Features of cultivation and breeding of the Kuchin anniversary breed of chickens

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For farmers around the world, indicators such as high egg production, adaptation and meat production in poultry are important. Unique in this respect is the Kuchin Jubilee breed of chickens whose representatives are excellent rushing and have excellent reviews. What is special about these birds, how does the Kuchin chicken differ from other birds? How to identify them among the whole diversity of fauna?

Kuchin jubilee breed of chickens

Kuchin jubilee breed of chickens

A bit of history

The Kuchin Jubilee chicken was obtained by selection by mixing the genotypes of 4 unique types of birds (domestic and foreign), famous for their high productivity and the addition of individual genes Livensky chickensresponsible for adaptation to abrupt changes in climatic conditions in the habitat and viability.

The capital of Russia is the birthplace of the breed in question. It took the breeders about 42-43 years to develop such a convenient breed. Initially it was named Kuchinskaya, and later it was renamed into Kuchinskaya Jubilee, due to the approach of a significant date at the plant of the same name (reaching a quarter of a century of productive work).

Officially, the Kuchinsky jubilee breed of chickens was registered in 1990 and has never lost demand from farmers and large enterprises throughout its existence.

Breed benefits

Why are the Kuchin anniversary chickens so unique? Significant benefits that we can see from them:

  • Productivity even in harsh climatic conditions (at temperatures close to zero and proper nutrition, young animals and adults do not lose egg production).
  • Resistance to various kinds diseases.
  • Meat products are rich in protein and have extraordinary taste characteristics.
  • Productivity reaches 240-250 light brown eggs with strong shells per year (layers cease to produce production during molt, which lasts only a couple of weeks).
  • Kuchin chickens are easily distinguished by sex by looking at their appearance.
  • Striped pullets (birds aged 3-4 months) reach a weight of 1.5-2 kg.
  • Layers begin to perform their function when they reach 6 months.

As "minuses", breeders note the love of freedom, a tendency to obesity, loudness and aggression on the part of the leaders of the livestock.

The advantages of the breed, as well as the disadvantages, are confirmed by farmers and poultry farms in different countries (their reviews can be easily found on the Internet).

Appearance characteristic

Oddly enough, but breeders, creating a unique bird, did not think about its external characteristics. It was important for them to get an individual that combines the advantages of the breeds known at that time. However, the Kuchin chickens still received unique features by which it is possible to distinguish where the rooster is and where the females are. What is it?

The rooster possesses:

  • brilliant plumage of red color;
  • black tail braids with a greenish sheen;
  • red scallop of medium size and leaf-shaped;
  • a triangular body;
  • wide chest;
  • round back;
  • thick yellowish legs;
  • large hips;
  • an oval head of medium size;
  • medium-sized white earrings;
  • short neck, covered with thick plumage;
  • black and red feathers on the sternum.

In adulthood, a rooster can weigh 3.5-4 kg.

Layers differ from them in less weight, pale reddish color, curvaceous forms of a landed trapezoidal body. The description of a female individual cannot be completed without focusing on the short length of black tail braids, a large amount of fluff, a small head with small earrings (the photo can be easily found on the Internet).

Important: the weight of the laying hen does not exceed 3 kg, even with a balanced diet.

Features of bird breeding and organization of incubation

Another significant advantage of Kuchin chickens is natural, not artificial (incubation) breeding. Nature has made sure that females are not only excellent laying hens, but also hens and mothers, therefore, a large percentage of chickens are able to survive after leaving the egg.

After the Kuchinsky jubilee hen lays the egg, it must be taken (ideally - daily eggs), remove large debris with a soft brush (it is undesirable to wash it so as not to damage the weak shell), and put it horizontally in the nest. You can store the egg before laying for several days in a cool place and clean dishes.

It is advisable for the hen to prepare a separate place. It is allowed to feed it mainly with dry food. After about 7-10 days, you need to look at the egg in the light in order to exclude objects unsuitable for further incubation.

Important: at the time of incubation, the laying of eggs stops. If the farmer likes the incubation (the egg is removed from the nest), then the clutch will take place as usual.

By gender, hatched chickens can be easily distinguished one day after birth: day-old males are covered with light down (silvery), and layers are dark brown (dirty).

Proper nutrition of the brood

With proper nutrition, the chickens grow quite quickly and by the end of the first month they reach an average value of 700 g. To maintain vital activity, the farmer will have to slightly adjust their content:

  • add heat (at least for the first 10 days);
  • provide only fresh feed and clean water;
  • remove the chickens from the hen after hatching and complete drying;
  • you will have to feed the chickens once every 2 hours, and at night - at least after 6 hours (it is allowed to put a feeder with ground feed - a hard-boiled egg with grated shells and millet);

Important: the amount of feed is determined on the basis of the following conclusion: "1 egg per 25 chicks". Weekly birds are allowed to give grated carrots, cottage cheese, herbs, chalk, chopped millet. After a month, chickens begin to eat after 4 hours and later gradually switch to an adult regimen and diet.

  • disinfect the feeder after each feeding with liquid products;
  • prevent chickens from getting wet (fix the feeder and drinker);
  • the feeding of the cockerel and the laying hen should be different (before laying, the females have to be given specialized food), therefore, it is better to keep them separate from each other;
  • place the bird only in a clean aviary with soft bedding.

Will die mostly weakened chickens and then during the first 7 days of life (not an exception - the development of diseases if the content is violated).

Conclusion: raising chickens does not require much effort on the part of the farmer (just follow the recommendations above).

Features of feeding adults

The Kuchin breed of chickens perfectly adapts to three meals a day, which has its own characteristics:

  1. Do not leave the remains of feed in the feeders (the chicken is prone to obesity).
  2. When chickens are laying, up to 10 g of chalk, crushed shells should be included in the daily diet (you can choose another product rich in calcium). The rooster does not need such additives.
  3. In the summer, when the birds spend the whole day outdoors, you can not provide them with lunch (they will gorge themselves on fresh grass).
  4. In winter, the diet is practically the same as in summer (if it is cool in the house, you will have to slightly increase the amount of food offered).
  5. If the chicken is obese, it will need to be switched to vegetable food (exclude fats and fast carbohydrates) in order to be able to restore egg production.

Basically, the diet consists of fresh grass, millet, sunflower meal, foods with a high content of protein, vegetables and dry food. You can learn more about the rules for drawing up a diet and the features of feeding birds by watching the video.

Bird care

The Kuchin bird is unpretentious, but at the same time, its content has some features:

  • The coop must be fat insulated floor and a high bedding layer.
  • It is advisable to place nests on the floor, since Kuchin chickens are slightly awkward and often fall from their roost.
  • Obligatory daily walks on a large territory (birds are quite active).
  • It is necessary to determine the molt in time, because at this moment the depletion of the chickens is observed, the egg production falls or disappears, therefore only competent care and correctly selected nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals, can save the life of birds.
  • Ash baths are the best prophylaxis against parasites.

After examining the description, we can safely conclude that the Kuchin anniversary breed of chickens is a unique creation of breeders, this is evidenced by both numerous photos and videos. Selling these birds and their products is a lucrative business. Breeding chickens of this breed is a difficult process, but we told you about it, it remains to get only practical experience.

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