How to process grapes before, during and after flowering

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The processing of grapes before, after and during flowering is carried out with chemical and folk remedies. It is recommended to process the plant in a timely manner so that the vineyard grows strong, healthy and gives a bountiful harvest.

Processing grapes before and after flowering

Processing grapes before and after flowering

Basic processing rules

Before processing in the spring, the damage is removed from the grapes. They carry out pruning, garter vines on a trellis. Damaged parts are destroyed to prevent the spread of infection. Large clods of soil are broken, the soil is leveled.

Plants are not sprayed in direct sunlight. The droplets attract heat and cause burns. It is recommended to carefully process the sections, parts of the plant affected by the last season.

Scheme of the procedures:

  • processing of grapes before flowering - late April-mid-May;
  • during flowering - late May-second half of June;
  • after flowering - end of June-second half of July.

It is effective to process the berry with a tank mixture - a complex of several preparations. The diluted substances are stored in a tightly closed non-metallic container in a cool, ventilated, non-residential area.

Chemical treatment

When working with chemicals, permitted substances are used. Be sure to adhere to dosages, shelf life, observe safety rules and work outdoors.

The nozzle is directed towards the wind: this minimizes the risk of inhalation. During processing, rubber gloves, boots, special glasses are used. The airway is closed with a respirator. Respirators U-2K, F-62Sh.Zh are used to work with non-volatile chemicals. With toxic respirators RU-60 and RPG-67. In the absence of a respirator, wear an industrial gas mask.

To work with dust-like preparations, wear an anti-dust overalls, a thick cloth gown. Hands are protected with cotton gloves, legs - with canvas shoe covers. Children, adolescents, pregnant women, lactating women are not allowed to use chemicals. It is forbidden to smoke, eat, drink during work. At the end, wash your face and hands with soap.

Drugs for diseases

The universal systemic drug "Topaz" is used for the treatment and prevention of downy mildew, rust, powdery mildew, gray rot. It comes in the form of a blue powder or liquid.

Advantages of the drug:

  • duration of action;
  • profitability;
  • combination with fungicides;
  • fast absorption into plants (stopping the development of mycelium after 2-2.5 hours).

The liquid product is diluted with water. A working solution is made from the powder. 6 ml of the resulting concentrate is mixed with 10 liters of water.

  • After treatment for 2-2.5 weeks, the plants are fully protected with moderate disease progression. In case of severe development of the disease, "Topaz" lasts for 1.5 weeks. The drug treats mild ailments.
  • Ridomil Gold is used 2 weeks before, during, 2 weeks after flowering. The drug prevents the development of mildew fungal disease, has a therapeutic effect in the early stages of infection.
  • The fungicide is sold in the form of beige instant granules. PEPIT-technology allows them to dissolve in water in 1 min. Granules of large size, high density, which excludes their inhalation. The product is available in 1 or 5 kg plastic containers. The preparation contains 2 active ingredients: contact dithiocarbamate mancoceb 64% (640 g / kg), systemic phenylamide mefenoxam 4% (40 g / kg).
Treatment will protect against disease

Treatment will protect against disease

The different mechanism of action provides a lasting effect. Among the advantages:

  • protection of untreated buds, fruits, tubers;
  • high speed of propagation inside the plant;
  • no toxic effect on the plant;
  • storage at a temperature of -10 ° C-35 ° C.

The danger of the drug is class 2. The product is toxic to humans and mammals. The substance is not harmful to fish and bees. It is environmentally unsafe.

The solution is prepared before use: 25 g of the drug is mixed with 10 liters of water. The required amount of funds is 100-150 ml / sq. m.

The vineyard is recommended to be processed in dry weather in the morning. The drug must not be mixed with alkaline agents.

Pest drugs

The universal granular preparation "Decis" is used before, during and after flowering with an interval of 2 weeks between treatments. The active ingredient is deltamethrin (250 g / kg). The tool effectively acts on a number of pests: weevil, cushion, grape gnat, miner moth, grape flea, goldfish, leafworm.

The drug has an effective contact-intestinal effect on young individuals, affects their nervous system.


  • no organic solvent;
  • safety for humans, plants, animals;
  • ease of use, transportation, storage;
  • high protection against counterfeiting.

Dilution of the product: 2 ml / 10 l of water. It is used in the early morning or late evening at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Omite is used 2 weeks before and 10 days after flowering. The drug is released in the form of an emulsion. "Omite-R 57 KE" contains the active substance propargite. Omayt-R ZOSV is a wettable powder. The tool acts by contact.

The substance is not phytotoxic. For humans and animals, it is hazardous class 2. For bees - 3rd.

The drug is most effective at a temperature of 25 ° C.

3-4 g of powder or 1.5 ml of an aqueous emulsion are mixed with 1 liter of water. Spray abundantly. After the procedure, the preparation protects the plant for 2-3 weeks.

Processing folk remedies

To combat powdery mildew, the grass is mowed, folded in the open air. After drying, cover with mold is poured with water, mixed. The infusion is filtered. All parts of the vineyard are sprayed with it. The procedure is safe. It is carried out at any stage of plant development.

Mildew is harassed with an extract from wood ash:

  • 1 liter of ash is poured into 10 liters of water, insisted for 6-7 days;
  • 50 g of laundry soap is added to the finished infusion;
  • the strained solution is sprayed on the bush every 10 days.

An effective method of combating gray mold is spraying with an iodine solution (1 ml / 1 l of water). It is used before and during flowering.

Fight spider mites with potatoes. 1-2 kg of green tops are poured into 10 liters of warm water. Insist 5-6 hours, filter. Spray 2 times a week during flowering. The flowers are covered with a plastic bag.

They get rid of the pest with an infusion of garlic. Grind 45-50 g of garlic, add 500 ml of water. Insist for 8-10 minutes. Top up to 1 liter, spray.


The best effect when using fungicides, acaricides, folk remedies is achieved with the systematic treatment of the vineyard every year. The best option is considered a complex of systemic, contact chemicals with prophylactic spraying by folk methods.

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