Indicators of the yield of cucumbers in the greenhouse

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You can grow vegetables and fruits in a warm area all year round. Sunlight will provide good yields per sq m and fast growth of plants. But is it realistic to get the same results for residents of countries with cold climates? Thanks to greenhouses, seedlings can be grown all year round. It will provide favorable conditions for plants and their rapid growth. However, no matter how equipped the room is, the result, first of all, depends on the efforts of the gardener. Harvesting cucumbers in a greenhouse - what stages does the cultivation process involve and how can you achieve the most fruitful results?

Indicators of the yield of cucumbers in the greenhouse

Indicators of the yield of cucumbers in the greenhouse

Seed selection

The first step is to select the best quality seed for your greenhouse. To date, f1 hybrid seeds are considered the most optimal option in terms of fertility and ease of care. There are special varieties for the northern regions. This is Ant, Big Brawler, Trixie.

Early sowing requires shade-tolerant seeds that do not need pollination and with long fruiting. Among them are Maisky, Malachite, Altaysky.

Arrangement of the garden

A greenhouse in the northern regions should be equipped with beds with an increased level of heat - manure or compost beds. They are usually equipped in spring or early summer - in greenhouse or hothouse conditions.

Dung beds

Manure beds are a good option. A cow is best suited, as an alternative option is a horse. This natural top dressing will provide the soil with the necessary nutrients. It is especially important to feed the developing fruit during the growing season.

The manure is laid out in a meter-long bed and covered with loose earth on top in a layer of 25 cm. Then abundant watering follows. Seeds are planted at the rate of 3-4 plants per 1 sq. M. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to germinate or soak the seeds before planting. On top of the seedlings, you can cover with foil to enhance the thermal effect.

Attention! Be careful with the temperatures of the hot beds: keep the average temperature around 25 degrees, ventilate the area and be careful not to burn yourself. The process is relevant for one or one and a half months, so calculate the timing of planting correctly.

Compost beds

If there is no possibility or desire to deal with manure, organic material can be used to fertilize warm beds with cucumbers: shavings, sawdust, dry foliage, etc. The landing principle is similar to the previous one. Only in this case the seeds are germinated before planting and placed in glasses or peat tablets.

Since the temperature will not be that high, this method is more relevant for farmers from warmer regions. The northerners will have to wait for spring. Hot soil is a godsend for greenhouses, thanks to which cucumbers can be grown in greenhouses at any time of the year.


Greenhouse cultivation technology assumes that the seeds must be hardened before planting and have at least 4 leaves - this directly affects the yield. Cucumber seedlings are planted in winter greenhouses in late January and early February. In spring, with a heating system - at the beginning of April, in a partially unheated one - at the end of the month or even in early May (depending on the availability of biofuel).

For the purpose of better air circulation and heating, planting is done on ridges 125 by 35 cm. Watering is carried out first. The top of the planting block should rise above the beds.

Tying cucumbers and leaving

Roots need air intake

Roots need air intake

Many gardeners underestimate the importance of this stage in the process of plant formation. A timely garter will save the cultivated crop from a decrease in leaf size and, as a result, a decrease in harvest intensity. The point is to lower the trellis loops with constant watering of the plant during its growth. The tapestry is tied to a wire structure stretched along a row for 1 m.

The formation of the first bush starts after the appearance of at least 8 leaves, as required for full readiness. In the nodes from below, 3-4 branches are pinched off. In the upper ones - one leaf and one fruit. When the plant reaches the very top of the wire, the main lash is wrapped around it twice, tied up and pinched downward, without reaching one meter to the ground.

Air intake and maintaining the required humidity level are of great importance for the root system. Sometimes these things are not compatible. Therefore, the humidity in the greenhouse must be around 75% to meet both plant requirements. Winter watering should be taken with special care - only in the morning, in sunlight, using water at room temperature, no more than twice a week. If necessary, increase to three. Avoid getting liquid on the leaves of the bush.

Increased yield

So, on what factors does the fertility of cucumber seedlings depend? How to get a large number of copies:

  • suitable variety;
  • high quality soil;
  • disembarkation carried out on time;
  • correct planting density;
  • abundant feeding and watering;
  • good level of lighting in the greenhouse;
  • set temperature mode;
  • prevention of fungal diseases;
  • protection against attack by pests;
  • harvesting as it grows.

To increase the amount of fruits harvested from a hundred, some farmers have resorted to using nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The main thing here is not to overdo it - otherwise the cucumbers will become harmful for food consumption. A safer option is to use air supply. A container with organic fertilizers diluted with water is installed in the middle of the greenhouse. Thus, nitrogen and oxygen are released into the indoor air. How many kg of cucumbers can be obtained from 1 m2 in a greenhouse? Experienced gardeners remove up to 30 kg.

One good and clever way that was invented at the beginning of the last century is to temporarily suspend watering. When it resumes, the plant from the stress experienced begins to form a large number of female flowers, almost not emitting barren flowers.

It is quite easy to achieve high-quality and rich yield of cucumbers per square meter in a greenhouse or greenhouse, if you follow all the necessary requirements for the technique of handling seedlings and their improvement. It is quite possible to grow healthy marketable fruits with minimal use of stimulants to increase the growth of the bush.

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