Characteristics of the variety of cucumbers Siberian garland

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For gardeners living in areas with unfavorable conditions for growing vegetables, varieties with hardiness and cold resistance are suitable. Among the cucumber varieties, the Siberian garland f1, which is gaining popularity in the northern regions, has become acceptable.

Characteristics of the Siberian garland cucumber variety

Characteristics of the Siberian garland cucumber variety

Variety characteristic

The early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid, bred by selection in Chelyabinsk and marketed by Uralsky Dachnik and Gavrish, is self-pollinated. Cucumbers Siberian garland F1 bear fruit in all weather conditions and can be grown in closed greenhouses and on open soil.

Cucumber bushes form vigorous, with medium-sized foliage. According to the description, the Siberian garland cucumber has a dark green color and is no more than 8 cm long, covered with small tubercles and white thorns, slightly fluffed.

The characteristic of the variety includes the main features:

  • the species belongs to the bunch, produces a yield of 500 vegetables from one bush or an average of 40 kg from 1 sq. m of sown area, a single ovary can form up to 15 fruits,
  • early ripening cucumber hybrid brings the initial harvest 45 days after germination,
  • vegetables have a sweet taste and a pronounced aroma, juicy and crunchy, no voids, no bitterness,
  • the Siberian species retains fruiting for a long period, until frost appears,
  • the yield of the cucumber crop shows equally stable, regardless of which type of soil it is grown in,
  • the plant is resistant to the main range of diseases, including powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic, peronosporosis and brown spot,
  • cucumber variety easily adapts to climate change and tolerates temperature changes.

Cucumbers of the Siberian Garland variety are suitable for commercial use, home use and for fresh consumption; canned food and pickles are prepared with gherkins.

Seed cultivation

The seeds of a hybrid variety of cucumbers Siberian garland marked f1 were obtained from manually crossed vegetables of 2 self-pollinating varieties, which were distinguished by such characteristics as early maturity, type of flowering and resistance to major diseases. Its price is much higher than usual varietals.

The seed material of the hybrid Siberian variety f1 is sold already disinfected and hardened, ready for planting without additional preparatory procedures.

They begin to grow the Siberian hybrid with seeds no earlier than April, after about the 15th, with the calculation of 30 days for subsequent planting in a greenhouse or on unprotected soil. For a hybrid variety, a soil supplied with humus, a peat component, sawdust and sod soil, mixed in equal proportions, is suitable.

Seed material is planted to a depth of 2 cm, lightly sprinkled with soil on top. The number of seeds planted in one container should not exceed one or two. Some gardeners are trying to save expensive seeds by planting one at a time, because the variety has high germination rates, reaching 95%.

Cultivation rules

As with the cultivation of other varieties of cucumbers, it is recommended for the Siberian garland to prepare open soil in advance, digging up the ground in the fall and adding fertilizing mineral complexes and organic matter into it.

The main fertilizer for the soil when growing cucumber varieties Siberian garland becomes manure that has lain for at least a year. In addition, saltpeter and superphosphates are added as bait.

For an early ripe hybrid, an important factor in growing is the quality of seedlings, which becomes ready for transplanting into the ground after 3-4 leaves have appeared on a strong trunk. When planting in the soil, wood ash is placed in the holes, and after the procedure for planting seedlings, they immediately carry out fertilization with herbal or manure infusions.

Formation of bushes

The bush must be formed into one stem

The bush must be formed into one stem

A high yield when caring for cucumbers of the Siberian garland of a bouquet type can be achieved by correct formation in one stem. It allows cucumber bushes to bear numerous fruits, allows sunlight to enter, and provides cucumber ovaries with an even supply of nutrients.

With the growth of a cucumber bush in 2 m, its top is pinched and fixed at the top of the trellis support, directing the growth horizontally.

The scheme for the formation of cucumber bushes includes several main stages:

  • the main stem is tied to a trellis support,
  • flowers and shoots located in the first four axils from the ground are cut off, only leaves remain,
  • in the middle of the bush, 2 ovaries and 2 leaves are left on the stem, everything else is removed.


Experienced gardeners advise to collect grown vegetables as often as possible: this makes it possible for new ovaries to appear and prolongs the fruiting period of the cucumber culture.

Growing in a greenhouse

To grow a hybrid variety in greenhouse conditions (planting in a heated greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse), planting work begins in April. By the time of planting, the temperature regime in the greenhouse should be set at 16 ° C - 18 ° C. In such conditions, a quick emergence of crops can be expected.

On the day of sowing, the soil is moistened and loosened to saturate with oxygen. Seed material is planted in holes at a distance of at least 0.4-0.5 m from each other.

The number of bushes per 1 sq. M. the cultivated area in the greenhouse should not exceed 2.

Top dressing

For a bunch hybrid, top dressing is of no small importance. The plant is fertilized at different stages of development:

  • when cucumber shoots appear at the initial stage, potassium is required, and gardeners either use ready-made mineral compositions, or introduce organic matter with the addition of bird droppings in a ratio of 1 to 7, manure in a ratio of 1 to 4, mixing superphosphate (15 g), ammonium nitrate ( 7 g), potassium sulfate (8 g),
  • in the process of flowering, boric acid is often used at the rate of 0.4 tsp. for a 10 liter bucket of water,
  • in the root bait at the stage of active growth, urea is involved, which requires 40 g per 10-liter water volume,
  • at the fruiting stage, nitrogen-containing and phosphorus-containing compounds are among the active fertilizers.

Fertilizing a hybrid plant, procedures are carried out after watering cucumber bushes on warm, non-rainy days.


When growing a Siberian garland in a greenhouse, it is imperative to use trellises for a bundle of cucumber culture, which act as a support for the plant, making it easier for it to withstand a large number of ripening vegetables.

Outdoor cultivation

According to the description, when growing a hybrid on unprotected soil, the right place becomes an important condition for obtaining high yields from the Siberian garland. This variety prefers darkened areas, therefore, in the absence of such semi-dark places in the garden, it is necessary to plant nearby crops that protect from the sun's rays (corn) or build artificial protection.

To speed up the process of growing seed, planted in open ground in a non-seedling way, allows it to be soaked for preliminary germination.

Sowing work begins no earlier than the beginning - mid-May, and already grown seedlings are placed in the soil closer to its end. In the northern regions, the land is insulated with manure or humus, laid out to a depth of 0.3 m.


Fertilization of the Siberian garland is carried out at different stages of development of the cucumber crop and can be performed according to the rules of bait when grown in a greenhouse. In unprotected soil, the risk of disease and pest damage to the cucumber plant increases. Against this, gardeners often use preventive spraying with ash and soap infusions (1 tbsp. L ash and 10 g of any soap per 20 l) or milk solutions (1 l of milk, 30 drops of iodine and 20 g of soap).


Formation for a bunchy hybrid of a bouquet type is recommended when grown in unprotected soil, this is part of caring for it. However, reviews of gardeners who prefer to save time claim that good results are also obtained without the formation of cucumbers.

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