Characteristics of pear varieties Abbot Vettel

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Pear Abbot Vettel refers to the French autumn fruits. Gardeners prefer this variety because of its excellent yield, sweet taste and frost resistance.

Characteristics of pear varieties Abbot Vettel

Characteristics of pear varieties Abbot Vettel

Characteristics of the variety

The Abbot Vettel pear variety is commonly grown in the southern regions. Produces best when grown in warm, humid climates.

Pear Abbot tolerates cold quite well. But in severe frosts (down to -17 ° C), damage to the tree is observed. Therefore, it must be prepared in advance for wintering.

According to the description, this variety is resistant to:

  • the influence of pests;
  • diseases;
  • cold temperature conditions;
  • low level of humidity;
  • overdried soil.

Planting is carried out in spring or autumn. The crop is harvested two weeks before full ripening. The fruits become ripe at the beginning of September. You need to collect it daily, depending on ripeness. This is determined by external signs - the fruit becomes slightly soft, has a bright yellow-green color and easily breaks off the branch.

Store fruits in a cold room - basement, freezer, pantry. Before that, they are left for several days in a dry place where there is no draft.

Description of the tree

The Abbot tree is not tall. The average height is 8-10 m. It has a dense crown that resembles a pyramid.

Description of fruits

In the process of transportation, the fruits do not lose their presentation. Thanks to the correct cultivation technology, the first large fruits will appear in 3-4 years.

The fruits of the Abbot variety are distinguished by their taste. The average fruit weight reaches 250 g.

The description of the fruit consists of the following features:

  • thin skin;
  • yellow-green color;
  • the pulp is white, creamy;
  • good flavor.
Fruits are yellow-green in color, the average fruit weight reaches 250 g

Fruits are yellow-green in color, the average fruit weight reaches 250 g

The fruit has a very sweet spicy taste. Thanks to this, they can be consumed fresh and processed. Perfect for preserves and jams. Abbot pears are often used for fruit cuts or sweet salads.

They can be stored for 4-5 months. The main condition is that the storage temperature should not exceed 5 ° C.


Correct and timely care is the key to excellent yields. To get a stable annual yield of this variety, you need to perform the following agrotechnical measures:

  • frost protection;
  • constant loosening of the earth;
  • digging up a circle near the culture;
  • fertilization;
  • removal of weeds and various growths;
  • medium measured watering;
  • mulching the land near the plant;
  • correct crown formation.

It is important to purchase a healthy seedling. The main requirements for it are a powerful root system, a high-quality scion and an even trunk. If the root system is thick, then the seedling will grow rapidly.

Having prepared the tree for planting, you need to pour a little earth into the hole to form a slide. Then we put the seedling on the hill. The roots should be spread in it, which are later covered with soil.Having completely covered the desired place with clay, carefully press the soil near the seedling with your foot.

After planting near the seedling, you need to make a circle with a radius of up to 30 cm and water it with water. Put dry earth on top.


Watering should be carried out throughout the summer. Watering is carried out using sprayers.

You can also make a ditch near the tree and let water in there. You need to pay attention to the fact that the flow of water is gradual. After watering, be sure to loosen. This will help oxygenate the soil and stimulate the growth of the seedling.

The norm of water for 1m2 is 3 buckets. So that the evaporation of water is not too fast, you can sprinkle the area of ​​irrigation with dry grass.

Top dressing

For normal fruiting and development, the plant needs to be fed. Calculation of the amount and composition of feed should be done, paying attention to the following parameters:

  • plant age;
  • season;
  • soil type;
  • the rate of development of the seedling.
Correct and timely care is the key to excellent yields

Correct and timely care is the key to excellent yields

In the fall, a circle near the seedling is dug up. Manure and peat are introduced inside. This is necessary to increase the level of resistance to low temperatures. In the spring, melt water permeates this soil layer and all nutrients go to the roots of the seedling.

In the spring, Abbot Vettel's pear is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, since they stay well in the soil. Ammophos is considered the most common. This fertilizer works well for the plant during the growing season.

Also, together with nitrogen, potash and phosphorus are used in a ratio of 3: 1: 4.

Particular attention should be paid to feeding after 2 years of planting. The tree grows and requires more nutrients and nutrients, which are contained in fertilizers.

Pruning branches

Unlike other horticultural crops, pears naturally form a crown. The purpose of pruning branches is to rid the tree of dried up, barren branches. The place of the cut must be treated with a garden pitch.

Healthy branches need to be given a horizontal direction.

Anti-aging pruning is performed every 2 or 3 years. This will allow you to control the growth of the crown.

Diseases and pests

The big advantage of this pear variety is its resistance to various diseases. But due to improper care, the seedling can be affected by pests. The most common among them are:

  1. Scab. Leaves are damaged first. Olive spots with a velvet bloom appear on the back of the leaves. As a preventive measure, you need to constantly ventilate the room. Already infected seedlings must be treated with "Dnok" or "Nitrafena" paste.
  2. Sooty fungus. This disease damages leaves and fruits. A black coating appears on them, which resembles soot. This disease affects weak seedlings and those that lack minerals. The main carriers of the sooty fungus are insects. To prevent the disease, you need to use the insecticide "Calypso", and for treatment - the fungicide "Fitoferm".
  3. Powdery mildew. On the inflorescences and leaves of the tree, you can notice a powdery white bloom, which after a while becomes a reddish hue. Damaged parts dry out and fall off. The prevention of this disease is the removal of damaged leaves and their subsequent burning. Also, gardeners use folk remedies - they spray the plant with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.


Pears Abbot Vettel gained popularity due to their marketability and taste. The only drawback is the average yield. But this minus is compensated by the stability of fruiting.

If you water and feed the tree on time, it will always delight you with its fruits. It is important to prune on time, carry out disease prevention and pest control.

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