Pepper Growing Player

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Bell pepper is a capricious vegetable, and its yield depends entirely on the growing conditions and the region. Time does not stand still, and breeders do not stop working, creating new improved varieties and hybrids that are resistant to temperature fluctuations and can form ovaries in any weather. Such properties are possessed by the Bulgarian pepper Player.

Pepper Growing Player

Pepper Growing Player

Description of the bush and fruit

The player is an early variety, from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripening of the fruits, it takes about 3.5 months.

The fruits are beautiful, glossy, with a rich bright red hue, have thick walls of about 0.9-1.2 cm. The shape of the peppers resembles a cube, their ribbing is average, gaining weight about 130-150 g. They have a pleasant sweet taste.

Vegetable bushes of this variety are semi-sprawling, grows of medium height (about half a meter). Leaves are slightly wrinkled, small in size, dark green in color.


The variety is highly resistant to changes in air temperature and unpretentious to growing conditions. Due to the not too large size of the bush, the plants do not need to be formed and tied, although the fruits ripen quite large.


Subject to the regularity of watering and fertilization during the growing season, the yield will reach about 5.5-6 kg / m². Ripening occurs amicably, almost at the same time.


The variety combines all the best features. The characteristics of the pepper show that it has the following benefits:

  • high productivity;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • amicable maturation;
  • versatility of use;
  • resistance to many diseases and pests;
  • good keeping quality;
  • transportability is high;
  • the ability to grow in almost any region of Russia (excellent yield indicators in the Moscow region);
  • rich taste;
  • not afraid of temperature changes.

Fruit use

Sweet peppers of the "Player" variety are universal in use Suitable for use in salads, for stuffing, canning or freezing vegetables.

Growing features

Not picky about the air temperature

Not picky about the air temperature

According to the description, this variety is suitable for cultivation both in the greenhouse (tunnel) and in the open field. It is better to cultivate it with seedlings, preparing it 2 months before planting in the ground. You need to start sowing seeds around the beginning of March. The best temperature for the growth of seedlings is considered to be of the order of 26-28 ° C.

Seeds bought in a store do not require additional processing, except for soaking for germination. Their germination is excellent, almost 100%.

When a plant has at least 10 full-fledged leaves, it is time for transplanting into open ground. The air temperature should be 14-15 ° С. It is necessary to transfer the seedlings to a permanent place of growth around the 20th of May.


Like any other seedling, pepper seedlings need regular care: watering and feeding.It is necessary to ensure that the soil not only does not dry out, but also is not excessively wet, otherwise liquid stagnation may occur.

As the crop grows, it must be fed at least 3-4 times with various mineral fertilizers. The first feed is applied 10-14 days after the transfer of seedlings to the beds. The next feeding is carried out before the flowers appear, then - during the flowering period and the last time - during the ripening of the peppers.

Reviews of summer residents

Vegetable growers often share reviews about different vegetables, how they are grown, or how they ripen. Characterizing the peppers of the Gamrok variety, summer residents note that they chose it for planting because of the early ripening of the fruit.

Regardless of the climate in the region, the plant germinates well: the bushes are strong, the peppers are thick-walled, juicy. Most prefer growing in greenhouses, and seedlings are pre-sown at home (on the balcony). Inexperienced summer residents, planting seedlings in open ground, cover the seedlings with a film, fearing the temperature drop.

Gardeners are especially pleased with the versatility of the variety: peppers are consumed in any form, raw or cooked. Their taste is excellent. They praise their keeping quality and ability to be stored for a long time in a cool room.

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