Description of the Etalon grapes

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Etalon grapes bred for cultivation in cold regions. To create this variety, two others were crossed: Beauty and Talisman

Description of the Etalon grapes

Description of the Etalon grapes

Variety characteristic

The standard grape variety is early maturing. The first harvest takes place 2 months after the beginning of ripening. Possesses high yield rates. More than 100 kg of fruits ripen on one vine.

Due to the bisexual leaves, the plant may have poor pollination. For this reason, pollinators are planted nearby. According to the description, the Standard is resistant to low temperatures, withstands up to -25 °.

Description of the bush

Saplings grow up to 3 meters in height and are fast rooting.

Description of fruits

The mass of one bunch reaches 1.5-2 kg due to dense berries. The weight of one berry is 16 g. The color of ripe fruits is purple with a reddish tint. The pulp is dense, juicy. Due to its high sugar content (about 21%), the variety is used for making wine. The taste of berries is rich, sweet with a sour aftertaste.

Planting varieties

Reproduction takes place by cuttings. It is better to plant a plant in the fall. It is at this time that it is easiest to choose high-quality planting material. If you are afraid that the seedlings will die from frost, transfer the selection of shoots to the spring.

Landing in the soil

Choose a well-lit, draft-free location. Dig a hole more than 75 cm deep and place fertilizer on the bottom of the hole. Better if it is compost or humus. Put some more earth and a plank on top.

The addition of nitrogen fertilizers benefits the leaves and shoots, and also increases growth activity. Phosphorus promotes the ripening of large and juicy berries, and also prepares the plant well for winter.

Place the scion in water for 24 hours before planting. To speed up root formation, add stimulants (one of the common ones is root).

Then place the grapes in the groove so that the neck at the root stays above the hole. Cover with soil. Gardeners recommend tying the plant up immediately after planting. The support helps the grapes to stretch upward faster. After planting, water and mulch the ground around.


Good care will increase crop yields

Good care will increase crop yields

Proper care ensures vigorous growth and good yields of the plant. Care should be started from the moment of planting the cuttings and throughout life.


In the first year after planting, the land around the bush needs loosening. This procedure provides oxygen to the roots of the plant and gives access to other beneficial microorganisms, which promotes root development.


Don't save water. The grapes require careful watering, especially before the first flowering appears. The rate of water for one bush is 7-9 liters.

Shaping and pruning

The formation is carried out systematically. This affects the growth of the plant and allows the berries to grow larger.With proper pruning and regular maintenance, you can get great results every season. Cut the bush, depending on its size. If it is tall, then the eyes of the seedlings are cut off after 7 eyes. If the plant is medium-sized, then after 5.

Tie up the plant in spring, before young foliage and new shoots form. If you do this later, then there is a high probability of damage to the plant, and this will negatively affect the yield.

Mulching and fertilizing

Use wood shavings and moss. All ingredients are placed around the bush in a layer of 3 cm. Top dressing is performed 3-4 times per season, if the plant bears fruit. Young bushes are fed up to 6 times. For this, compost, fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphate are used.


The Etalon grape variety has a high resistance to frost, but for the winter, the bushes should be covered. For this, a special tub or a dense plastic film wrapped in several layers is used.

Storage of grapes

Etalon grapes perfectly tolerate transportation, the appearance does not deteriorate for a long time. The dense flesh prevents the berries from cracking. And bunches that have no damage do not attract the attention of bees, and accordingly they remain on the bush longer.

Remove clusters from the bush using a special pruner. Then the berries are sorted out and the damaged ones are sifted out. This action is necessary, since damaged fruits contribute to the active decay of intact berries.

The grapes are harvested in dry, calm weather. The bunches are placed in wooden boxes, which are stored in a dark, cool room.


Hybrids rarely succumb to fungal diseases, but for prevention, the bushes are treated with fungicides. Fungicides that can be used for all types of diseases:

  • anthracop;
  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • ridomil;
  • cuproskat;
  • thanos;
  • chorus.


The etalon is a high-yielding grape renowned for its size and density. A lot of effort is put into cultivation.

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