Planting rules for pepper in 2019

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When planning to plant bell peppers in a summer cottage, it is worth remembering the main rule: the secret of an excellent harvest is to use high-quality seedlings. The lunar calendar will help to calculate the optimal time for sowing and transplanting sprouts, which indicates favorable days when pepper planting can be carried out in 2019.

Planting rules for pepper in 2019

Planting rules for pepper in 2019

Factors influencing the sowing period

There is no consensus on when to plant bell pepper seeds. Each gardener has his own point of view on how to calculate the right time to start sowing. Sowing dates depend on factors such as the climate of the region, the variety of pepper, the growing conditions (under film or in the open field).

Climatic conditions

When planting sprouts, be guided by the temperature regime that is typical for your region. If you live in southern latitudes, start germinating seeds in February. Then in May you can taste the first ripe fruits.

In the north, you should not start growing seedlings earlier than March. It is necessary for the weather to stabilize.

Features of the variety

Planting times will vary depending on the type of plant. There are early, medium and late varieties. Among themselves, they differ in seed germination, the timing of seedlings rooting in the soil and the duration of the growing season.

  1. Early peppers begin to bear fruit 3.5-4 months after planting the seeds.
  2. Mid-season varieties will need 4 to 4.5 months.
  3. In late species, peppers will appear in 150-160 days.

For detailed information on the plant, see the original packaging of the seed.

Conditions for growing pepper

It is recommended to plant seedlings for the greenhouse 2 weeks earlier than the one that is planned to be planted directly in the garden.

Seeds collected during the last season will sprout very quickly, in 6-8 days. The old ones will take much longer (18-20 days). Plants are planted in open ground in the second half of May or early June. By this time, the seedlings should be at least 2-3 months old, so the seeds should be planted no later than February-March.

If the moment is missed, the plant will not have time to form normally before transplanting.

Lunar calendar for 2019

Many gardeners believe that the heavenly bodies have a huge impact on the development of plants, and when choosing successful days they are guided by the lunar calendar. It is compiled taking into account the movements of the Earth satellite. The moon goes through 4 main phases, each of which has its own characteristics and has an intense effect on garden plants.

  1. During the new moon period, it is recommended to pay special attention to putting things in order in the garden plot. Remove diseased and damaged shoots, collect fallen leaves and remove all weeds from the garden. You can collect planting material for later use.Other types of gardening work should be temporarily postponed.
  2. The period of active growth according to the lunar calendar lasts 10 days. At this time, under the influence of the Moon, plants begin to actively develop and gain strength, striving upward, which is ideal for sowing seeds and planting seedlings. After planting, pay close attention to the sprouts. Take care of their watering, observe the temperature regime, watch out for feeding the seedlings.
  3. The full moon reigns in the sky for only a few days (up to 3-4 days). During this period, gardeners are engaged in collecting ripe crops, monitor the health of seedlings, not forgetting to pinch them. You do not need to prune your plants, as this procedure, carried out on a full moon, can only worsen their condition.
  4. The waning of the moon is the time when vegetables stop growing in order to accumulate strength before active fruiting.

Favorable and unfavorable days

The lunar calendar will help determine the choice of favorable days for landing

The lunar calendar will help determine the choice of favorable days for landing

Many gardeners believe that sweet peppers should be planted in open ground when a young month is in charge of the sky, otherwise the seedlings planted during the period of the gaining strength of the moon will actively grow and do not have time to form normal fruits.

Plants placed on the garden bed during the decrease of the celestial body will root well, but they will develop poorly.

According to the lunar calendar for 2019, good days for planting bell peppers fall on February 2, 3, 8, 9. Feel free to plant seedlings on the 10th, 11th, 15th and 24th. Transplant sprouts into the ground in the last days of the month.

There are much more favorable periods in March. Garden work can be done from 1 to 4 and from 7 to 13 March. 17, 25 and 26 are also considered good days. In April, start transplanting pepper seedlings from 2 to 4, as well as 13, 15, 16, 25.

According to the lunar calendar, there are days when it is not worth doing gardening. Refrain from planting peppers for seedlings on February 4, 5 and 20 in 2019. In March, these numbers are considered bad - 5, 6, 31. Postpone gardening on April 5, 10 and 17.

Influence of the zodiac signs

Many gardeners compare the work carried out in the garden with the position of the heavenly body, which it occupies in the zodiacal circle.

  1. Sowing pepper during the period when the moon is in Aries is not recommended. Since the element of the sign is fire, the seedlings will not be able to take root well. This time is suitable for working with grown plants. You can tie it up or pay attention to the formation of a bush. It is allowed to process and fertilize the soil.
  2. Favorable position - the night star in Taurus. During this period, you can do any kind of gardening work. It is recommended to plant planting material and carry out a pick. The sprouts that were transplanted at this time will be healthy and strong, which will allow you to harvest a rich harvest of juicy and tasty peppers.
  3. Days when the Moon is in Gemini are considered good times for gardening. This air sign of the zodiac promotes the rapid growth of plants. Pepper seedlings do not require additional maintenance.
  4. The Moon in Cancer is a neutral period. These days are not good, but they are not bad either. Working in the garden is not prohibited. Pepper seedlings can be planted, but they will grow very slowly. Seedlings during this period need abundant watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. The harvest will be good, but such peppers are not suitable for long-term storage.
  5. The worst option is sowing seeds when the star is in Leo. You should not start gardening work: they will still not be successful and you will waste your time. The planted seedlings will wither away, and the fruits will form small and tasteless. You can clean up the garden. It is recommended to pay attention to preventive measures against insect pests.
  6. The calm period is the Moon, located in the constellation Virgo. At this time, you can sow pepper, but you will not be able to collect a rich harvest.Do other gardening work. Plant evergreens, prune bushes.
  7. The most favorable time for gardening business falls on the period of the luminary's stay in Libra. On these days, it is allowed to sow seeds, transplant seedlings, and pick out grown sprouts. The varieties of bell peppers planted during this period will take root well, will not get sick and will bring an excellent harvest.
  8. The time when the Moon is in Scorpio is no less successful for working with plants. Seedlings transplanted into open ground will adapt well and will bloom actively, thanks to which you will be able to collect delicious vegetables.
  9. Sagittarius is considered not the most fruitful zodiac sign. Do not hope that the plants planted at this time will take root well. Take care of cleaning the garden, remembering to remove the damaged and spoiled fruits of the pepper. Take a close look at the appearance of the plants: the seedlings will definitely "signal" about the deterioration of their health.
  10. The best time for picking seedlings and planting plants in open ground is when the Moon reigns in the sky in the constellation Capricorn. Any work in the garden is allowed. Do not forget about top dressing and increased watering of seedlings.
  11. The night star in Aquarius negatively affects the growth of garden crops, so you should not engage in sowing seeds. Wait for more favorable days.
  12. The period when the Moon is in Pisces is considered neutral. Plants planted at this time grow slowly. Their root system is poorly formed, which is why the seedlings become susceptible to temperature disturbances.

Care-friendly days

The yield of plants depends on the correct planting.

The yield of plants depends on the correct planting.

It is important to properly organize and carry out sowing work. This is a guarantee that pepper seedlings will grow and develop normally, which means that an excellent harvest will not be long in coming. Garden work begins in January and ends in May.


This winter month is not very suitable for sowing seedlings. The soil will be frozen due to low temperatures and will not be suitable for planting seeds. The new moon in January 2019 will fall on the 5th-7th.

In the following days, while the moon is full, it is allowed to take care of the garden. In January, study the varieties of seeds you have and start preparing the soil for growing seedlings. If you are going to plant peppers in a greenhouse, set up a greenhouse.


In early February, most gardeners begin to plant seeds in the ground. It will be possible to harvest a good harvest of pepper only if you provide the culture with comfortable conditions for growth. Seedlings need warmth and ultraviolet radiation, and in February it can be cold even at home.

Provide the sprouts with extra light and warmth. Arrange seed preparation early in the month. Do not forget to disinfect and temper them. Within 3-4 days they will hatch, after which they need to be planted in the ground. Most gardeners use disposable seedling containers. Start planting seeds from 8 to 15 February.

Good days are 16, 18, 24 and 25. After the sprouts appear, give them time for their root system to take root. Do not loosen the soil: this can harm the plants. Other days of February are considered neutral for sowing pepper seeds. Seedlings planted during this period will take root well, but will not bring a large harvest.


The best option for sowing pepper seedlings in 2019 is March. In this month the weather stabilizes and it is warm. Daylight hours last for a long time, which favorably affects the formation of plants. New moon days (March 5-7) are not suitable for gardening.

The most suitable, according to the lunar calendar, the numbers for sowing are 10-12, 15-17 and 22-24. In March, they are still planting pepper to create seedlings. If you have already done this in February, take care of the seedlings that have hatched. Pepper picking must be carried out when the moon enters the growth phase (from March 7 to 9).

The end of the month is suitable for the first mineral fertilization. Do not forget to monitor the health of the seedlings.


The month when it is customary to end sowing work is April. The seedlings have grown and are ready for planting in the soil. In the first days of the month, such work is carried out in a greenhouse, and by the end they are transferred to the garden. An air temperature of at least 13-14 ° C is considered optimal for transplanting sprouts.

When the weather conditions are right, plant the seedlings that were sown in February. Gardening should not be done during the young month (April 3-6) and full moon (April 19) phases.

Lucky days fall on the 2nd, 7th, 11th and 12th. Plants are allowed to be transplanted into open ground that have reached at least 20 cm in height, have 8-10 leaves and a strong stem.


With the arrival of May, pay close attention to caring for the seedlings. During this period, shoots that were planted in March are transferred to the open ground. Seedlings already growing in the garden need feeding and abundant watering. Favorable days for caring for pepper seedlings in May 2019: 7-8, 10-11, 14-15, 18 and 28.

Landing dates in the regions

Depending on climatic conditions, the time for sowing seeds and growing pepper seedlings may differ.

  1. In the Moscow region, the sowing of late varieties begins in early February. In this case, already in the first months of summer you can enjoy delicious and fresh peppers. Early varieties of plants in the Moscow region are planted in March. Consider temperature readings. The soil must not be frozen. A favorable period for carrying out garden work in this area is considered to be the time from February 15 to March 15.
  2. In the Urals and Siberia, mid-season varieties of peppers are grown, which begin to actively bear fruit 3-3.5 months after planting the seeds. Try not to delay sowing seedlings. Having planted the seeds in the last days of March, you can taste the first fruits in June-July. In the northern latitudes, hybrid plant varieties are grown. Seedlings take root in greenhouse conditions.

Transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse

To plant seedlings, the greenhouse must be prepared in advance. There are certain periods: planting is allowed to start only if the soil has warmed up to the optimum temperature (at least 13-14 ° C). Frozen soil should be watered with plenty of hot water. Add extra heaters to the greenhouse.

Planting seeds to create pepper seedlings is carried out in February-March. Auspicious days in 2019 are the numbers from 8 to 15, from 16 to 18, from 24 to 26 February and from 10 to 17 March. The last days of the month are also suitable for this.

Open ground transplant times

Transplanting dived pepper seedlings to a garden bed is carried out in May. Garden work must start from the 10th. In earlier days, the soil is not yet sufficiently warmed up and the threat of frost remains. The first time after planting, the seedlings need to be covered with a non-woven fabric.

If you do not have time to organize additional seedling care, start transplanting seedlings a little later - in late May or early June. Good days for planting peppers are May 10-15, May 18-24, and June 10-15.

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