Characteristics of Prestige cucumbers

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Cucumbers are a culture without which not a single garden plot can do. It grows and bears fruit well on different types of soil. It is widely used in cooking. With proper care and the right variety, it gives a good harvest. Hybrid varieties, such as the Prestige cucumber variety, are obtained by selection and crossing of different varieties to isolate and enhance especially valuable characteristics. Crossbreeding makes it possible to increase disease resistance, yield, as well as qualitatively improve their characteristics (taste, fruiting time, shape, color, versatility, presentation).

Characteristics of Prestige cucumbers

Characteristics of Prestige cucumbers

Characteristics of the variety Prestige F1

Cucumber Prestige f1 belongs to the mid-season, ripening time is about 42-50 days from germination, which corresponds to the description.

Fruits of the Prestige f1 variety are very crispy with a rich taste. As for the shape, even, evenly colored, the length does not exceed 10 cm. A similar variety in terms of characteristics is Delpina.

Refers to high-yielding varieties that are capable of forming an impressive number of fruits in a small area. Average yield is 20 kg per 1 square meter. With high-quality agronomic equipment, the harvest exceeds 25 kg per sq. M.

Prestige belongs to the universal varieties of the Gherkin type, which makes it possible to use them for preservation, pickling and making fresh salads. Gherkin (not overripe fruits 5-6 cm) is ideal for pickling.


It is worth highlighting the following advantages:

  • no bitterness
  • characterized by a dense structure
  • forms small seeds
  • medium-sized, indeterminate type
  • resistant to adverse weather conditions
  • long fruiting period


Despite the resistance of the Prestige f1 variety to diseases, infection from soil or other plants with such diseases is possible:

  • peronosporosis
  • powdery mildew
  • Gray rot
  • ascochitis
  • bacteriosis

Also, the disadvantage of Prestige F1 is that it is possible to get seed from grown cucumbers, but the next generation may not inherit the quality of the original harvest. For the purity of the variety, the best option would be to purchase fresh certified seed.

Planting the variety Prestige F1

Prestige cucumbers are grown in two ways:

  1. Rassadny
  2. Seedless

Seedling method

The best time to sow seeds for seedlings is early April. Seeds should be sown in separate containers to minimize stress when planting in the ground. Peat pots are suitable, with which cucumbers are then planted in open ground. You can also use 0.5 liter plastic cups. Which are then easy to cut, keeping the earthen lump intact. Cucumbers Prestige sprout quickly, it takes up to 7 days for germination.

Provide your plants with regular watering

Provide your plants with regular watering

Timely watering and feeding with specialized fertilizer for seedlings (not earlier than 2 weeks from germination) will improve growth and make the plant stress-resistant. By mid-May, Prestige cucumbers are ready for planting in open ground. Plant the seedlings as carefully as possible in the prepared holes, rows at a distance of 25-30 cm.

Seedless way

If there is no desire or opportunity to spend time growing cucumber seedlings, Prestige is well suited for planting seeds directly into the ground. Sowing is done in mid-late May, when the weather conditions are stable and the land is warm enough. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm, keeping a distance of 30 cm between rows, pits are shed with water.

Bush care

Cucumber bushes love moderate watering. The degree of watering and frequency depends on the weather and the rate of drying of the soil. Young plants that have not yet entered the fruiting phase are watered less often (1 time in 5-7 days), adult bushes more often (every 2 days). Do not moisten the soil on cool days, this can adversely affect the plant, excess moisture provokes rotting of the roots. The best time to water cucumbers is at sunset, the intense lunchtime sun on wet greenery can cause burns.

Top dressing is important in growing strong plants capable of producing high yields.

Fertilizers should be applied no earlier than 14 days after planting in the ground. The alternation of organic and mineral fertilizers will give a good result. Basically, an important rule when applying fertilizers is to follow the instructions and respect the proportions. Abuse can do more harm than good.

Pest control

The main and common pests that are found on cucumber bushes are: aphids, whiteflies, spider mites. They cause serous damage to plants. Which gives rise to the prevention and control of existing insecticides.

For preventive purposes, bio-insecticides are used, they have a mild effect, they are safe and well prevent possible pest infestation. And also carry out the treatment with a solution of laundry soap, infusions of garlic, celandine, wormwood.

In case of detection of pests, the treatment is carried out with insecticides of a wide spectrum of action, now there is a wide variety on the market (for example: Aktara, Aktelik, Confidor) When using insecticides, it is important to follow the instructions and take care of personal protective equipment. Spraying of plants is carried out in the evening in dry weather.


The guarantee of a high-quality harvest is timely watering, top dressing, thorough weeding, timely protection from pests. This will ensure long-term fruiting. And even in difficult weather conditions, Prestige cucumbers will delight you with a decent harvest.

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