Description of the cow's pregnancy by month

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Caring for a cow is a tricky business and novice breeders need to know the basics. Beginners in animal husbandry should be able to determine the pregnancy of a cow by month. It is also worth finding out exactly how the pregnancy proceeds, what kind of care is needed during this entire period. There are several symptoms by which, in fact, pregnancy is determined in cows, there are also methods that confirm that the process is proceeding normally.

Cow pregnancy by month

Cow pregnancy by month

In addition, you can always use a pregnancy and calving calendar to help you determine if the heifer is pregnant. Surprisingly, even the state of the cow's gut can indicate whether to wait for replenishment in the farm in the near future. More on this and much more below.

general description

The term "cow pregnancy" literally means "with a calf." Hence, it turns out that this is what they call cattle successfully fertilized by natural or artificial methods. The fertilization period lasts about a month. Experienced breeders know that hunting does not always pay off, so they had to learn how to determine if a heifer is pregnant or not. The first question that arises is how long does a pregnant cow walk for a pregnant woman? This process takes 9-10 months. The nutrition of a pregnant cow should be balanced.

In addition to the diet, it is important to monitor the hygiene of the animal and protect the abdominal cavity from injury. Each phase of a cow's pregnancy implies a certain care so that pathological processes do not develop in the future. To facilitate the work, it is necessary to draw up an individual calendar of pregnancy and calving of the cow.

We will determine by the cow whether she is pregnant

How to determine if a cow is pregnant in the first 30 days after the heat? At this stage, everything is pretty simple: the first sign of pregnancy in a cow is behavior:

  • the cow becomes calm, perhaps overly cautious;
  • cattle appetite increases;
  • the animal stops calling the bull.

You should wait a while, and if the cow becomes restless, and her uterus is bleeding again, the hunt was unsuccessful.

The second symptom of pregnancy in cows is the appearance of translucent discharge on the external reproductive organs. This discharge means that the hunt was successful.

Pregnancy changes the structure of the coat, the heifer wears a smoother coat, her coat is shiny. Also, an experienced veterinarian can check cows for pregnancy. The cow pregnancy calendar will also be a useful assistant.

Identification at the first stage of pregnancy

After a month from the moment of fertilization, the cow shows changes in the composition of the blood: the amount of hormones increases.Conducting a pregnancy test of cows makes it possible to find out whether the heifer is fertilized, but then a logical question arises, is it really possible to determine the cow's pregnancy correctly? The fact is that after a previous pregnancy, the hormonal background returns to normal only after 90 days. If the next fertilization took place during this period, then the test will be unreliable and other methods of determination should be used. Determination of pregnancy in adult cows is a rather laborious process.

Pregnancy in cows can be checked with ultrasound, but there are limitations to this method. To do this, you need to know for sure that a month has passed since the mating, at least, otherwise the use of the method can provoke the development of pathologies. Early ultrasound can cause premature birth. Ultrasound is also used to identify possible abnormalities in fetal development. The ultrasound method allows you to eliminate abnormalities in the fetus in time at an early stage.

The presence of pregnancy is checked with a special test in the form of strips. These test strips will be very inexpensive, but in most cases they will give a reliable result.

Veterinary examination

Determination of pregnancy in domestic cows rectally should be done by an experienced doctor or breeder, because rectaline is much more difficult than it might seem. Rectal examination does not require the use of special equipment, but only certain knowledge and skills. In order not to mutilate the insides of the cow, great care and hygiene must be exercised so as not to infect the cow.

Blurred diagnostics is that a person manually checks the state of the womb through the anus. Before performing a rectal examination, you need to make sure that the heifer is doing well and is in a calm mood. Fingernails should be trimmed and all jewelry removed. It is necessary to feel the cervix - to the touch it is an oblong seal at the bottom of the hip joint. The spring cow is characterized by a two-horned uterus, and you can feel it in its entirety. The same structure is typical for heifers.

After a month has passed since the onset of pregnancy, the size of the horn, in which a new life has arisen, is increased. The insides will react to every touch with a twitch. The uterine horns should be touched with great care. At this time, the ends of the horns go deep into the abdominal cavity. After 3 months from the moment of conception, the intercorneal groove is smoothed and the size of the horn in which the embryo is located will become even more voluminous.

How to find out the gestational age of an animal yourself?

You can also check cows for pregnancy at home, using folk knowledge. Even a beginner in cattle breeding can use folk remedies. This is done in several ways:

  • check the pregnancy of a cow by her milk;
  • determined by the method of external feeling of the belly;
  • look at external changes.

One of these signs of early pregnancy detection is mucus secreted by the reproductive organs. Diagnosis of the presence of pregnancy in a cow at home can be carried out manually, by external probing of the belly. The best time to check if the cow is fertilized is early in the morning. Pregnancy determination of their cows is carried out on an empty stomach. If the animal eats, the result may be inaccurate. You can find videos on the Internet and learn how to conduct a manual study, however, beginners are not recommended to carry out such an examination on their own.

Another method of determination is the milk of a pregnant cow. There are two ways:

  • laboratory analysis of milk at home;
  • analysis of the level of progesterone in milk in laboratory conditions.

To independently determine the pregnancy of a cow and start preparing for childbirth as soon as possible, take a little milk, mix it with alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. If the milk curdled, then it's time to change the concept of care. Naturally, in laboratory conditions, milk will undergo a deeper test.

Calendar calculation method

The cow's pregnancy calendar is used to determine the approximate duration of gestation and to provide the heifer with the necessary nutrition and care. The use of the pregnancy calendar makes it possible to understand when and what methods of determining pregnancy can be used, when to change the diet, etc. The pregnancy and calving calendar of cows allows some inaccuracies, but they are completely insignificant. The error in days will be approximately 10 days, plus or minus. It is not possible to find out the exact time, to determine the calving time in days and hours, however, this method can help to understand how long the cow is and how long she still has to walk.

Calculations are made based on the average duration of pregnancy in cows: 9.5 months. Knowing how long the cow is at the moment, you can calculate how much time there is before calving. To do this, add 11 to the denominator of the day and month and subtract 3. The total number should be considered as the estimated day of birth of the calf. If insemination occurred in January or February, add 12 to the month number.

There is a detailed table with which you can calculate the approximate time of delivery. Any of them has errors, because the time depends not only on the time of fertilization, but also on whether the fertilization of a first-calf or a cow giving birth was carried out. The terms of gestation will also depend on the breed and age of the animal.

The calendar method first of all serves to determine changes in the characteristics of care at various stages of pregnancy. However, some knowledge and skills are required to be able to recognize each phase. There are specific signs that indicate a change in the wellbeing of a pregnant cow.

Mating periodCalving date
1st of January12 october
11 january22 of October
January 21Nov. 1
January 3111th of November
10 februaryNovember 21
February 20ththe 1st of December
5'th of JulyApril 15
July 1525th of April
July 255 May
4 augustMay 15
14 augustMay 25
24 AugustJune 4th

Phases of pregnancy and their features

The division of a cow's pregnancy is rather arbitrary, nevertheless there are signs that make it possible to find out that the process of fetal development is proceeding favorably. Speaking of the initial stage, changes in behavior, as well as in physiological structure, are noted. Some features have already been described above, but they need to be generalized and systematized:

  • the behavior of the animal becomes more balanced, calm;
  • mucus is secreted from the labia;
  • appetite increases, food preferences may change;
  • the woolen cover begins to shine, its texture changes;
  • sometimes the animal begins to bleed, drops blood clots from the vagina.

Bloody clots are not always a symptom of a pregnant cow. Occasionally, a sign that determines pregnancy is the absence of bleeding, but in non-fertile heifers, a state where spotting does not go can be an indicator of a deterioration in health: vitamin deficiency, the presence of worms, an infectious disease. It is necessary to call a veterinarian and make sure that everything is in order with the animal. Only after a full examination can you find out the reasons for the end of sexual activity and reliably determine the presence or absence of pregnancy.

The last phases

5 months of pregnancy can already be accurately determined by external manifestations. Milk yield is reduced, while when the yield is 4 liters of milk, the cow must be stopped milking.If the animal continues to produce milk, it is milked for up to 7 months. During this period, changes in the mammary glands are characteristic, the udder becomes larger and hardens. Before calving, the cow should be started, that is, not milked for the last 2-3 months before giving birth.

In the dry phase, when milking is stopped, feed the animal differently. Sometimes the amount of food should be slightly reduced, juicy greens should be removed from the diet. During this period, the cow should be given compound feed, provided with root crops (potatoes, carrots, beets), dried tops of legumes. During this period, the weight of the cow increases by 60 kg. If the diet is chosen incorrectly, the cow grits her teeth, outwardly looks painful due to the lack of vitamins and minerals, her stool is liquid.

It is quite difficult to follow the correct feeding regimen in winter. The closer to calving, the larger the udder of the heifer becomes, in about 14 days a clear liquid, sweetish in taste, is released from it. Before childbirth, white lumps are noted in the fluid, milk is bitter before calving. The presence of colostrum is a sure sign that the cow will calve just the other day.

In order to properly take delivery, it is advisable to watch a training video clip that will tell you in detail about possible complications and health problems. However, without proper preparation, it is undesirable to take childbirth.

Complications during gestation and childbirth

Unfortunately, there is no way to determine with accuracy what will become a threat to the life of a cow. Prevention first of all is proper feeding and vitamin therapy, if necessary, you need to pierce vitamins or iodine solution. If a person has no experience and has just begun to master animal husbandry, it will be advisable to seek help from a veterinarian, it is undesirable to inject injections on your own. You can use medicines for the prevention of diseases and immunomodulators like sedimin and chiktonik, and you can also use Calfort D3. Ivermek will help to cope with parasites, it is also necessary to process the skin of a heifer to eliminate lice and others.

There are many different signs that indicate a health problem in cattle. When there is a problem with the digestive tract, the animal does not chew gum, diarrhea, colic is observed, and in some cases colon prolapse occurs. When the cow presses the tail, this is a good sign, then everything is in order with health.

Respiratory problems are accompanied by wheezing emanating from the chest, fever, and fever. Among infectious diseases, I would like to note clostridiosis and brucellosis. The second disease is dangerous because it can provoke a miscarriage. But this is not the only ailment that provokes a state in which the animal throws off the calf.

It often happens that after giving birth, the cow falls and cannot stand up. This condition is called childbirth paresis, and in this case, first of all, it is necessary to call a doctor, otherwise the cattle will die.

Even the most seasoned and experienced farmer cannot replace a veterinarian.

Among the drugs, the use of which is possible without a medical prescription, nitox tablets can be distinguished - an antibacterial, antiviral drug. Even if you keep the Ayshir or Seminthal breeds, which are the most unpretentious, they still need appropriate care during the period of gestation. It is important to remember that the slightest mistakes in care can cost the cattle their lives.


The problem can always arise. In order not to miss a moment, you need to remember how to determine the pregnancy of a cow. In addition, it is important to approach the care of a pregnant cow with all responsibility, first of all, having studied all the features of the animal, as well as the stages and signs of pregnancy.It is important to treat the cow for parasites and infections before giving birth, because all ailments can pass to the calf, as a result of which the offspring may die.

Determining the pregnancy of a cow involves the use of various methods from the analysis of external manifestations to more in-depth studies of the whole body, milk and blood. Not a single method will help to say with accuracy how much is left to walk in days. Even the calendar method has errors, but insignificant ones. A sure sign that calving will happen literally in the next few days is colostrum secretion.

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