Origin and properties of pomelo

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Citrus fruits come in a variety of shapes and colors. Often, to breed a new variety, they are crossed with each other. Many citrus lovers wonder if the pomelo is a fruit hybrid.

Origin and properties of pomelo

Origin and properties of pomelo

Pomelo characteristic

Pomelo is a mixture of citrus fruits. It is an evergreen tree belonging to the Root family and the Citrus subfamily. It has a spherical crown. The height of the tree sometimes reaches 15 m.

According to the most common point of view, pomelo is a hybrid of grapefruit and orange, but a hybrid of grapefruit and pomelo is called sweets.

Citrus fruits are among the largest in the world. Their weight often exceeds 10 kg. The shape of the pomelo is different: round, pear-shaped, elliptical. The skin of the fruit is smooth and thick. Its color ranges from green to yellow. The pulp is protected by white membranes that taste bitter. The sweet juicy heart comes in green, white and pink colors.

The orange grows only in countries with climates where heavy rains are combined with prolonged hot sun all year round. Under these conditions, the tree produces a crop twice a year. It takes 5 months for one fruit to ripen. During this time, citrus picks up the maximum amount of sugar and grows to an impressive size.

Fruit origin

Many believe that the pomelo is a citrus hybrid that was bred not so long ago, because it is not as common as an orange or tangerine. But this fruit was known as early as 100 BC. e. in China. It is in China, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, the islands of Fiji and Tonga, the Philippines, Israel, and the state of California that this citrus is especially widespread and grown for export.

Europe discovered the pomelo in the 19th century, when the Dutch and then English conquerors brought it home. The inhabitants of the Netherlands gave it the name Pompelmus. The British named it sheddock - in honor of the captain, who was the first to bring the seeds of the exotic fruit from the island of Barbados. Even then, it was assumed that the pomelo is a hybrid of citrus fruits.

Now it is also widely believed that the pomelo is some kind of variety or hybrid that arose from accidental pollination in the plant's homeland. It is possible that this happened in ancient times, but in Chinese history this fruit is recorded as equivalent, not created by selection.

There are interesting theories of which fruit is a hybrid of a pomelo:

  • The pomelo is said to be a hybrid of a grapefruit with an orange. Or a pomelo is a hybrid of a grapefruit with some distant relative that has already disappeared. These statements are fundamentally wrong, since the grapefruit itself is a hybrid that has appeared relatively recently.
  • For some time, European theorists were inclined to believe that the orange comes from a selective crossing of an apple and a melon. This opinion is absurd, because it is difficult to pollinate such different fruits. If it succeeded, the fruit would not be citrus as a result.
  • There is an assumption that the orange is one common ancestor of all citrus fruits. It has common features with representatives of this subspecies, but also many differences. For example, a hybrid crossed on the basis of a pomelo and a white grapefruit, called sviti (pomelite, oroblanco), differs from other fruits and has many improved qualities.

Useful and harmful properties

The fruit contains many valuable substances

The fruit contains many valuable substances

The composition of the orange is rich in useful trace elements, vitamins, and minerals. It is appreciated for its almost complete absence of fat. It contains a high level of vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the human body, supporting the immune system and regulating the work of other organs. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, PP, useful compounds of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese, iron and sodium.

The high content of folic acid, essential oils and important organic acids confirms the value of the product for human consumption and industrial needs.

The benefits of the fruit

The healing properties of citrus are pronounced when used directly as a component of the diet. He, like grapefruit, is able to break down fat cells and remove their excess from the body.

Another important effect is possessed by the substance present in it - spermine, which protects cells from rapid aging and damage.

The chemical components of the fetus act on the body as a whole as follows:

  • strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls, stimulating their correct work;
  • lower blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • increase the protection of the immune system against pathological microorganisms, infections, parasites, fungi;
  • prevent the emergence and development of cancer cells;
  • smooth out asthmatic attacks and do not harm diabetes;
  • are a universal remedy for improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails and performing rejuvenation procedures at home.

Contraindications to use

Like every citrus, pomelo is a strong allergen. A person susceptible to this type of allergic reaction should be careful to introduce this product into their diet as food or cosmetic. At the slightest negative reaction, you should consult a specialist.

For pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, the use of orange can also bring unexpected unpleasant consequences. The fruit has many beneficial substances, but remains an allergen, getting to the child through blood or milk. The baby's body is sometimes not ready to perceive new components, and therefore responds with the appearance of a negative reaction to the product. For the same reason, the introduction of the fetus into the diet of children under 5 years of age is limited.

The strong influence of chemical elements in the composition on some systems of human life is also taken into account. People with liver and kidney problems, acid-base balance disorders, ulcers, gastritis are not recommended to consume pomelo in large quantities.

It is dangerous for patients with low blood pressure to consume even a small amount of the fruit.

Pomelo selection rules

This citrus fruit is used raw, as well as for preparing salads, side dishes, desserts, and drinks. To do this, each lobule is freed from white membranes, which have a bitter taste. The fibers separated according to this principle are already ready for use.

To choose a good fruit, the best way out is to adhere to certain rules:

  • ripe pomelo smells bright, with a delicate citrus note, even at a short distance;
  • the heavier the fruit, the more likely its readiness for consumption;
  • the pomelo peel should be smooth, uniform in consistency and color, soft and springy; any changes indicate improper storage, transportation or deterioration.


The origin of such a representative of citrus fruits as pomelo convinces of its uniqueness and special usefulness. This fruit is used as a means to maintain general health and youthfulness. Its use is correlated with contraindications common to all citrus fruits. The choice of ripe and tasty fruit helps not only to improve the general condition, but also to avoid stomach problems.

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