Description of pepper Siberian Prince

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Siberian prince pepper has won the hearts of many gardeners, thanks to its excellent taste. Moreover, the variety, undoubtedly, is the leader in yield among the early maturing. We will tell you more about the characteristics of the variety in the article.

Siberian Pepper Prince

Siberian Pepper Prince

Characteristics of the variety

The Siberian prince is best suited for growing in open beds, but they do quite well in a greenhouse. From the appearance of the first shoots to the moment when the fruits are ready to be harvested, it takes about 105-110 days. In addition to good yields, the variety can please with its simultaneous ripening.

Peppers have an excellent taste and smell, which is why they are most often consumed raw or in salads. They do not lose their taste even during stewing, canning or stuffing.

Description of the plant

The bush is quite powerful and tall. Usually, the height reaches 70-80 cm, but there are also cases when it exceeds 1 m. For this reason, plants, most often, are formed into one stem and tied to a support.

Leaves are medium in size, bright green in color.

Description of fruits

The fruits are cone-shaped. Ribbing is practically absent. The weight of one pepper ranges from 90 to 150 grams.

The surface of the peppers is beautiful and glossy. When technically ripe, they have a yellowish-greenish color, when fully ripe, they are dark red. In addition, the color becomes more uniform during maturation.

The walls of the Siberian prince are of average thickness - from 4.5 to 5 mm. The pulp is very juicy, sweet and tasty. For an uncharacteristic fragrant aroma.


Delicious sweet peppers

Delicious sweet peppers

Description of sweet pepper Siberian Prince is as follows:

  • leader in yield among early varieties;
  • friendly return of fruits, which is repeated several times;
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility of fruit use;
  • rich in vitamins (B, C), carotene;
  • use for vitamin deficiencies, anemia as a medicine.

Sowing and planting sweet peppers

Seeds for seedlings are sown from the 20th of February to mid-March. For sowing, a specially prepared soil is best suited, consisting of peat, sand, humus and turf ash in equal parts. The optimum temperature for their germination is considered to be in the range of 25-28 ° C.

A pick is carried out when there are already 1-2 leaves on the plant, or, initially, sow in separate containers. Before picking, the peppers must be watered abundantly. The transplant containers should not be large, and the plants should be deepened into the soil by no more than 5 mm.

After 70-80 days (late May - early June), the seedlings can already be planted in greenhouses without heating. Planting in open soil should be done only at the beginning of June.

The characteristic of the variety indicates that an important factor in growing is the soil for planting seedlings. Loamy soil is best suited to which air can easily pass. Plants are believed to grow and bear fruit well in areas where legumes, greens or cabbage were formerly grown.


Sort of peppers Siberian Prince belongs to the moisture-loving. He needs frequent watering at the root (0.5 liters for each bush), which should be carried out in the late afternoon (after sunset). It is best to use warm and settled water. It must be remembered that, in contrast to the soil, the air humidity should be fairly low.

Tall plants need a binding support. In order for their root system to be strong and develop well, it is necessary to weed out the weeds and loosen the soil around the peppers. This will allow air to penetrate better to the roots.

Fertilization should be carried out continuously. During the period of plant growth, it is necessary to periodically make nitrogen fertilizers, and during the ripening of the fruits - potassium-phosphorus.

The description suggests that when growing peppers of this variety, it is necessary to periodically trim the side shoots. This will help avoid small fruits.


It is safe to say that the breeders have tried very hard working on this variety. It has a huge number of advantages that will appeal to any gardener.

Sweet pepper Siberian Prince does not differ in high demands on care and growing conditions, therefore it is suitable for both amateur and professional gardeners.

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