Description of green grapes Kishmish

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Green grapes are a perennial shrub that is grown for delicious fruit. Grape Kishmish Green - one of the varieties of the plant, it is characterized by an oval shape of berries, in which there are no seeds.

Description of green grapes Kishmish

Description of green grapes Kishmish

Description of varieties

Kishmish green grapes include the following popular varieties:

  1. Radiant light. Medium ripening grape variety. Ripe berries appear 130 days after the start of the growing season. The taste of the fruit is sweet with a slight sourness, well suited as a base in the production of white wines. The bunches are large and dense, up to 40 cm long.
  2. Ramming. A fast-growing variety, tolerates cold and sudden changes in temperature. The crop is harvested at the end of June. The bunches are large, weighing 700 g. The berries are small in size, with juicy pulp and thin skin.
  3. Zaporozhye. The description of the variety is similar to Ramminga, but larger berries are characteristic of Zaporozhye.
  4. Novikov. Small size of bunches, weight does not exceed 400 g. It is used in winemaking and for making juice. The advantage is good transportability.
  5. Far Eastern. The grape variety Kishmish is frost-resistant. Bunches of medium size, weight does not exceed 500 g. Table berries, with a sweet and sour taste.

Composition and calorie content

Different varieties of Green Kishmish contain from 55 to 110 kcal per 100 g. A spoonful of grapes contains 3.65 kcal, and a 400 ml glass - about 20 kcal. The water content in berries is 87%.

Nutritional value of Green Kishmish (per 100g):

  • proteins - 2.44 g;
  • fats - 0.057 g;
  • carbohydrates - 60g;
  • dietary fiber - 9.7 g;
  • mineral components - 117 g.

Green grapes are high in amino acids and low in calories, so they can be consumed on a diet.

Chemical composition of Green Kishmish:

  • lemon acid;
  • essential oils;
  • polyphenol;
  • quartzite;
  • chlorophyll.

Useful substances in the composition

The amount of vitamins per 100 g:

  • A (P) - 5.45 μg;
  • E (T) 0 0.58 μg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.156 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.87 mg;
  • E (TE) - 0.55 μg.
Berries contain many trace elements

Berries contain many trace elements

Nutrients (mg) per 100 g:

  • phosphorus - 127.4;
  • potassium - 763;
  • calcium - 83.4;
  • iron - 2.23;
  • magnesium - 37;
  • trace elements - 0.8.

Properties of grapes

Medicinal properties of grapes:

  • normalization of the function of the nervous system;
  • improving metabolism;
  • the fight against body fat;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • resorption of blood clots;
  • cleansing the liver and kidneys;
  • improving the emotional state;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • positive effect on the respiratory organs.

Green Kishmish is used as a preventive measure and as an addition to the main therapy. It is prescribed in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and to improve the immune system. The low glycemic index and calorie content of Kishmish green grapes makes it possible to use it in case of diabetes mellitus.

Also, berries are used as a means of removing toxins from the body.The fruits normalize the hemoglobin level in the blood and have a rejuvenating and energizing effect.

Cooking applications

Due to the low calorie content, raisins are allowed to be included in the diet during the diet. Before eating, the bunches must be rinsed in running water or soaked in liquid for an hour.

To reduce the amount of calories and fluids, but retain the benefits of berries, they are dried or dried.

Grapes are suitable for dietary nutrition

Grapes are suitable for dietary nutrition

To add astringency to the taste without increasing the number of calories, the grapes are marinated using spices.

To add health benefits to sweet dishes and desserts, they are garnished with grapes. They are also used to make low-calorie fruit salads. The benefits of such salads are manifested both in weight loss and in the prevention of infectious diseases. Juice is squeezed out of grapes and compotes are made, and also used in winemaking or processed into jelly.

Raisin making

Green Kishmish in the form of raisins retains its beneficial properties and does not have a lot of calories.

Preparing grapes for cooking:

  • choose only whole berries, without the presence of diseases;
  • rinse in running water;
  • boil for 10 seconds in a soda solution;
  • rinse and dry.

3 ways of processing into raisins:

  1. The berries are laid out in 1 layer on the surface and left outside in a place that is closed from direct sunlight. In such conditions, the berries are dried for 20 days.
  2. Drying in direct sunlight. The method is carried out similarly to the first, but left in a lighted place for 13-16 days.
  3. Heat treatment. The fruits of green grapes are spread on a flat surface and placed in a slightly preheated oven. It is required to maintain a low temperature with the cabinet door open. The berries are dried for 1.5-2 hours, and then cooked on the street for 3-4 hours.

When cooking raisins, it is required to periodically turn the berries. This is done every 3 days when drying outside, or every 30 minutes when cooking in the oven. Readiness is determined by the elasticity of the surface and the appearance of the berries.

Contraindications to use

Green Kishmish is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • ulcer;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pancreatitis.

A large number of fruits are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. Also, an excessive amount of eaten fruit causes stomach pain, headaches, diarrhea, nausea and flatulence.

Berries are contraindicated for dental diseases and irritations in the oral cavity. The reason for this is the large amount of fruit acids that cause tooth enamel to dissolve and irritate the gums.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to consume Kishmish in small quantities (up to 1 bunch per day).

There is also a risk of harming the body with berries that are treated with antihydrins. To prevent this. It is required to wash the fruit thoroughly after purchase.


Kishmish grapes are a healthy variety due to their low calorie content. The variety can be grown at home on a personal plot.

It is better to plant by cuttings in the spring. To do this, dig holes 50 cm deep at a distance of 1.7 m. Caring for the grapes consists in adding moisture, fertilizer and shelter for the winter, as well as regular pruning.

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