Rules for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2019

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Gardeners engaged in the cultivation of different crops on their planting plots, when carrying out work, pay special attention to the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Already, vegetable growers are actively looking for information that will tell you when to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2019.

Rules for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2019

Rules for planting tomatoes for seedlings in 2019

Factors Influencing Planting Time

The harvest of tomatoes depends on the correct planting date. It is influenced by several factors:

  • the region in which the plants are grown. Areas with warm climates provide an opportunity to plant and grow plants for a longer period. In areas with severe weather conditions (in the Urals, in Siberia), which are characterized by a short and rather cool summer period, this period is much shorter;
  • variety of tomatoes. It is advisable to plant early crops later than late-ripening varieties: in March, April or May. This is due to the rapid development of the plant, its short growing season;
  • places of growing vegetables. Outdoor tomatoes are more demanding when it comes to planting. You need to transplant healthy and strong seedlings into the beds. This significantly increases the chances of their quick adaptation to new conditions.

Tomatoes are placed on a permanent place of growth (greenhouses, vegetable garden) when their age is 1.5-2 months. Until this time, the seedlings are actively forming a root system, strong foliage and several buds. A good harvest from weak, non-viable seedlings with a poorly developed root system should not be expected.

When tomatoes are planted too early on seedlings, the stems of the plants stretch out, become thinner, the leaves turn pale. Late sowing leads to the fact that the culture does not have time to develop, remains weak and small, it is difficult to adapt during transplantation, and later forms a small number of ovaries.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

Professionally growing tomato farmers believe that seedlings at the age of 35-40 days are the most technologically advanced for planting. Its height at this age is usually about 15-20 cm. Such seedlings are easy to transport to the planting site. She quickly takes root without losing the "race". While very large, elongated seedlings "get sick" longer when transplanting.

Lunar calendar

Knowledgeable vegetable growers try to follow the recommendations that the lunar calendar provides annually. Even ancestors noticed that the night star has a certain effect on the growth, development and fertility of agricultural crops.

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings is recommended to be carried out in 2019 during a period when the moon will actively gain strength (with a growing moon). This will enable them to germinate faster, and in the future - to be more stable and hardy.

With the waning moon, when the root system of plants is actively developing, a dive of tomatoes is carried out.Transplanting seedlings during this period assumes that young shoots will take root more easily, will be less painful and will begin to grow more actively.

In addition to the phases of the moon, the growth and development of culture, in accordance with the lunar calendar, is influenced by the constellation of the signs of the zodiac, in which the night star resides at one time or another. It is recommended to carry out work on planting and transplanting tomatoes in 2019 when the Moon is in the constellation Taurus, Cancer or Pisces.

Auspicious days

The lunar calendar will help determine the landing dates

The lunar calendar will help determine the landing dates

By sowing the seeds of this culture at the time recommended by the lunar calendar, you can be sure of the beneficial influence of the luminary. The sprouts appear in the shortest possible time, and the seedlings are healthy.

In 2019, sowing tomato should be carried out on these days:

  • January. Late varieties of tomatoes are sown this month. The following numbers are suitable for this: 1, 12-16, 24-26, 28, 29;
  • in February it is 1, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18-20, 25, 26, 28;
  • suitable for March plantings 1, 8-10, 14, 15, 17-20, 24-28;
  • in April 12, 18, 20, 21, 27, 29 will be successful for sowing;
  • tomato plantings in May are made 2, 3, 8-10, 15-18, 28.

Bad days

At this time, it is not recommended not only to sow plant seeds, but also to carry out any manipulations with them: soak, disinfect, warm up, etc. These include:

  • January - 2, 5-7, 18, 20, 22, 31;
  • February - 5, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 27;
  • March - 2, 3, 5-7, 11-13, 16, 21, 22, 31;
  • April - 4, 5, 8-11, 13, 15-17, 19, 28;
  • May - 5, 19, 20, 27, 29, 30.

Depending on the region

Each climatic zone assumes its own period of sowing tomato seeds:

  • in central Russia (including the Moscow region), tomato seeds are sown from early March to early April. This is the most successful time for the timely ripening of seedlings, which will not allow them to stretch out before the time comes when it will be necessary to transplant them to a permanent place. The Moscow region is characterized as an area with unstable weather conditions, and late night frosts can adversely affect young plants;
  • in the Leningrad region, sowing of plants begins in mid-March. The matured seedlings will be ready for transplanting in early summer. The weather conditions at this time are already stable, warm, and young buds appear on the seedlings;
  • Siberia, the Urals (including Chelyabinsk) are distinguished by harsh climatic conditions. Early crops in these areas are sown in late February, mid-season crops in early spring, and late crops in January and February. Young plants will be ready for transplanting to the beds in early June - July, and to the greenhouse in May or April;
  • in Belarus, which is famous for its mild, warm climate, tomato seeds are sown in February and January, while adhering to the recommended numbers of the lunar calendar. By all accounts, 2019 should be fruitful for vegetables.


Plants need good care

Plants need good care

Sowing a culture in a certain period is only the beginning of the path to success. After that, it is necessary to provide her with proper care:

  • 28-35 days after sowing the seeds, young seedlings, which at this time have 2-4 true leaves, must be dived. According to the lunar calendar 2019, this should be done on the growing moon, which is in the zodiacal constellation Taurus or Pisces. During the period when the Moon is in Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio, it is not recommended to carry out such agrotechnical actions: this can lead to illness or death of a young seedling;
  • the entire period of growth and development of seedlings, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil in containers for growing crops - it must be moderately moist. Watering tomatoes at the end of the day should preferably be carried out according to the recommended lunar calendar dates;
  • before picking, the plants are fertilized with organic additives for the first time. They are recommended to be introduced during the waning moon: this activates the development of culture and strengthens it. 10 days after transplanting the plants, fertilizers are applied a second time in separate containers.In this case, mineral dressings are used, which it is desirable to apply when the moon is in the growth phase.
  • It is impossible to fertilize with organic matter either before or after the pick !!! Soil for tomato seedlings should already initially be compiled using organic components: peat, well-decomposed and rotted compost or manure. Even with mineral fertilizers, seedlings are fed ONLY 7-10 days after the pick.

Fertilization is recommended when the Moon is in the constellation Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces or Libra. This is the most favorable period for maximum plant intake of nutrients.

Auspicious days

Weeding is also best done on certain days:

  • March - 7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21;
  • April - 7, 8, 11, 12, 17, 18;
  • May - 1-4, 17, 18, 29, 30.

Watering and loosening at the end of the day, according to the lunar calendar, is recommended on such days:

  • March - 1-6, 8-13, 15, 17-20;
  • April - 5-18, 22, 25-30;
  • May - 2-10, 12-18, 28.

Fertilizing a varietal culture is best done:

  • in March - 6, 15, 20;
  • in April - 4, 7-11, 16, 18;
  • in May - 1-4, 6, 7, 21-25, 29-31.

Planting seedlings to a permanent place

Planting dates depend on the type of greenhouse

Planting dates depend on the type of greenhouse

The seedling method of growing tomatoes allows gardeners to significantly reduce caring for them. Adult seedlings are moved to a permanent growth site in a greenhouse or open ground. The basic principles by which it is recommended to plant seedlings are as follows:

  • in a greenhouse, which is equipped with heating elements, it is allowed to transplant a crop at any age;
  • seedlings are transferred to an ordinary film, glass greenhouse or to an open bed 50-70 days after sowing the seeds;
  • seedlings are moved to open areas 10-14 days later than to an unheated greenhouse.

The strongest and healthiest plant specimens are selected for planting. The height of the seedlings should be at least 25 cm. After placing them in the open field, it is recommended to cover the area with protective materials (lutrasil, spunbond).

To the greenhouse

The transfer of seedlings to a greenhouse, especially a heated one, can be carried out at any time. The main thing is to take into account the days indicated in the gardener's lunar calendar as favorable for such agrotechnical work.

For greenhouse cultivation, weak plants with an undeveloped root system can be taken: with proper care, the culture quickly recovers and begins to grow actively.

It is advisable to transfer tomatoes to a greenhouse during a period when the Moon is in the constellation Taurus, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio or Capricorn. During this period, there is a possibility of the fastest possible rooting of crops and their subsequent high-quality development.

In open ground

When transplanting seedlings to open areas, you should pay attention not only to favorable days for this, but also to weather conditions during this period. It is not recommended to plant plants during heavy rains or at low temperatures. This will slow down the development and growth of the culture, and its fruiting will be later.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

The "biological zero" for tomato plants is a temperature of +10 degrees. If the tomato is kept at this temperature for a long time, it may die. The optimum temperature for planting tomatoes in open ground is + 18-20.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place on certain days will be painless for them - the seedlings quickly adapt to a new place and actively start growing. These include these dates:

  • March - 17-20, 24-27;
  • April - 2, 7, 8, 11, 20, 21, 27-29;
  • May - 8-10, 12-19, 28, 31;
  • June - 1-6, 9-14.

Seedling care

The first pinching of young plants is recommended 10-14 days after planting them in a permanent place. This procedure is carried out while the Moon is in Capricorn, Scorpio or Gemini.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

Grassing accelerates the early harvest, because tomato plants do not waste energy on the growth of stepchildren.But in the southern regions of the country, only indeterminate (tall) varieties are grown, which are grown in one stem. Determinant (bush) do not stepchild, because under conditions of a long growing season, it manages to ripen not only the harvest on the main stem, but also on the stepchildren, due to which the yield from the bush is several times higher in the south.

If she is in Leo, Sagittarius or Aries, it is undesirable to carry out pinching. This is especially dangerous during the full moon period: damaged areas of the seedling take a long time to heal and are subject to diseases until death.

Plants need regular watering

Plants need regular watering

5-6 days after transplanting the seedlings into a greenhouse or open ground, in the afternoon, the first watering is carried out, which after that must be done every 5-7 days, depending on the region and place of cultivation.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

During the growing season, tomatoes are recommended to be fed 3-4 times. The first feeding is done 7-10 days after planting in the ground. Plants are most susceptible to fertilization when the Moon is in Virgo, Taurus, Pisces, Capricorn or Cancer.

For pests and diseases, tomatoes are recommended to be treated with special agents when the Moon is in Gemini, Aries or Virgo.

Tatiana Orlova (Candidate of Agricultural Sciences):

However, if you urgently need to deal with diseases and pests, you should not wait for the favorable location of the lunar body. Time may be lost.

Weeding or loosening the soil, if possible, is carried out on days suitable for this according to the lunar calendar, which will contribute to the appearance of a small number of weeds and the subsequent abundant harvest.

Harvesting and harvesting

The first crop of tomatoes is used fresh. With a large number of fruits, some of them are processed. The duration of fruiting depends on the crop variety, region and place of cultivation.

Harvesting in open areas continues until the first autumn frosts, and in greenhouse conditions - until the end of the fruiting period.

The safety of tomatoes will be much higher if they are harvested during the period when the Moon is in Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Gemini or Leo. Fruits taken from the bushes when the night star is in Pisces, Cancer or Virgo are not characterized by keeping quality.

Vegetables harvested during this period lose their characteristic tomato flavor, become bland, so it is advisable to process them immediately.

Tomato blanks for the winter, which were made with the growing moon in Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Gemini or Sagittarius, have a rich taste and will be stored for a long time.

Tomato harvesting for the winter is not recommended when the moon is full and the moon is waning. They do not last long, and the taste becomes uncharacteristic for such preservation.


Vegetable growers willingly share their observations that relate to the lunar phases regarding tomatoes:

  • full moon. This is the period of getting rid of pests, diseases and weeds;
  • waning moon. It is not recommended to take actions that can harm the root system of the plant. During this period, it is desirable to carry out top dressing, pruning and watering of the crop;
  • new moon. During this period, it is undesirable to perform absolutely no actions with the seedlings;
  • Waxing Crescent. A great time for planting, pinching, loosening the soil. During this period, it is good to plant tall varieties of tomatoes: the development of the ground part of the plant is activated.
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