How to make a drinker for chickens from a plastic bottle with your own hands

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The chick breeder should provide the birds with not only comfortable living conditions, but also do everything in his power to ensure that they can approach the drinker at any time. An easy way to do this is with a plastic bottle drinker for chickens with your skillful hands, as in a photo or video. This device is suitable for both chickens and adult broilers. A drinking bowl for chickens will be inexpensive for the farmer. The main thing is to know about the features of the functioning of such a device and follow the instructions for its manufacture step by step.

Chick drinker

Chick drinker

Homemade or specialized?

In specialized stores, you can find a large number of models of drinkers for adult broilers and chickens. Each cup has its own design features, as well as advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the breeder of the livestock will have to shell out a considerable sum for such a device. Especially if the number of birds kept at home does not exceed 20 heads. Most often, not many people decide to spend money on such devices. Birds can get the necessary comfort from homemade container.

The easiest and most budgetary way to satisfy the need for drinking of small chickens is considered to be such a device as a do-it-yourself chick drinker. In addition, a homemade drinker is easy to remove from debris. In addition to ease of use, the advantage of such a container is its very design, which protects the volume of water from external pollution.

Some breeders also make the chick drinkers open.

Such containers require regular washing and adding clean water. And such a simple design requires less attention on the part of a person. Plus, if the farmer knows how to make comfortable vacuum chick drinkers or DIY chick drinkers, he will have more time to deal with other bird management problems.

Varieties of homemade drinkers

Water for small birds is an important product for life, which means you need to make a drinker for chickens with your own hands ..

Chickens need special care as they have a fast metabolism and require regular drinking. Day-old chickens often have to be fed and watered with a pipette, but by 2-3 days they are taught to do all this on their own. Therefore, the breeder should be aware of when in the chicken coop or cage you need a drinker for the smallest chicks and how to make one.

With your own hands, the easiest way to satisfy the birds' need for water is to construct a plastic bottle. It has several design options. The most popular are:

  • simple horizontal;
  • automatic;
  • nipple.

A simple horizontal drinker can be made in a few minutes, but is only suitable for a small number of birds. Others - provide the proper comfort for a larger livestock.In addition, the farmer should be aware of some of the features that do-it-yourself drinkers should have, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

The behavior of both broilers and small birds in the hen house is unpredictable. Chickens can behave calmly, and sometimes show aggression towards each other. Therefore, it is important to endow the homemade drinker with the necessary stability. The safety of the birds themselves is equally important. Too large containers can be perceived by chicks as a place to swim. Weak chicks can drown. Therefore, at home, it is better to use closed drinkers or make them small.

The easiest drinking cup

It is not difficult to design a device for chickens from a plastic bottle yourself. So let's look at how to make a drinking bowl for chickens. It only takes a few minutes to complete. The main thing is to acquire several materials and tools for its manufacture. The breeder will need:

  • one and a half liter bottle with a cork;
  • a small flat sheet of cardboard, plastic or other material;
  • glue or wire;
  • knife.

In order to make such a device with your own hands, you must attach the prepared sheet to a bottle located in a horizontal position. It should be glued or tied with wire. This design will allow the drinker to remain stable in all conditions. The aggression of poultry will not cause the container to overturn, and water will pour out of it.

Having created a reliable foundation for the future drinker, you should start cutting through the windows through which the chickens will drink. Using a knife, it is necessary to cut out small round or oval holes, assuming that 1 or 2 chickens can drink in one such cell at the same time. The cells are cut along the entire bottle at the same distance from each other.

If there is an unnecessary plastic pipe

The simplest horizontal bottle drinker will be less durable than their pipe design. The instructions for making it are the same, but the quality and strength are much higher. If an unnecessary piece of such material is lying around on the farm, then it will be a mistake not to use it. In addition, there will be no large additional waste. The main thing is to prepare:

  • a piece of plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm;
  • plugs for the prepared pipe or a plastic elbow of the same diameter;
  • 2-3 plumbing fixtures;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • saw or grinder.

The main difference of such a device from the simplest drinking cup made of second-rate raw materials is its stationarity. A piece of pipe is attached to the wall of the chicken coop with special fasteners. The cup itself is suitable for livestock of different ages and will be effective in operation. The instructions for making such a container are identical to a regular drinker. It is necessary to make holes along the length of the pipe with a diameter convenient for birds. Instead of a cork, plugs are put on such a vessel.

A homemade drinker for broilers of different ages must be made convenient for the breeder himself. It is inconvenient to replenish water through the cut-out windows, and it is difficult to remove it from the wall. Therefore, instead of a pipe plug, some farmers use a plastic elbow. It is worn in the same way on the edge of the structure and is positioned with the hole up. With this design, it will be easier for a person to fill the vessel with water. You can see how the finished product should look in the photo.

Homemade vacuum drinker

It is also easy to make a closed-type drinker with your own hands as an auto-drinker for chickens. Such containers protect water from external contamination by elements of their own design. Vacuum drinkers are one of the most popular and cheap devices of this type. To make them you will need:

  • plastic canister for 5 or 6 liters;
  • bottle cap;
  • a bowl with sides (with a larger diameter than the bottle);
  • 3 - 5 self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver or drill.

Anyone can make such a drinker on their own.All that is needed for this is to screw the screws into the cover from the outside so that their caps rise above its surface. It is important that they are located at the same level. After such an action, you do not need to drill or twist anything. It is necessary to pour water into the bottle, put a lid on it, and turn the vessel upside down, placing it on the bottom of the bowl. Such a cup will fill up on its own as the water in the bowl decreases, constantly keeping the same level. Everyone can make sure that such a structure is easy to manufacture by watching the video guide. In just a few minutes of constructing such a container with your own hands, a good alternative to expensive drinking bowls. In everyday life, such a drinking bowl is called automatic and can be seen in the photo on the Internet.

Some breeders make vacuum devices using a glass jar rather than a bottle. The manufacturing procedure is the same, but it has some advantages and disadvantages. When keeping broiler or regular chickens, farmers often notice the violent and aggressive birds. They can easily turn the drinker over, spilling water all over the coop. The advantage of such a device is its high weight. There is only one drawback - if the birds still manage to turn the drinker over, the glass vessel may break. Putting a new can is not difficult, but small fragments from the old can injure chickens.

Nipple drinker

Drip drinkers for small chicks or nipple drinkers are also made from second-rate raw materials, just like the vacuum or simple type of device. But, the autodrinker has one important drawback - it is designed for a minimum number of heads. Therefore, before you undertake the manufacture of such a structure on your own, it is necessary to calculate the effectiveness of their use. Sometimes the breeder has to make several of these drinkers, and sometimes other design options are considered.

A nipple drinker is made on its own in a few step-by-step steps. A hole is made in the cap to the bottle equal to the diameter of the nipple. The dispenser itself is treated with a sealant or wrapped with FUM tape and inserted into the cork. The farmer himself only needs to fill the bottle with water and screw a cork with a nipple onto it. The volume of water that the birds consume, they will consume themselves, I touch the lid with my beaks. Everyone can learn about all the features of making such a device with their own hands from a detailed video.

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