How can you tell a gander from a goose?

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Determining the sex of geese is difficult, but you cannot do without it, because a well-formed flock is the key to the future success of any farmer. If the main task is the reproduction of these birds, it is necessary that in the general group of females and males there should be an equal number. It is best to take different-blooded geese, otherwise it can lead to permanent death of the offspring. In this article, you can learn a few tricks on how to tell a gander from a goose.

How to tell a gander from a goose

How to tell a gander from a goose

What influences the correct selection of the herd

If you choose the right gender and keep the balance of "males" and females in the flock, this will affect many factors:

  1. High percentage of egg production. There should be 1-2 gander for 3-4 geese. If there are more male geese in the flock, this will negatively affect the total egg supply. Also, if you take young animals, but do not take into account the sex of individuals, you can not expect regular and normal clutches.
  2. Meat. If you buy a flock for the purpose of obtaining meat, then it is best to breed gander: they are larger in comparison with geese, and also differ in a tasty product and nutritious fats that are good for the human body.
  3. Healthy offspring. For the purpose of breeding, it is best to choose the strongest, stately and strongest representative. The offspring from him will be strong and healthy.
  4. For sale. The offspring can be sold, but for trade it is again important to know how to determine the sex of the geese.

If you learn how to correctly distinguish an adult gander from a goose, good and stable clients will not keep you waiting: they will feel the farmer's experience in this matter, and will have respect for him. The ability to distinguish between species in appearance, for example, a breed of a gray goose from a wild representative, can also add points.

In appearance

There are several ways to tell the difference between a goose and a goose. One of the first methods is scientific. The goose itself is larger than the female. Its minimum weight starts from 6 kg, while girls gain no more than 5 kg. The neck of the manufacturer is longer and more impressive, and the head is larger. Despite this, it is impossible to say for sure who is in front of us, a goose or a goose, according to external characteristics. For example, it is very difficult to distinguish a boy from a girl of the Linda breed, since they have practically no external differences between themselves.

Most experienced farmers know where the gander and the goose are, their difference is determined by elementary observation. They monitor the habits of individuals, their manner of walking, how they behave in stressful situations. Boys are sometimes quite aggressive, they can chase other members of the pack. Also, males often fight among themselves for females. It is best to divide the flock into different zones. To lodge old people with old people, adults - with adults, young people - also separately. Aggressive adults can attack older geese in the fight for a female, which can cause the geese to suffer.

Males also have leadership traits, which can be observed, for example, during feeding. First, males or a leader approach the feeder with food, and only then females with ducklings.

Taking water baths, the gander pulls his neck up, and the geese, in turn, bow down. The females look much calmer, pull their necks, keep close to the ground.

Very often, beginners ask themselves the question: "How to distinguish a gander from a goose by their appearance"? Unfortunately, this is too long a process that takes time. Only an experienced farmer will be able to distinguish geese of different sexes at a glance.

The second method is to trigger a reaction to the danger. To do this, you need to scare the flock. At the moment of danger, the female will press herself to the ground, and the male, in turn, strains, stretches his neck to find potential danger. This is one of the most reliable ways to differentiate between different genders.

There are many videos on the Internet where they tell different ways to help understand where the gander and the goose are, because their differences are easy to see clearly. You just need to choose the most popular video and start learning. You can also find a photo where the sex characteristics of the male and female will be shown.

By gender

There are several ways to distinguish an adult gander from a goose.

  1. To be able to determine where the female is and where the male is, you need to position the bird so that its back hangs down, then lower the tail down and use 2 fingers to open the cloaca. If there is a genital organ, it is a gander; if not, it is a goose.
  2. Another way is to turn the bird upside down, place its neck between the legs and press it a little, then pinch the cloaca with your fingers. If there is an organ, it is a male; no, it is a female. It is important to carry out the procedure carefully: the goose can behave aggressively.
  3. Sit on a chair, put the bird with its back on your knees, squeeze its neck between the hand and the body. The bird's wings must be securely fastened between the elbows to avoid possible impact. Then you can start examining the cloaca.

It's actually very easy to tell the difference between boys and girls in adulthood. The main thing is to learn how to hold the bird tightly so that it does not hurt its owner, and he does not hurt her, because any breed in such circumstances can be called violent.


Daily goslings can be easily distinguished from one another. From the very beginning, males are larger in size and more active in behavior. From a week old they try to "rise" above females, stretching their necks and proudly holding their backs. Females, on the other hand, are very inactive and sleepy.

There is another reliable method for determining the sex of goslings at one month of age. It's called Tarzanka. It is necessary to take the chick, turn it upside down and lower it down, while simulating a fall. If the duckling tries to reach its paws to free itself, it is a boy, if only shaking its head from side to side, it is a girl.

Determining the sex of goslings is a very entertaining process. However, if the goal is to breed geese solely for the sake of meat, it is not very important to know how to distinguish a goose from a goose. In order to get good meat, the proportions of boys and girls in the flock are not important. Gender determination can take time using the observation principle. You can also find out where the goose is and where the goose is by means of inspection.

As practice shows, the most effective way to distinguish a goose and a goose in adulthood is to check them for the presence of a genital organ. It is also quite easy to determine the sex of chicks in the first days of life. The main thing in all attempts is to be able to keep the bird.

In general, a herd of winged individuals consists of representatives of both sexes, and to distinguish them in appearance, behavioral characteristics, and a voluminous head is the first requirement for the holder of a goose farm.

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