What are the benefits and harms of grapefruit

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Grapefruit is a natural hybrid of orange and pomelo. It was discovered 3 centuries ago in Barbados. Since then, the fruit has gained popularity all over the world. The benefits and harms of grapefruit are well understood. It contains many substances that have a positive effect on the body. But there are a number of contraindications to the use of this citrus.

The benefits and harms of grapefruit

The benefits and harms of grapefruit

Grapefruit composition

A citrus fruit called grapefruit incorporates the properties of both orange and pomelo. The fruit is large, with a thick skin. Its flesh color is yellow or red.

Basic substances

Grapefruit has a rich composition, many substances are unique. A number of main components:

  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.2 g;
  • fiber - 1.2 g;
  • dry ballast substances - 0.5 g

Most of the pulp is water, per 100 g of the product its 88.8 g. The calorie content of the fruit is low, only 35 kcal / 100 g.


We are used to getting a lot of vitamins from fruits. Grapefruit is no exception in this regard. Most of all it contains ascorbic acid or vitamin C, half the daily dose. It contains vitamins A (17% of the daily value), PP. Group B is also presented: vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9.

The benefits of grapefruit are tocopherol, or vitamin E. It is a powerful antioxidant.


The fruit has an equally rich mineral composition, which further expands its use. It includes macronutrients such as potassium (7.5% DV), sodium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Of the trace elements, iron, which is contained in hemoglobin and counteracts anemia, zinc, selenium, copper, fluorine, etc., plays an important role.

Special substances

Citrus contains a number of specific ingredients that serve different functions. These include phytoncides with bactericidal action, furanocoumarins (they sometimes harm the body), glycosides, pectin, organic acids, essential oils, and the flavonoid naringin. The last component has many useful properties.

Useful properties of naringin

The health benefits of grapefruit fruit are largely related to naringin. This substance is found in all citrus fruits, but the orange-pomelo hybrid contains the largest amount. It even managed to be used for the production of drugs. It is naringin that gives the fruit a specific bitterness.

This is how the substance acts on the human body:

  • Improves metabolism.
  • Removes from hard drinking and removes the toxic effect of alcoholic beverages.
  • Has antioxidant activity.
  • It activates the detoxification function of the liver and the production of liver enzymes.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels and counteracts the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Strengthens capillaries, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevents bleeding.
  • Increases the body's resistance to infections, strengthens the immune system.
  • Tones up, gives strength.
  • Normalizes the bacterial composition of the intestinal flora.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Activates fat metabolism.
Fruit improves metabolism

Fruit improves metabolism

One of the important properties of naringin is the protection of liver cells from the penetration of hepatitis B and C viruses. True, in this disease, grapefruits are advised to be eaten with caution, especially in the course of treatment: they prolong the effect of certain drugs.

Most of the naringin is in the thin white films surrounding the flesh. They taste bitter, which is why many people clean them and throw them away. This significantly reduces the benefits of citrus fruit.

Useful properties of grapefruit pulp

In addition to naringin, fruits contain many other useful substances. They have a positive effect on many systems of the body, treat and prevent pathologies, and lead to the early recovery of health after illness.

Metabolic disorders

Eating grapefruit is recommended for diabetes. There is little glucose in it, so blood sugar does not rise. On the contrary, citrus helps to reduce it. The fruit is useful for gout, it regulates salt metabolism, reduces the level of oxalic acid. Normalization of salt metabolism leads to a decrease in the risk of kidney and gallbladder stones. After eating grapefruit, urine becomes acidic, this also prevents the formation of calculi with urolithiasis.

Organic acids play an important role in combination with essential oils. Their action is based on the activation of metabolic processes. This promotes rapid fat burning, accelerates the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, therefore nutritionists recommend citrus as the best product for weight loss. If you eat a couple of its slices before eating, in 3 months it is easy to lose up to 5 kg without changing the diet. But the grapefruit diet is harmful to people with gastrointestinal problems, so be sure to consult a doctor.

Cancer prevention

Reducing the risk of cancer is associated with many properties of grapefruit:

  • Flavonoids and phytoncytes prevent infection with viruses with oncogenic activity.
  • Lycopene in combination with vitamins A and C has antitumor activity, activates the immune defense.
  • Naringinin repairs damaged DNA and promotes the destruction of cancer cells.
  • Pectin adsorbs harmful substances in the colon, accelerates peristalsis. As a result, the risk of developing cancer of this organ decreases.

In addition, the action of antioxidants is aimed at reducing the activity of free radicals that damage cells, which also reduces the risk of cancer.

Heart and blood vessels

The fruit is also useful for cardiovascular diseases. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It has been proven that with regular consumption of fruits, the level of total cholesterol decreases by 15%, and triglycerides - by 17%. In addition, citrus thins the blood and prevents blood clots.

Caffeine, essential oils help to remove excess fluid from the body. This reduces the burden on the heart and promotes weight loss. Glycosides normalize the rhythm and increase the strength of the heart, therefore citrus is useful for arrhythmias and heart failure. Antioxidants reduce the risk of stroke, especially in those with high blood pressure.

Digestive system

Fiber enhances intestinal motility, heals and prevents constipation, bloating, and helps get rid of hemorrhoids. The medicinal and bactericidal properties of the pulp help with infectious diarrhea. It also has a good effect on the liver, enhances its detoxification function. The fruit has a moderate choleretic property. Citrus is recommended for people with low stomach acidity.


Grapefruit boosts immunity

Grapefruit boosts immunity

Citrus is indicated for angina, cystitis, colds and other infections. The healing properties of the pulp and skins of the fruit have been proven for herpes. It not only enhances immunity, but also destroys bacteria and viruses. During the recovery period, it helps the body to recover faster from the illness. Bones and peels are recommended to be used to remove worms.

Health Benefits for Men and Women

The benefits of grapefruit for women are undeniable. Essential oils soothe and relieve the negative manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Phytoncides affect fungi and bacteria, so the fruit is indicated for thrush, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs. Vitamins and some trace elements regulate the production of hormones. This action is useful during menopause and puberty.

Pregnant women also need the product. It contains many useful substances that help the fetus develop properly. In addition, the fruit relieves swelling, which often appears in the third trimester. Pectin and fiber relieve constipation (also a common problem when carrying a baby). It reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, especially in the first months.

What are the benefits of grapefruit for men? Citrus stimulates testosterone, which has a positive effect on erection and fertility. It helps to quickly heal inflammation of the reproductive organs. Men often abuse fatty heavy foods, sometimes drink a lot of alcohol. Grapefruit well removes the breakdown products of lipids and ethyl alcohol, relieves hangovers, affects liver function and general health.

Grapefruit in cosmetology

Citrus is widely used in cosmetology. Fruit juice effectively whitens age spots and freckles on the face. From the pulp with the addition of skins, masks are made for oily skin of the face and neck. Citrus contributes to weight loss, to combat cellulite, creams are made based on the pulp of the fruit. It increases microcirculation in the scalp, strengthens the hair, makes it more elastic, and eliminates fragility.

The antioxidants in the pulp counteract aging. Pectins stimulate collagen formation, make the skin firm and smooth. Vitamins C and PP improve blood circulation in the capillaries, which has a positive effect on complexion and skin nutrition. Aromatherapy is not far behind, she actively uses essential malas for massages, masks, sedatives after cosmetic procedures. Dried skins are used to cleanse the skin of the face.

The fruit is also useful for skin diseases. It is used as a medicine for dermatitis, seborrhea, psoriasis, mycoses of the feet, lichen. Even dentists have noted the effect of citrus on the gums. It prevents bleeding, serves for the prevention of periodontal disease, treats stomatitis.

The benefits of peel and seeds

The skin or rind of the grapefruit fruit is also beneficial. It is dried or consumed fresh. Ground zest has antiseptic, antioxidant properties, relieves inflammation. Wipe the face with a fresh skin. This procedure unclogs pores, disinfects and refreshes the skin.

The gruel from the peel, mixed with the pulp of the fruit and other ingredients, is applied to the face and neck as a mask. Dry crushed grapefruit skin is used as a peeling. It is recommended to cleanse the face of crusts and keratinized epithelium no more than once a week, and then apply sunscreen. Fruit acids act on the middle layers of the skin, stimulate their regeneration and effectively cleanse.

If you add dry or fresh zest to a dish or steam it with boiling water, you get a good weight loss product. The drink accelerates fat burning and removes excess fluid from the body.

The peel contains substances that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and counteract atherosclerosis. Antioxidants help prevent chronic disease and even cancer.

Rub the face with fresh skin

Rub the face with fresh skin

Grapefruit zest has another valuable component - essential oil. It is obtained even on an industrial scale. It is widely used in perfumery and cosmetics for the production of perfumes, deodorants, detergents, grapefruit-scented creams. Also, the oil is used in aromatherapy. It has a good effect on the nervous system, soothes and relieves the negative effects of stress, improves concentration.

The seeds have no less useful properties than grapefruit peel. They are dried and then added to tea and cosmetics. To prepare homemade creams, masks or peels, the bones are ground into powder, then added to the base. A decoction of seeds with a peel strengthens the joints, prevents colds, especially in the spring, replenishes the supply of vitamins.

Grapefruit harm

Grapefruit is good for the body, but in some situations it is harmful. The fruits contain special substances - furanocoumarins. They suppress the activity of cytochrome in the liver, which is responsible for the breakdown of a number of medications. Therefore, when eating a fruit, the effect of some drugs is enhanced, sometimes several times, which is extremely dangerous for human health. Here is a list of such drugs:

  • chemotherapy drugs;
  • cholesterol-lowering statins;
  • some medicines for hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • analgesics;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • immunosuppressants;
  • diuretics;
  • antihistamines;
  • beta blockers;
  • antitussive.

The effectiveness of contraceptives, which include estrogen and its analogues, grapefruit, on the contrary, lowers - the chance of getting pregnant in women increases. Juice and fruits act not only at the time of their consumption, but for 24 hours after.

If you are taking any medication before eating grapefruit, read the instructions carefully and consult your doctor. If you notice danger signs, seek immediate medical attention.

Eating more than a quarter of a grapefruit per day is harmful. This increases the risk of developing breast cancer by 30%. But the statement is relevant for women living in hot climates with high sun activity. The fruit increases the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the skin. In addition, there are citrus fruits in such quantities you need all year round.


Grapefruit is contraindicated in a number of diseases and conditions:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis, cholecystitis, acute hepatitis;
  • hypertension, due to interactions with drugs to lower blood pressure;
  • citrus intolerance: grapefruit is a strong allergen, often causing unwanted reactions.

It is advisable to drink the juice through a straw, acids have a negative effect on the teeth, destroy the enamel. You can not eat more than 1-2 fruits a day all the time, they can damage the mucous membrane of the mouth and the rest of the gastrointestinal tract.

Eating grapefruit has its pros and cons. The usefulness is undeniable, but they should be eaten in reasonable quantities. Be sure to take into account all contraindications. In case of using any medications, it is necessary to consult with your doctor whether their use is compatible with citrus. If an allergy occurs, eat grapefruit immediately.

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