How to Grow and Eat Rice Mushroom

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Rice mushroom contains substances healing for human health. Refers to drinking, is grown at home and is applicable for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

How to Grow and Eat Rice Mushroom

How to Grow and Eat Rice Mushroom

Composition and benefits

The bacteria of the fungus, called sea rice, form a gel-like mucous mass (zoogley), consisting of individual transparent granules, similar in appearance to rice grains, from which the fungus actually got its name. By its structure, it is a symbiotic organism consisting of bacteria and other microorganisms, capable of synthesizing organic acids, enzymes and vitamins on the basis of sugar.

Some distinguish varieties and attribute them to the same product. However, there are those who believe that their living conditions are slightly different:

  • Indian rice mushroom: it multiplies in milk, dry milk powder diluted with water is suitable for its life, in the process of the life of an Indian mushroom, fermented milk is obtained;
  • Chinese rice mushroom: activates and lives in sweetened water, to which raisins are added, which starts the fermentation process.

The closest in chemical composition to this mushroom are the cultures of the tea and kefir mushrooms.

Thanks to the acidic bacteria in the composition, sea rice mushroom synthesizes acids and enzymes that are beneficial to health, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • due to amylase, which breaks down starch, the sugar level decreases, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • lowers and normalizes the level of blood pressure, acting as an effective remedy against hypertension;
  • has healing benefits for the circulatory system and fights atherosclerosis;
  • the coenzyme contained in it has an active effect and promotes the restoration of heart muscle cells;
  • due to vitamins B12 and folic acid, which act as conductors of nerve impulses, it is applicable to stimulate the work of nerve cells;
  • due to the diuretic properties of citric acid, it helps to remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • the glucuronic acid included in the composition acts as a neutralizer of toxic elements and cleanses the liver from toxins;
  • powerful antioxidants - chlorogenic and coumaric acids - slow down and stop the growth of cancer cells;
  • useful enzymes that regulate biochemical reactions, normalize digestive and metabolic processes, treat gastrointestinal diseases.

The Indian fungus used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes can reduce the severity of allergic reactions. It is recommended to use it as an effective remedy for improving overall tone. It has benefits in activating the internal reserves of the body due to the contained folic acid and a number of amino acids. It is applied for cosmetic purposes externally in the form of masks to increase the tone of the skin.

A useful mushroom drink is not inferior to kvass in taste, and in terms of the number of incoming components and useful properties, it noticeably exceeds it.Primary positive changes in the body are observed after 20-30 days.

How to grow

Rice mushroom comes in different sizes:

  • growing large "from scratch" is much more difficult, but its taste is soft, rich milk,
  • small to grow faster, but the taste is similar to a kvass drink and has an inherent pungency.

The beneficial properties of the rice mushroom are independent of the grain size.

The classic version of the infusion of a live Chinese fungus involves growing it in water, where dried fruits are added, while it is often permissible to take dried apricots, dried apples, pears or prunes instead of raisins.

Growing process

1 tbsp the mushroom is put in a glass container and 0.5 l of unboiled water is added, in which 2 tbsp is previously dissolved. Sahara. A handful of any dried fruit is also put in a jar to accelerate growth. They are placed in a dark place where the temperature is maintained at + 23 ... + 27 ° С. The higher the air temperature, the faster the infusion is prepared and the sea rice grows. At a constant temperature below + 16 ... + 18 ℃, the rice becomes smaller and may die. To avoid this, leave the jar near an electric kettle or stove.

When the temperature drops to +17 ° C, the fungus stops growing.

After 2 days, the finished infusion is poured through cheesecloth, the grains are filtered, the dried fruits are thrown away. The fungus is washed in running water, again 0.5 l of water, dried fruits are added and put to obtain a new infusion. The finished drink can be consumed within 4-5 days, provided it is stored in the refrigerator.

Application and dosage

The use of the drink depends on the purpose of its use:

  • fermented milk with mushroom is used 1-2 times a day in a course for 20 days, taking a break of 10 days, subsequently repeating the treatment;
  • medicinal liquid with Chinese rice mushroom is used 3 or more times a day, it is permissible to drink it throughout the year without intervals.


They usually drink kvass according to the instructions, 100 ml half an hour before a meal. Depending on how you feel, the permissible single dosage is up to 200 ml. At the same time, a single dosage for children is not recommended for more than 50 ml of the drink.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

Commonly recommended by practitioners of sea rice at home:

  • It is usually recommended to have two servings of sea rice at home: while one is "working", the second is at this time in a glass dish in the refrigerator - "resting".
  • Do not forget that a drink prepared from the first time seasoned with Indian rice will be weak in saturation and carbonation.
  • An infusion based on dry sour apples will be weaker in its healing qualities than one prepared using figs, dried apricots or raisins.

If you are going on vacation, it is natural that you cannot leave Indian rice in "working" condition. How do I save it? To do this, use the following tips:

  1. Drain the infusion and rinse the sea rice thoroughly.
  2. Drain it from the water so that it is practically dry.
  3. Place the sea rice in a food container (jar, container), close the lid tightly and place on the lower shelf in the refrigerator.

In this state of "sleep", it can be stored without damage for a month. When you return, rinse the rice to remove the resulting acetic acid and then season as usual.


Rice fungus drink has contraindications:

  • insulin dependence (type I diabetes);
  • peptic ulcer (stomach, duodenal ulcer);
  • chronic kidney disease.

The drink is not capable of causing harm to health, however, in some cases it causes side effects:

  • temporary disorder in the digestive tract;
  • strong diuretic effect;
  • discomfort in the upper respiratory tract.

The side effects usually subside after some time. In the presence of prolonged discomfort, the dosage of the drink is reduced. Among the contraindications is also the age of children under 1 year.


The marine fungus is bacterial in nature. It has a number of health benefits. Suitable for the treatment of a number of diseases. It is easy to grow it at home, it is simple to care for it, the main thing is to fulfill the basic requirements. It is recommended to use it in dosage - the daily dose should not be exceeded. When the dosage is observed, rice mushroom is not harmful to health, although it sometimes causes temporary side effects. Has a number of contraindications.

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