Characteristics of the variety of tomatoes Richie

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A correctly selected variety is the key to an excellent harvest. Among the large number of varietal varieties of tomatoes, there is a hybrid F1, which has been grown by domestic gardeners for more than 10 years - the Richie F1 tomato.

Characteristics of the variety of tomatoes Richie

Characteristics of the variety of tomatoes Richie

Characteristics of the variety

Richie is a hybrid produced by Dutch breeders.

The hybrid is quite early ripening: it takes about 3 months from seed germination to collecting the first fruits.

According to the description, the plant is not tall, about 50-70 cm. Standard hybrid, with limited bush growth.

Fruits are dense, round, sugary, even, weighing 120 g.

Ripe fruits are eaten fresh, used for seaming for the winter, whole-fruited, processed into lecho and mashed potatoes, and a pleasant and healthy juice is harvested.

Richie is best grown in greenhouses, but it grows well in unprotected soil, some even manage to grow it on the balcony of an apartment.

This tomato has an increased immunity to fungal and bacterial infections.

Growing tips

The abundant harvest of F1 Richie tomatoes is largely due to the soil for the seedlings: the more useful minerals in the soil, the better. It is also necessary to plant seedlings in well-fed garden soil: this way, tomatoes are not stressed when transplanted into open ground.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

Stress in plants is caused by a sharp change in growing conditions - a change in temperature from comfortable to very high or low, soil moisture. Planting in open ground is an inevitable stress for plants, in order to reduce the time of adaptation to external conditions, the day before planting, seedlings are treated with Epin Extra.

It is advisable to grow the plant with a garter to the support. You should leave 3 stepsons for the timely ripening of the fruits. The hybrid is picky about soil moisture and the amount of sunlight, responds well to complex fertilization throughout its growth.

The F1 Richie is more fruitful in neutral soil than in alkaline soil.


According to the description, under favorable conditions, more than 1 kg of fruit can be harvested from the bush in greenhouse shelters. With a planting density of 7 plants per 1 sq. m leaves up to 10 kg of tomatoes. In the open field, the yield is slightly lower.

Benefits of the variety

The fruits of this variety are versatile in use.

The fruits of this variety are versatile in use.

The variety has a number of positive characteristics:

  • good appearance and taste;
  • the ability to store for a long time and not lose nutrients;
  • early maturity;
  • the ability to grow tomatoes in different climatic conditions;
  • versatility in use;
  • great resistance to fungal diseases;
  • good transportability.


The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • moderate fruiting rates;
  • exactingness to care.

Diseases and pests

Tomato variety F1 is resistant to the main diseases of nightshade crops: late blight, cladosporium, leaf spot, tobacco mosaic.Damage to plants by insect pests is likely, therefore, for prevention, tomatoes are treated with insecticides.

To prevent the appearance of pests, it is necessary to observe the regime of irrigation and fertilization of the soil, to loosen it in a timely manner.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

Many insect pests, after coming out of the state of winter dormancy, before the appearance of cultivated plants in the garden, feed initially on weeds. It is also possible to reduce their number by destroying weeds around the garden plot.

Root rot can sometimes occur. This problem is dealt with by cultivating the soil, reducing watering and mulching. To protect against root rot, the biological preparation Glyoclodine is used.

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