Diseases of the udder of goats and how to treat them

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Goats are robust small ruminants. They rarely get sick, but, like any animal, goats have a weak point - this is their udder. Diseases of the udder in a goat are not uncommon if the animal does not receive proper nutrition and care. Also, the cause of disease can be trauma or genetic addiction.

Diseases of the udder of goats and their treatment

Diseases of the udder of goats and their treatment

The breeder needs to clearly know the symptoms of certain diseases of the udder, because timely treatment is the key to a favorable outcome of the disease.

Udder structure in goats and lactation

To understand the origin of udder disease in a domestic goat, you need to know its structure. The udder of goats consists of:

  • mammary glands;
  • milk ducts;
  • glandular cisterns;
  • nipple canal;
  • connective tissue.

Goats have two mammary glands located next to each other and placed in a skin sac. Visually, two lobes are distinguishable on the udder.

Alveoli are responsible for milk production - closed bubbles ranging in size from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. Their inner cavity is expelled by a layer of secretory cells with the free ends inward. These cells through the membrane absorb substances from the blood that are necessary for the formation of milk. Cells convert them into protein (casein) and fat through complex chemical reactions. Vitamins, trace elements and hormones enter the milk unchanged.

As soon as the alveoli overflow with secretion and the pressure in them rises, the fluid flows into the milk ducts and enters the glandular cisterns. Each part of the udder can produce milk independently of the other.

Then the milk enters the nipple canal. The nipple itself is made up of skin, muscle fibers and ring muscle. The latter is needed to prevent milk from flowing out. It is laid down by nature so that at the time when the kid suckles the nipple, the sphincter relaxes and the fluid freely flows out.

During milking, cisterns and ducts are emptied first, but there is still fluid in the alveoli. To remove it, massage is carried out with the help of patting and pushing the udder. These actions mimic the behavior of kids during feeding.

Goat mastitis

Mastitis or inflammation of the goat udder is quite common. This happens mainly during pregnancy and after childbirth, when the goat's immunity is significantly reduced. In addition, poor conditions for keeping an animal can cause mastitis:

  • drafts;
  • dirty litter;
  • low temperature in the stall;
  • dampness.

Often, mastitis occurs against the background of improper milking. Inexperienced milkmaids may not fully milk the milk, provoking milk stagnation.

Symptoms of mastitis

With mastitis, the animal becomes irritable, as the udder or one of its lobes hardens and hurts the goat. During the illness, the following is observed:

  • edema;
  • the udder becomes hot to the touch;
  • some areas of the udder are compacted, and in advanced cases it is completely solid;
  • enlarged lymph node;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lethargy and irritability;
  • milk becomes watery, acquires an unpleasant taste and smell;
  • when filtering milk, clots are visible;
  • loss of appetite to animals.

Lymph node tightness immediately after childbirth is not a sign of mastitis. This is a normal condition associated with childbirth.

With mastitis, which proceeds in an acute form, the death of the animal can occur rather quickly. Purulent inclusions are observed in milk, and it itself acquires a putrid swing. Necrosis and ulcers appear on the udder. For the period of illness, the female is removed from the rest of the herd, the litter is burned, and the inventory and premises are treated with Creolin.

Sometimes mastitis is confused with a bruise. The udder cyst can also bear some resemblance to mastitis.

Treatment of mastitis

For a favorable outcome of treatment, it is necessary to exclude the factors that provoked the disease. The animal is transferred to a warmer shed, the litter is changed to dry and cleaned in the stall.

It is not recommended to treat udder inflammation in domestic goats with warming ointments or poultices. This provokes the transition of the disease into a chronic state and only exacerbates the situation.


  1. Prescribe a course of tetracycline-based antibiotics. Injections are given to the affected portion of the udder immediately after milking.
  2. Inject a mixture of turpentine, alcohol and boiled water into the rumen with a syringe. You can use the drugs Lysol or Creolin in the same way.
  3. If the mastitis is bacterial in nature, then the udder should be treated with bactericidal ointments.

During the treatment period, the female is not given concentrated and juicy food. The drink should be warm, but in small quantities.

Furunculosis in goats

The bumps on the base of the udder in goats are nothing more than furunculosis. This unpleasant disease is associated with poor living conditions and a poor diet. Animals with weakened immunity are more susceptible to disease than others. You cannot use the milk of a sick goat, it goes to recycling.

A dirty litter or the room itself where livestock are kept can provoke the ingress of staphylococcus and streptococcus into the body. For the prevention of illness, it is recommended to clean the stalls in a timely manner, as well as closely monitor the completeness of the diet of goats.

Furunculosis symptoms

The sooner the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the less harm it will bring to the animal. The first symptoms of furunculosis are:

  1. Lump-shaped lump at the base of the udder. This is the beginning of the formation of boils.
  2. Pustules formed at the site of the bumps. Thus, the boil comes out. After a couple of days, it is opened.
  3. The presence of scabs. If the breeder missed the first phase of the disease, then the opened pimples form scabs that cause pain to the female.
  4. The animal becomes nervous and lethargic.
  5. Milk yield is significantly reduced.
  6. The body temperature rises dramatically.

If untreated, furunculosis affects the entire udder. A neglected form of the disease is quite difficult to treat.

Furunculosis treatment

A sick animal is prescribed a course of antibiotics intramuscularly. The drug and dosage depend on the degree of damage to the mammary glands.

If the balls of boils are still inside, the treatment is limited to this, and if abscesses come to the surface, they are smeared with ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky's ointment. The hair above the pimples is cut for convenience.

The opened boils are washed with peroxide, removing purulent discharge, and smeared with iodine solution for quick healing. Also for these purposes, streptocide in powder is successfully used. They are sprinkled with open sores.

In addition to medication, it is important to take care of the goat's living conditions. General cleaning is carried out in the barn, and the animal's diet is enriched with vitamins and microelements. Cleanliness must be maintained both during and after treatment.

Papillomatosis in goats

If neoplasms appear on the udder of a goat, but do not rot or bleed, these are papillomas, which are constantly increasing in number and size.

If the warts are bleeding or have other discharge, this is an alarm bell, indicating the possible development of a cancerous tumor in the animal. In order to check, tissue is taken from the goat for biopsy.

Papillomatosis symptoms

The disease does not in any way affect the behavior and well-being of the animal. Warts do not bother the goat. But when milking, you can accidentally damage some papillomas, so the milkmaid needs to be extremely careful during the period of illness.

Injured warts can negatively affect milk production. For prevention, it is recommended to wash the udder with boiled water daily.

Papillomatosis treatment

In most cases, warts go away on their own over time, but to speed up the process, you can do procedures aimed at treating the papilloma itself. You can make the ointment yourself at home. This requires:

  1. In an enamel, glass or ceramic container, mix lactic and salicylic acid, 20 g each.
  2. Add at least 80 ml of 4% colloxylin solution.

The finished ointment can be stored at room temperature and smeared with neoplasms on the udder a couple of times a day until the signs of the disease disappear.

Smallpox in goats

Smallpox is rare among goats, but outbreaks of the disease are possible if these pets are kept together with sheep. Smallpox is a contagious disease that causes fever and skin rashes.

Smallpox symptoms

Smallpox can be easily distinguished from other diseases by its characteristic rashes. As soon as a sick animal has been noticed in the herd, it is isolated and all other goats, especially young ones, are examined.

With smallpox in goats, there is:

  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth;
  • mucus from the nose, sometimes the eyes;
  • lack of appetite;
  • rash on the udder and mucous membranes.

After the bubbles burst, scabs remain in their place. If smallpox proceeds without complications. That the recovery of the animal is observed in the second, less often - in the third week after infection. Complications can kill pets. Milk from a sick goat must be boiled before use.

Smallpox treatment

If the animal has no external signs of smallpox, but it has had contact with a sick goat, it is vaccinated. For infected goats, therapy is symptomatic:

  1. Scabs and festering blisters are lubricated with zinc ointment or iodine. Greenery is often used for this purpose.
  2. The animals are fed nutritious soft foods.
  3. Potassium iodide is added to the drink.

After illness, goats acquire an active immunity to smallpox. If all directions are followed, re-outbreaks in the herd can be avoided.

Udder contusion in goats

Sometimes some kind of injury can cause problems with the udder. It is often confused with mastitis due to similar symptoms, but the cause lies elsewhere. Some breeders leave the kids under the mother after giving birth, arguing that the babies grow up stronger and healthier, but they are mistaken.

Young kids, especially males, begin to butt as soon as their legs get stronger. The mother tolerates such shocks calmly, but they often lead to injury. In addition, the female cannot eat and sleep normally, as the kids constantly suck on the udder.

If the bruised area has hardened, you need to do massages in a circular motion and lubricate the udder with warming ointments. The bruise usually goes away after 7-10 days.


Udder diseases in domestic goats can have different origins and treatments, but they have in common that udder problems result in decreased milk yield. For the correct diagnosis of diseases, you need to contact your veterinarian. You can also watch thematic videos on the Internet.

Timely initiation of treatment increases the animal's chances of a speedy recovery.During the period of illness, it is recommended to feed goats with more nutritious feed, if there are no contraindications to this. Additional calories have a beneficial effect on the body's resistance to disease-causing organisms.

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