HOM and grapes

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HOM is a copper-containing preparation that is used as an alternative to the Bordeaux mixture to provide grapes with reliable protection against fungi. HOM and grapes are a successful combination for a rich harvest.

HOM and grapes

HOM and grapes

Indications for use

HOM is used for treatment against diseases and pests in the open field. This is an aid in the fight against anthracnose and mildew. The preparation contains a large amount of copper, which also protects the grapes from Alternaria and powdery mildew.

As a prophylaxis of the disease, up to 5 sprays are carried out with intervals between each of 15 days. A prerequisite is to complete the procedure no later than a month before the start of the harvest.

Chemical actions

HOM is a powder with a greenish tint, odorless. The substance contained in the preparation effectively acts on microorganisms without causing addiction.


  • used for the prevention of diseases;
  • effective for the treatment of diseased plants;
  • combined with other medicinal products;
  • easy to use;
  • has an affordable price.


  • It is not resistant to moisture, can be easily washed off even with small precipitation - treatment must be carried out frequently.
  • A large amount of product is required for good processing.
  • Causes corrosion on metal surfaces.
  • Protects grapes for a short period.
  • It cannot be used during the flowering period of the culture.

Composition and form of release

The powder tends to dissolve quickly in water. It is packed in bags of 20 and 40 g, as well as in cardboard boxes of 10 and 25 kg.

The preparation contains a highly concentrated active substance - copper oxychloride (90%). It is applied to the surface of the leaf, which stops the penetration of the fungus into the grape bush.

Rules for using the drug

Plants are processed during the growing season.

Plants are processed during the growing season.

To carry out the treatment with the drug, the plant is sprayed during the growing season. Exposure to the drug should not be performed during the period before bud break, after leaf fall, during flowering. The soil should be watered regularly.

HOM is diluted with water until the solution is prepared. The mixing container must not be metal. Then add water according to the instructions (40 g of dry powder per bucket of water - for 1 hundred parts). It is also acceptable to mix with skim milk (half a glass per bucket) to improve adhesion.

The prepared solution of copper oxychloride is used immediately after mixing.

For effective processing of grapes, it is important to carry out high-quality wetting of the leaves when spraying the plant.

Grapes are processed in dry and calm weather, while the air temperature should be up to 30 ° C. Top dressing is done in the evening hours. HOM protects for up to 2 weeks, provided there is no rain.

Safety engineering

HOM is a substance of the 3rd hazard class. It is strictly forbidden to process the plant during the flowering period, because the chemical is harmful to bees.It is allowed to use the product near fishery reservoirs, but it should not be used near sources with drinking water.

Be sure to check the expiration date of the chemical.

Protective goggles, a respirator, gloves and a gown should be worn during handling with the chemical. At the end of the procedure, change your clothes, wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap and water, rinse your mouth.

It is forbidden to drink, smoke and eat during spraying. You do not need to use the dishes in which the food is prepared for the procedure. There should be no children or animals nearby.


HOM is non-toxic to plants, however, if used in excessive quantities with a lot of moisture on the leaves, burns or brown mesh will appear.

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