Description of pepper Orange miracle

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Pepper Orange miracle - a product of the Dutch selection. Recently, this variety has been popular. It has excellent characteristics of taste and commercial quality. Thanks to the large fruits of a bright color, it will become a decoration for your garden plot. A detailed description of this variety is presented in the article

Pepper Orange Miracle

Pepper Orange Miracle

Characteristics of the variety

Pepper Orange Miracle was developed in Holland. The most qualified specialists were engaged in the development of the variety, so they were able to create a really good product. In 2007, he got the opportunity to be included in the State Register of Russia.

It was originally bred for greenhouse cultivation. Over time, the variety has been improved. Ultimately, outdoor cultivation is allowed, but only in warm climates (that is, in the southern regions of the country).

Pepper Orange is a miracle shrub, it belongs to mid-season varieties. Vegetation lasts 110 days. After this period, you can harvest fruits that have reached technical maturity. That is, they completely formed the shape and weight, but did not take color.

Yield indicators are high: at least 15 kg of commercial quality fruits can be harvested from 1 m2.

Description of the bush

The height of the bush reaches a maximum mark of 100 cm. On each of them, 10 fruits can be formed at once.

Leaves are presented in small quantities. The foliage is dark green. There are few wrinkles on the surface. The main stem is powerfully developed and contains a small number of lateral shoots. Does not spread much around, so a dense planting is possible.

Features of the fetus

Description of Pepper Fruit Orange Miracle:

  • the fruit is presented in a cuboid shape, with a rich orange tint;
  • the weight of a single formed fruit is 250 g;
  • its length reaches 10 cm, but the diameter of the pepper is 9 cm;
  • the walls are 7 mm thick.

The pulp is juicy, but not watery. Sweet to taste, without any signs of bitterness.

Sweet peppers Orange miracle belongs to the universal varieties and is suitable for salads, preservation and fresh consumption. Many reviews indicate that the taste is preserved when the fruit is preserved or salted.

Preparing for disembarkation

Good seeds - good harvest

Good seeds - good harvest

First of all, you should take care of the quality of the seeds. Pepper seeds Orange Miracle must be disinfected with a manganese solution or aloe juice solution. This is done in order to kill all bacteria and boost the seed's immunity.

Then the seeds must be rinsed under running water and dried thoroughly. After processing, it can be planted in containers.

Separate containers are used for seedlings. Otherwise, when transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, the root system can be damaged.

Each container needs to be drained in the form of a hole in the bottom.This is done so that excess moisture comes out, rather than being stored in the roots. After all, this can lead to their rot.

Container preparation

Before planting seeds, you need to fill the container with light soil: mix sand, humus and ordinary soil, in a 1: 2: 1 ratio.

The soil needs to be watered with a small amount of water and the seeds are planted 3 cm deep, which allows the roots to form at a depth, which increases the resistance of the bush. Then you can fill the planting material with a small amount of the remaining soil and compact it a little.

In the room where the containers will be stored, a temperature of 25 ° C should be adhered to. Only under such conditions is the best seed germination observed. After the first signs of seedlings appear, the temperature can be reduced to 16 ° C.

Soil preparation

In the fall, organic matter must be introduced into the soil in the form of humus or peat. Make sure that the acidity of the soil is low and does not exceed 4%. Otherwise, lime must be added to the soil.

Transplanting ready-made seedlings (with 5 leaves and a height of 15 cm) into the greenhouse should be carried out according to the 50x50 scheme.

Prepare supports for tying the bushes right away. In the open field, the distance between the rows should be about 60 cm, and between the holes 40 cm. You also need to take care of the props.

Care advice

Fertilizers promote growth

Fertilizers promote growth

The characteristic of the rules for caring for the Orange Miracle pepper involves observing the temperature, timely watering and fertilizing.


First of all, you need to pay attention to watering. It is important to monitor the moisture level of the soil in order to prevent disturbance of the root system.

To do this, you need to water once every 3 days and only in the morning. This is necessary to keep moisture in the soil and not evaporate.

If you are growing Orange Miracle bell peppers in a greenhouse, then do not forget to spray the foliage on the bushes. After all, dry indoor air can disrupt the formation of ovaries and fruits.

Temperature regime

The air temperature in the greenhouse should not be lower than 25 ° C. This crop gives good yields only at high temperatures.

In the open field, you need to take care of shading the area with peppers at an air temperature of more than 35 ° C. In this case, the tops will begin to dry, which will lead to a decrease in yield.

Top dressing

Top dressing should be carried out three times during the growing season.

  1. The first is carried out at the time of the formation of the first shoots. It is necessary to use only phosphorus substances, which accelerate this process.
  2. The second top dressing consists of potassium compounds. It is carried out during the period of ovary formation. This allows you to speed up the formation process.
  3. The third feeding, which includes calcium and nitrogen, is carried out during the fruiting period. Thanks to these minerals, the size of the fruits increases and their ripening is accelerated.

Parasites and diseases


The main parasite that affects this type of pepper is aphid. To combat it, you need to use drugs such as "Akarin", "Fastak" or "Tanrek".

A solution for spraying is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of the drug should be diluted in 10 liters of warm water. Remember to spray only before and after flowering. During fruiting, spraying is prohibited, because this will lead to a violation of the structure of the fruit itself.

Spider mite

You can get rid of such a parasite as a spider mite using a solution of onions or garlic. Onions or garlic must be minced and diluted in water. For 1 tablespoon of gruel, you need to take 1 liter of water. Such spraying is carried out at any time. Hot ground pepper helps with slugs. It needs to be sprayed over each bush. It is better to do this not in windy weather, so that the drug gets to the infected areas.


If the plant has undergone a disease such as fusarium, then you will only have to burn the infected bush.Unfortunately, this fungal disease cannot be cured. It is better to burn the bush away from the garden so as not to infect other crops. Next year, it is better not to plant this culture in this place, because the bacteria will not have time to disappear.

The advantage of the Orange Miracle bell pepper is that it is the only species that is not affected by the tobacco mosaic virus. Resistance to diseases such as late blight or anthracnose is also noted.


Orange Miracle is perfect for those who love juicy fruits. Also, popularity is added to it by undemanding care and high yield rates.

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