Description of pepper Prince Igor

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Pepper Prince Igor f1 was bred by breeders in Russia. Its popularity among gardeners is very high. It is a crop that is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for planting in open ground in garden plots and in greenhouse conditions.

Pepper Prince Igor

Pepper Prince Igor

Characteristics of the variety

Sweet pepper Prince Igor is mid-season. The period from the moment of planting the plant to the beginning of ripening is 115 days on average. If we talk about the final maturity, then this will take at least 140 days.

Pepper perfectly tolerates a drop in temperature, unlike its counterparts, which does not at all affect the amount of the crop obtained, but can slightly increase the dyeing time to a deep red color.

By the end of the season, the yield can reach 22 kg per 1 square meter.

Description of pepper

The fruit of this variety has an elongated shape, slightly similar to a cube. Its thick glossy walls (up to 9 mm) are very fleshy. Initially, it has a dark green color, and when it is already completely ripe, it takes on a dark red color. The weight of one fruit can reach 250 grams.

In terms of taste, it is worth noting the absolute absence of bitterness, sweet and juicy pulp. The fruit is crispy. The excellent aroma and delicious presentation attract gardeners.

Description of the bush

Description of pepper Prince Igor says that the fruits are located horizontally on the bush itself, the leaves are not too large, rather medium in size, have a dark green color.

A tall, sprawling bush at some points reaches 70 cm, provided that it grows in open ground. If the planting takes place in greenhouse conditions, then the height of the bush can reach 1 m.

The bushes are very fertile, withstand 16-18 fruits at a time (sometimes this number reaches 25 pieces). The plant needs help and support by tying it to supports.

Planting seeds

Before planting the plant in the ground, it is necessary to prepare the seedlings.

First, you need to harden the seeds for 5 days: put them in the refrigerator for 5 hours a day, and then transfer them to a warm place. After that, you need to sort the seeds suitable for planting by placing them in water. Good, plantable seeds will sink to the bottom of the container, and unsuitable seeds will float up.

Seeds suitable for planting should be evenly laid out in a gauze cut, then rolled several times, moistened and left in a warm place until germination. This may take no more than 5 days. After the seeds have sprouted, you need to take them out of the gauze and dry them.

When the seeds have sprouted, they are transplanted into containers. You need to pour a mixture of soil into it and moisten it a little, plant the germinated seeds to a depth of no more than 1 cm.

The soil in pots must be periodically loosened and watered, stored mainly in warm rooms, and only when the moment of planting in the ground comes, begin to take it out into the street so that the seedlings become a little hardened.

Growing features

Good harvest requires proper care

Good harvest requires proper care

The variety, as far as possible, should be planted in areas that were planted last season with legumes, cucumbers or cabbage. The distance between the bushes cannot be very small, a distance of about 35 cm in width and 50 cm in length will be sufficient.

Prince Igor's description of the pepper says that it should be planted no earlier than the frosts finally go away, 2.5 months after planting the seedlings. Before planting in the ground, the roots need to be watered abundantly with water so that the root system will tolerate the transplant well and take root faster.

It is very important not to allow the soil around the bushes to dry out and watering in a timely manner (at least once a week).


Pepper varieties Prince Igor throughout the entire period of growth and maturation, it is necessary to fertilize the ground. This process is carried out in 3 stages.

  1. The first procedure is not earlier than two weeks after planting in the ground. Take 2 teaspoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of water, mix thoroughly and water the bush. For one bush, a volume of 1 liter is enough.
  2. The second procedure is carried out when the bushes begin to bloom. To do this, we prepare a new solution, which consists of one teaspoon of potassium sulfate, one teaspoon of carbamide and 4 teaspoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.
  3. Fertilizing the plant for the third time occurs when the fruits begin to ripen. This time, for 10 liters of water, you will need to add 2 teaspoons of potassium salt and 2 teaspoons of superphosphate.


The culture is not afraid of the tobacco mosaic virus, verticillosis and fusarium. But you still have to deal with aphids, slugs, which can eat not only the stem itself, but also the fruits that feed on the sap of the plant with a spider mite.

With abundant watering or a sharp cold snap, a black leg may appear, after which decay occurs, which leads to the death of the plant.

The beds should be clean, watering is timely and not too abundant (0.5 liters per bush), the earth is loosened. Pests should be treated with special agents in time to preserve the plant.


When fighting aphids, it is necessary to add 1 glass of ash to 10 liters of hot water and leave to infuse for a day, after which, before spraying, add one tablespoon of liquid soap.


To scare away slugs, you can use pollination with mustard powder, ground black pepper in the correct proportions, one teaspoon of powder per 1 square meter.

Spider mite

In the fight against spider mites, add 1 cup of ground onion with dandelion leaves and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap to 10 liters of water.


Prince Igor is a sweet pepper, which is rather picky about care and cultivation. It is quite simple to get a rich harvest: you just need to create favorable conditions for the growth and ripening of fruits for the culture.

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