
Hosta Halcyon - the blue queen of the shady garden
How to grow the lovely Hosta Halcyon? What does the plant look like and the history of breeding the variety. Reviews of gardeners. Care recommendations.
Tree hydrangea Magic Pinkerbell - how to care for a shrub
Hydrangea Magic Pinkerbell is prized for its lush bloom and good frost resistance. Characteristics of the variety. Timing, landing rules. Care. Reproduction. Reviews.
Clematis Blekitney Aniol - general information about the variety
Choosing for planting clematis Blekitney Aniol, read its description, agricultural technology, reproduction, prevention and treatment, reviews of gardeners.
Clematis Etual Violette - planting and care
Choosing for planting clematis Etaul Violett, read its description, the rules of agricultural technology, prevention and treatment, reviews of gardeners.
Clematis Innocent Blash - general characteristics of the variety
Clematis innocent blach is prized for its twofold and bright bloom. Characteristic. Rules, landing dates. Care. Reproduction. Application. Reviews.
Shelter clematis for the winter - rules and terms
The term for sheltering clematis for the winter, the use of insulation technology, depending on the pruning group, when and how to remove the protection correctly.

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