Characteristics of grapes Krasin

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The Krassen grape is a versatile table variety. Often used to make sweet homemade wine. Berries of this variety are juicy, large, bright in color.

Characteristics of grapes Krasin

Characteristics of grapes Krasin

Characteristics of the variety

The Krassen variety is a hybrid obtained by crossing Magarych and Anthea. It ripens for a long time - about 130-140 days. The bush bears its first fruits in mid-late August.

The yield is high - up to 180 centners of fruits are harvested from 1 hectare. Another advantage of the variety is resistance to temperature changes. Withstands frosts down to -25 ° С. Krassen grapes can be grown on an industrial scale and in the garden.

Description of the bush

Krasenya bushes are vigorous. The peak of growth is the first 2 years after planting. This feature must be taken into account when choosing a place for plant growth.

The average height of the bush is up to 2 m. A compact formation is suitable for it. Then all the clusters will develop evenly, the risk of pea formation is reduced.

There are powerful shoots at the ends of the bushes. The length reaches a maximum of 30 cm. Bunches are formed even on raids of the second order.

Description of bunches:

  • conical;
  • elongated;
  • sharp;
  • weight reaches 1 kg.

There are up to 100 berries per bunch. Withstands 2 brushes per 1 vine. From 4 medium bunches, about 4-5 liters of juice are obtained.

Description of fruits

According to the description of the variety, the berries are oval, rarely round. They have an elongated shape. Large size - 3 * 4 cm.Weight of 1 berry - up to 15 g.

Features of the fruit:

  • fruit color is dark purple;
  • the pulp is transparent inside;
  • the rind is soft, thin, but firm;
  • the taste is sour at first, but sweet when fully ripe.

According to the description, there are no seeds in the fruits. Therefore, grapes can be given even to small children.

The Krassen grape variety is used for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. It is the main component in dessert wines - Kagor and Magarach. Suitable for making marshmallows, marmalades, jams, sweet pastes. Processed into raisins. Used as a decoration in cold salads and desserts.

Growing grapes

Plant health depends on the correct planting.

Plant health depends on the correct planting.

A compact planting is necessary for healthy growth and development of the variety. A distance of 50 cm is kept between the seedlings, and this will only increase the yield.

Landing in the soil

Planting is carried out using a seedling. There should be no scratches, wounds or other damage on it. Pay attention to the root system. It is desirable that it be powerful, developed, not overdried or waterlogged.

Landing requirements:

  • good lighting (the bush will not be in the shade);
  • groundwater is at a height of less than 1 m;
  • there are no fruit trees or bushes nearby.

Plant care

  1. Despite the frost resistance, it is better to cover the bushes. This will help preserve the crop and plant. For this, agrofibre is used. Sometimes mulching is done using mulch paper, straw, rotted grass, etc.
  2. Pruning is done to heal and rejuvenate the plant. There is no exact time, becausecarried out when necessary - when there are dry, broken branches, non-fruiting bunches. To do this, use a secateurs, which are pre-treated with alcohol.
  3. Stealing is necessary to eliminate second-order raids. Sometimes they prevent the bush from growing by taking away nutrients. As a result, the yield is weak, the fruits are of poor quality. It is also done with a secateurs.


Top dressing should be applied 2 years after planting. Previously, you don't need to do this.

Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring. These include:

  1. Nitrogen. Application time - early May. Nitrogen is found in urea and ammonium nitrate.
  2. Potash. Such fertilizers are applied in June. The component is present in potassium salt, potassium chloride and sulfate.
  3. Phosphate. The fertilization period is the end of April. Superphosphate is the main component in such pods.

In the fall, organic fertilizing is introduced. They are based on manure, bird droppings, compost, peat.


Use warm water for irrigation

Use warm water for irrigation

The Krassen variety is watered for the first time after the frost protection has been removed. Bring 1-2 buckets under 1 bush. The water must be warm.

Irrigation schedule:

  1. Before flowering. For 1 bush of grapes Krasin take 3 buckets of water.
  2. After flowering. It will take about 4 buckets of water per plant.
  3. After fruiting. Little water is required - about 1 bucket per bush.

Drip irrigation is done every 2 weeks. It is carried out in the early morning or late evening after sunset to moisturize the plant during drought.

Diseases and pests

Red grapes are affected by fungal and bacterial diseases, pests. The most common are:

Name of the disease, pestSignsWays to fight
MildewInitially, it infects branches, after which it moves on to shoots and leaves. The latter become twisted. Brown and yellow spots appear on the leaf blade.To eliminate fungal disease, fungicides are suitable. The most effective are Antracol, Bordeaux mixture, Cuproxat, Ridomil, Strobi, Thanos, Horus, Copper oxychloride.
Oidium (powdery mildew)Curly leaves covered with a white or silvery bloom on the back are the first sign of powdery mildew. If fruits have already formed on the grapes, they are covered with black spots.Use Bordeaux liquid. If this does not help, apply fungicides (the same as for mildew).
Gray rotFruits are covered with gray rot. Becomes watery. Due to the heavy weight, they fall off.The plant will save copper oxychloride. Anthracol, Cuproxat, Ridomil, Strobi, Thanos, Horus will be effective.


The Krassen grape variety has excellent taste characteristics. To get a high quality crop, follow the planting and growing rules.

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