a thermometer.

Harbingers of childbirth in a pig

You need to be very careful not to miss the moment when the mumps begins to give birth. It is not difficult to determine this: there are precursor signs.

  • The lower back sags noticeably, as the belly drops.
  • The pig becomes even more motionless and cautious, less often gets up.
  • Changes occur in the udder per day. It grows slightly and becomes loose, and when pressing on the nipples, a liquid is released - colostrum.
  • The behavior of the animal changes. A few days before farrowing, the pig rakes the litter into one place, making a nest.
  • The female begins to behave restlessly.
  • The animal's breathing becomes rapid.
  • Mucus begins to flow from the uterus.

Pig labor very often takes place at night. In this regard, observation of the animal should be constant and round-the-clock, but unobtrusive, so as not to frighten the female. Only control will help not to miss the signs of an impending event.

Generic process

Farrowing is the most important step in the pig care process, as the profitability of the entire event depends on it. It is important for the pig that the birth is taken by a person whom she knows and whom she trusts. Best of all, the presence of the veterinarian and the owner of the animal. Pigs will be worried before giving birth and need to be reassured.

  • If the animal lies on its side, labor has begun. The process takes place from the two horns of the uterus in turn.
  • Contractions occur in the same way as in humans: first, rare and mild, then frequent and strong.
  • There is a break of 5-30 minutes between the release of fruits.
  • The shortest interval between the birth of the first and second pigs. Further, the process slows down significantly and can drag on for up to half an hour between each individual.

How long does it take for an animal to give birth to piglets? With luck, farrowing will not last long: 2 to 6 hours. In some cases, if childbirth is difficult, it can stretch up to 10 hours.

If more piglets should appear, and the contractions have stopped and the female no longer gives birth, a specialist should be invited. There can be many reasons for this: the female is tired or cannot push the fetus herself. Before farrowing, a novice farmer is advised to study this issue in more detail, you can watch training videos, photos, invite a veterinarian to give birth. If you follow all the instructions, everything will go smoothly and successfully.

The actions of people during childbirth should be as follows:

  • Each piglet that is born should be wiped off with a clean cloth and see exactly who was born.
  • Cut the umbilical cord, tie it around the belly with a thread and treat with iodine.
  • If the piglet comes out in the bladder, it is ripped open and the animal is helped to breathe.

If, after farrowing, the pig behaves calmly, then everything is fine and the piglets can be attached to the udder, having previously treated them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Getting colostrum in the first hours of life will strengthen the immunity of the piglets and alleviate the condition of the sow.

Do not take the cubs from the female, as she will be nervous and look for them, and such small pigs may not get up on their own. It is very important to keep and feed the piglets with the mother.

Possible consequences

Complications are possible during farrowing, which is why the sow needs a man.

The causes of complications can be:

  • weak labor activity;
  • improper placement of piglets;
  • too big a pig;
  • constipation in the sow.

If childbirth is delayed and the piglets do not come out on their own, the person must pull them out on their own by washing their hands and smearing them with petroleum jelly. Piglets that die during childbirth are removed immediately so that the sow does not crush them. If the labor activity weakens after the birth of the first piglets, they are applied to the udder, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus and the strengthening of labor activity. If this does not help, the sow is injected with oxytocin. Any dosage of the drug is selected exclusively by a veterinarian, taking into account the characteristics of the female.

Animal care

After giving birth, the piglets and mumps need to be properly cared for.

  • The sow is washed, wiped and transferred to a dry place.
  • The piglets are constantly monitored, as they do not move much and the sow can simply crush them.
  • The pig can be fed 9 hours after giving birth. If she refuses to feed, she is offered sugar water.

The appearance of appetite is an indicator that the birth was successful. If the female refuses to eat, then perhaps she has health problems and it is better to show the animal to the veterinarian. If the pig does not want to feed the piglets, but lies on its stomach, it has problems with the gastrointestinal tract and just needs to be given a laxative. If a farmer does not know how to properly care for a mumps, he should watch videos and photos on this topic.


To understand what a farmer needs to know in order to carry out successful childbirth in a pig and in order for a viable offspring to be born that can bring profit in the future, you need to communicate with professionals in their field. For this, people who want to start farming can go to the forums. It is also recommended to study all videos on raising, breeding and caring for pigs.

If you adhere to these recommendations, the offspring will be strong and healthy. Care and attention are important to any animal. People should not abandon their charges during such a process, they need to help as much as possible, no matter how long it lasts.

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