Features of the Swiss breed of cows

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The Swiss breed of cows is one of the most famous and popular among farmers and herders. When deciding to have and raise this bull, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics, characteristics of the animal, find out the pros and cons of caring for a calf of this type.

Swiss breed of cows

Swiss breed of cows

The origin of the breed

In the 14th century, a new breed of cows appeared in Switzerland. In the city of Schwidz, she was bred from cows of local breeds and imported livestock from the ancient East. After 5 centuries, this breed was imported to Russia. An ordinary peasant could not acquire such livestock, since she is whimsical to food. I had to spend a lot of money on her food.

Most of the bulls were among the people of the high class, who could afford to keep it. But later, purebred bulls began to be bred with local cows. This is how the Kostroma and Caucasian breeds appeared, the food of which was cheaper, and workers of a low standard of living could raise such calves and bulls.

Cattle of the Swiss breed is divided into the following types:

  • meat and dairy;
  • milk and meat;
  • lactic.

Breeders have been constantly improving this look. As a result, the brown Swiss breed of cows is so hardy that, in addition to its direct purpose, it was exploited in agriculture. She could carry a load of more than 5 tons for a long time and over a long distance.

Then they stopped exploiting the cattle, because the cows began to give less milk. The milk of females of this breed is fatty, which is important, especially in the Alps, which are famous for their cheeses. Milk of the Swiss cattle breed is used for the preparation of hard cheese products.

Characteristics of the Swiss breed

Gobies and calves of the Swiss breed stand out in appearance. Cows have curved horns, short, dark at the ends, light at the base. The nasal mirror is surrounded by a light hairline. Bulls have a wide sloping forehead. The neck is short and muscular. The chest is wide, its girth reaches almost 2 m. The back and loin are slender. The Swiss gobies have a massive skeleton. The limbs are short and strong, with black hooves. The coat is short and thick. Color - all shades of brown.

A newborn calf weighs about 40 kg. After a year, its weight is 250 kg, and after another 6 months, the calf is gaining about 100 kg. The weight of an adult cow reaches 600-800 kg, male individuals - up to 1000 kg. The fat content of milk from a Swiss cow is from 3.2 to 4%. Cows of this breed produce up to 5 tons of milk per year, and some high-performance females produce up to 10,000 kg.

Meat and dairy and dairy and meat individuals are slightly different. Meat and dairy are smaller in size. Their udder is poorly developed. The Swiss dairy cow differs from the meat and dairy cow in that it produces more milk of better quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

The animal is in good health. It is unpretentious to the conditions of detention. The heifer matures quickly. The high level of reproductive function ensures fast and high-quality reproduction of the Swiss gobies.

The Swiss have a calm disposition, they are obedient and non-aggressive.Animals can withstand almost any climate. Since the cow was raised in Switzerland, grazing in the mountainous terrain of the Alps, it does not matter for her where to eat plant foods. In terms of agility, Swiss cattle are not inferior to mountain goats.

The downside is that Swiss cattle are difficult to keep on a farm where mechanical milking takes place, because many Swiss cattle have irregular udders. Slow milk production is also considered a disadvantage of keeping such cows.

How to buy and not lose

When purchasing a calf, you need to pay attention to the price of the Swiss breed of cows, appearance, documents, veterinarian recommendations. The appearance must match the description above. If there is a doubt and fear of buying the wrong cow, you need to carefully study the photo of this animal or take with you a specialist in this field, who will say for sure whether it is worth taking a cow and will help you choose the best one.

The main document that is provided to the buyer is a veterinary certificate, which must contain a conclusion about the health of the Brown Swiss. Also, it will not be superfluous to ask for a document about who owns this animal in order to avoid misunderstandings and fraud. And the last thing is to draw up a sales and purchase agreement.

Despite the fact that the seller undertakes to issue a health certificate for Swiss calves, the buyer, especially a beginner in cattle breeding, must take with him a veterinarian who will inspect the cow (check teeth, udder, exterior as a whole).

Growing, care, breeding

What are the features and characteristics of the Swiss breed? Its representatives do not need special care, but attention is paid to nutrition. In the summertime, it is imperative to visit the pastures where vetch, alfalfa, peas, etc. grow. In the demi-season, in addition to pastures, additional animals need to be fed with silage, bran, and various vegetables. In winter, in addition to vegetables, oats, bran, be sure to feed the pets with dry hay, which must be prepared in advance and stored in a dry place to avoid dampness, from which the hay can deteriorate and become unsuitable for human consumption.

Drink should always be in unlimited quantities. The water should be cool, clean, damp. Water is a good conductor for bacteria, therefore, it is periodically necessary to give it for examination in order to avoid infection of individuals. Milking a female Swiss cattle is best done by hand due to the structure of the udder.

Breeding Schwyz is a laborious but fruitful work. In addition, breeding cows of this breed is a great business. The Swiss cow is an individual that has good reviews from farmers, in addition to milk, they have tasty meat. High productivity will pay off the cost of the calf.

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