How is the incubation of goose eggs at home

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Every day, the incubation of goose eggs at home is gaining more and more popularity. This is a rather specific stage on the way to increasing the number of individuals in the hen house, in contrast to the artificial hatching of other birds, which requires colossal efforts from the farmer. In order to carry out this procedure correctly, you need to strictly follow many recommendations. The following characteristics deserve close attention: the temperature for hatching goslings, the timing of the eggs in the automatic machine, etc.

Incubating goose eggs at home

Incubating goose eggs at home

Before the beginning and until the very end of such a difficult process, it is worth discussing many issues. Let's break down the whole process so that you can fulfill your dream, where the result will be the hatching of healthy and viable goslings.

What is hidden under the term "automatic incubation"

Incubation is the process of the appearance of a brood in animals that lay eggs, which occurs only under correctly selected conditions (temperature and climatic conditions). Artificial incubation allows you to get as close as possible to the conditions that the laying hen creates for the future offspring when incubating them on their own. That is why, for the birth of chicks, devices are used that can maintain a certain mode of temperature and humidity.

An automatic device is a mechanical kvochka, which is able to ensure the safety of goslings throughout the entire period of incubation. At home, maintaining an incubator is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, you just need to process the grates, open parts of the device and the goose eggs themselves before laying.

The incubator itself will take care of the safety of the eggs from the moment of laying and until the hatching of the chicks. Such machines are able to independently set the required temperature level depending on the incubation period of geese, as well as humidity, and control the light regime, which significantly saves farmers' time and effort in this matter.

At home, specially designed machines ensure trouble-free operation. For example, Nest, Cinderella, Toulouse, the domestic version of the Blitz, and Janoel. The main thing is that before using them, be sure to check the device for operability, ensure uninterrupted power supply, its cooling, according to the plan, and control the correct rolling of eggs.

How to prepare eggs for incubation

The moment you notice a clutch of eggs, you need to start quickly pulling them out of the nests (ideally, while they are lukewarm). Remember: it is strictly forbidden to refrigerate materials.

If you could not do this on your own or decided to start breeding birds by purchasing eggs, then contact only your friends to be sure that the key rules for collecting them are followed.

As you understand, the temperature for hatching goslings plays an important role. But this is not the only factor influencing the state of future offspring. These include:

  1. The content of feed during the laying period, as well as the diet of the individual selected for breeding.
  2. The right male to female ratio on the farm.
  3. The frequency of walking the birds.
  4. Maintaining the microclimate in the habitat (chicken coop) at the required level.
  5. Do not forget that the natural environment influences the fertility of geese. For example, if poultry is released into a polluted reservoir, then you can not count on an increase in the number of inhabitants of the poultry house, because infected algae and mollusks will certainly have a negative effect on the hen's body. The goose will suffer - there will be problems for the brood.
  6. No damage to the shell.
  7. When the eggs are rolled, the bumpiness hidden under the shell is not noticed in the hands.

Important: healthy goslings can be raised only from properly prepared eggs, therefore, full breeding can be made.

For the process of hatching geese, it is necessary to carefully collect the eggs, since this is directly related to the future result, namely, the health of the brood. You will have to carefully consider the size, weight, type of shell, as well as the shape of the eggs. If at least one of these parameters does not fit the standards, then it is not recommended to continue working with such eggs, because you will not get good offspring.

For reference: the standard egg weight of small geese is from 140 to 160 g, and of large ones - from 170 to 200 g (chicken derivatives are smaller).

The shelf life for eggs selected for the incubator should not exceed 10 days from the moment they were laid by the goose (laying hen), but it is better to opt for weekly materials. It should also be noted that the temperature in the room with the eggs will have to be kept at around 8-15 ° C.

When incubating at home, goose eggs should never be washed in the usual way before placing them in the machine compartment. Experts say that you can remove plaque from eggs with a weak solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide, they can also be disinfected under a special UV lamp.

For disinfection with potassium permanganate, you will have to place each egg in a weak solution and hold it for no more than 5 minutes, then gently rinse it in warm water and let it dry.

An important point is that the prepared composition should be 5-7 ° C warmer than the egg itself. Before you start washing your eggs, it is advisable to watch special videos that detail all the features of this procedure.

How and how much the selected material can be stored

The duration of egg storage is an equally important stage of incubation, because the hatchability rate depends on how long the materials are kept. The thing is that if certain conditions are not met, the contents of the egg will begin to deform.

What is the best storage time? The answer to this question can be provided by farmers who practice egg breeding in an incubator. The best option would be a shelf life of no more than 5-7 days. In this case, the temperature regime should be in the range of 8-15 ° C.

Features of laying eggs in an incubator

The scheme according to which the goose eggs are laid in the incubator is as follows: all prepared materials must be carefully and carefully placed in a horizontal position in a special tray (it is better to abandon foam products). This applies to small products. What about large eggs? Everything is quite simple: they will have to be laid vertically.

If you plan to turn them yourself, then mark each egg on both sides with a pencil (only with different icons) in advance, and also indicate on them the approximate date of hatching. This approach will make it possible to carry out a coup in a timely manner, which will ensure uniform heating of the material and predict in advance the moment of hatching of the offspring.

Important: you will have to turn the piece goods in the incubator several times a day (the amount depends on the stage of development).

Temperature regime

The most important thing when hatching goslings in an incubator is the correct humidity and temperature in the unit on different days (see tables 1 and 2).

For a better assimilation of information, what and when is best to do, you can see the graph in the tables:

Table 1: Temperature fluctuations in a goose incubator from setting to hatching



Incubator temperature
Before bookmark38.5-39 ° C
The first hours38 ° C
Third day37.7-37.8 ° C
Fifth day37.7-37.8 ° C
Sixth day37.6 ° C
Seventh - ninth days37.6 ° C
From the tenth day37.4-37.5 ° C
Thirteenth day37.4-37.5 ° C
Twentieth day37.4-37.5 ° C
Twenty fourth day37.4-37.5 ° C
Twenty-eighth day37-37.4 ° C

Table 2: fluctuations in the moisture index for the entire period of artificial breeding of goslings

Incubation periodAir humidity in the incubator
1-3 days60-65%
3-24 days70%
24-28 days75%

The first eggs can be laid only in a preheated incubator (38.5-39 ° C), in which all ventilation holes are temporarily closed, which excludes ventilation. All this must be done in order to provide the eggs with a vital temperature regime of 37.8 ° C (should be in the first few hours). Goose eggs should not be there when the incubator is evaporating. After that, you need to raise the temperature level to 38 ° C, and achieve a humidity in the region of 60-65%.

Such a regime in goose incubators should be observed only until the third day, then you will need to slightly change the temperature to 37.7-37.8 ° C, and reduce the humidity level to 29-30%. From this moment on, one time per day will have to lower the thermometer to 32-34 ° C.

Next, an instruction will be presented, subject to which the output of goslings will become maximum. So, the incubation of goose eggs is as follows:

  1. From the 5th day of incubation, it will be necessary to produce special cooling from time to time, namely, spraying the material with a weak solution of manganese. You will also need to help turn the eggs every 3 hours if your machine does not do this on its own. The turning process is a vital point at which the incubation of geese at home becomes productive, as it allows the embryo to develop correctly and evenly, and also helps to improve nutrition and gas exchange, which is especially important at the time of the development of the circulatory system. Important: the hen twirls eggs about 50 times a day, so the farmer needs to touch the material about the same often in order to get healthy offspring. If you think that you can neglect this process, then you will not be able to get full-fledged goose offspring in the future.
  2. For the sixth day, the temperature should be kept at 37.6 ° C at all times and the eggs should be rolled frequently.
  3. From the seventh day to the ninth, you can already start observing the embryo through a special device - an ovoscope (idoscope). It allows you to see if the eggs that are in the car contain an embryo or not. At the same time, it is important to maintain the characteristics of vital conditions established a little earlier. Important: if the egg is empty, without an embryo or with blood rings, then it should be discarded.
  4. On the 10th incubation day, you will again need to make 2 daily irrigations. The temperature should be maintained at a level of 37.4-37.5 ° C, as well as ensure increased air exchange in the incubator.
  5. On the 13th incubation day, ovoscopy can be performed again. At this time, you only need to turn over 3-4 times a day.
  6. On the 20th incubation day, the eggs will need to be sprayed 3 times a day with a mild solution of potassium permanganate. Tip: the day before the chicks hatch, you will have to process the materials with potassium permanganate (1% solution) only 4 times.

Starting from day 28, goose eggs will need to be sprayed with warm water every 4 hours. It is recommended to cover the materials with gauze wipes, which will only have to be constantly moistened (approximately every 2 hours).You can also stop turning and cooling the eggs.

At the last stage of development, the temperature should be at the border of 37-37.4 ° С, and the humidity level should vary between 70 and 75%. There is no need to close the ventilation of the device.

Incubation lasts approximately 29-30 days. After that, a two-day mass process of hatching goslings begins (the egg stirred and cracks went along the shell). This incubation period is the most important stage of incubation for the offspring.

If the chicks, after the end of the incubation period of the goose, did not all begin to bite, then the eggs should be ovoscoped in a day and pierced the shell at the beak with a sharp object so that the chick has access to air (in other words, “hatch” the chick). If you do not know how to correctly carry out this procedure, then be sure to watch the video material (it is not difficult to find it on the Internet).

After the birth of goslings, they must be left in the apparatus until completely dry, then transferred to a brooder and left there, supporting their vital activity with water and special feed.

The hatching rate of healthy goslings should be about 80%.

Typical problems for beginners

If you decide to do goose incubation at home, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid problems with one experiment and completely preserve the brood.

Novice poultry farmers who do not yet have enough experience or knowledge for such a process as caring for eggs and broods often make mistakes that can lead to the death of all offspring or very low hatchability rates.

Usually, the death of offspring occurs due to neglect of the rules, which must be strictly adhered to in order to obtain a brood (do not cool the material unnecessarily, clearly recreate the incubation regime of goose eggs, taking into account home conditions).

Here are some possible reasons why you can't hatch goslings in a home incubator:

  1. It is better to collect eggs when the hen refuses to hatch. If the mother hen has a desire to hatch the offspring on her own, then you should not injure her, it is enough to take and leave her at least one piece.
  2. Failure to properly set and turn eggs at any time during incubation.
  3. Sudden temperature changes in the incubator. This can lead to either overheating of the eggs or their strong cooling. As a result - the death of offspring. If you are in doubt whether you can provide an uninterrupted supply of electricity to maintain the desired temperature, then it is better to play it safe and get a generator.
  4. A careless attitude to moisture indicators, irregular monitoring of the level and the lack of timely adjustment in the incubator. Humidity, as well as temperature, must be regulated on time and accurately (material must not be allowed to cool). If this rule is neglected, the goslings stop developing and, as a result, die.
  5. The desire to incubate goslings without total control over the hatching process. In the absence of the necessary experience and knowledge, poultry farmers may open the incubator and watch the process too often. As a result, hypothermia can occur, and as a result, the goslings do not hatch.
  6. In such a difficult process as incubating goslings, you should not save on resources. How many times have newcomers to this business tried to save money by dimming or completely turning off the lights in the incubator. This cannot be done, as the result will be the freezing of the embryos. To obtain the quality of cultivation, the lighting regime must be strictly observed.
  7. Newbies often strive to get offspring as early as possible, trying to help hatch without good reason, picking up the goslings from the incubator with their hands, without waiting for the moment of complete drying. As a result, it turns out that wet goslings die from hypothermia. You need to wait until the goslings in the incubator are completely dry. You can only take out daily goslings.

The entire incubation process consists of special attention from specialists or those who want to become one. You can breed goslings both in household appliances and in industrial devices. The latter benefit, since they have great opportunities to create a vital microclimate for hatching goslings.

The key to good healthy offspring is the creation of favorable conditions for the incubation of goose, or rather, the maintenance of eggs in conditions as close as possible to the external environment. Maintenance and care must be of a high standard.

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