Cabbage leaves curl

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Cabbage can be attacked by certain insects or diseases. For these reasons, cabbage leaves curl. Let's consider how to deal with the problem.

Cabbage leaves curl

Cabbage leaves curl


There can be several reasons for the twisting of the castings:

  • pests have started - aphids or white midges;
  • there is not enough moisture in the culture;
  • cabbage lacks mineral fertilizers, or there was an excess of the latter;
  • burns of plant leaves with chemicals applied during treatment from pests.

Damage to cabbage aphids

If in a summer cottage or garden bed, the leaves of a cabbage plant curl, then most likely it was attacked by aphids. The cabbage aphid is a small, gray-white sucking insect that actively reproduces during the summer. A pest of this kind feeds exclusively on plant sap.

Laying its eggs on the back of the leaf, it can completely destroy an underdeveloped vegetable. Aphids stick to the shoots and drink juice from them, as a result of which the edges of the leaves of the cabbage curl. Also, the affected edges of the plant take on a strange, convex shape and become pale in color.

Cabbage eaten by aphids suffers from a lack of nutrients, which affects its development. There is a threat of a stop or slowdown in growth, over time the plant will simply die.

You need to fight this scourge immediately, since the insect spreads very quickly and will destroy the entire crop. For prevention purposes, it is required to carefully examine the leaves for the presence of insects, especially at the time of the head of cabbage ovary.


To get rid of pests, you need:

  1. Be sure to check the cabbage leaves. The larvae are deposited on the back of the leaf. The sooner the problem is found, the better.
  2. Treat areas with parasites with the following solutions: a decoction of tobacco dust or Metaphos dust.
  3. An effective remedy for milk and iodine. Take 0.5l for a bucket of water (10l.). milk and add 10 drops of iodine. Mix everything and spray on the affected leaves.
  4. Folk methods. Decoctions of potato or tomato tops. Can be treated with a solution of onion or garlic infusion.
  5. It is safe for humans to use a drug such as Deltamethrin. It has an active effect on the nervous system of parasites, and not only aphids. Works for about 2 weeks.
  6. Insecticidal soap is a product that does not harm the health of people and cabbage. Includes flax and olive fatty acids. In combination with the plant-based treatment, the effect is enhanced.
  7. It is obligatory to clean the soil from weeds and leaves. They can hide parasite larvae.
  8. Plant care. Includes timely watering and loosening of the soil.

With these methods, the leaves of the cauliflower will not curl.

You can get rid of pests

You can get rid of pests

Sometimes birds are lured to the site to fight the pest. To do this, put feeders and periodically feed the birds.

White midge

This insect looks like a small white moth, 1.5-2, and sometimes 3 mm in size.If the leaves of the cabbage are curled, then the problem may be caused by this pest.

The midge loves warm and hot weather. In the middle of summer, when the air temperature rises above 35 ° C, it is time to take preventive measures. Loves the greenhouse environment, especially if it is poorly ventilated. It hides well from a person. It feeds on plant sap, depriving cabbage of the growth point. Begins reproduction in spring.

It is recommended to inspect all plants for moth larvae. But if they already exist, it is not so easy to get rid of them, since the laid eggs are covered with a waxy coating.


With spraying with chemicals in pest control, wait until the insects hatch. Adult pests are better treated. You can spray anabasine sulfate solution, Antelik, or another suitable chemical for this purpose. It is recommended that you lure the moth with regular fly tape.


If the pest control was successful, and the cabbage leaves are still spinning, the reason is different.

It is advisable to test the soil for moisture. Lack of sufficient water can also negatively affect the plant. Watering should be done strictly at the root. The rain method is rarely needed.

It is worthwhile to saturate the earth with minerals carefully, since an excess of them can also damage. Spray ash on the beds, in order to prevent diseases and pests. Introducing humus and chicken droppings will significantly improve the growing season.


To protect the cabbage and get rid of pest damage, you can pickle the seeds in special solutions. This makes plants unattractive to insects. It is also worth monitoring the humidity, it is not worth pouring the culture. Excess moisture attracts aphids and slugs.

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