Mysterious Zamioculcas - signs and superstitions about a flower

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Zamioculcas came from hot African lands. He quickly adapted at home and became a habitual inhabitant of window sills and office recreation. A spectacular perennial fell in love with many for its unpretentiousness and luxurious appearance. And the belief in the magical properties of the plant only fuels the interest of the owners and makes even the most notorious skeptics treat it with respect.

Mysterious Zamioculcas - signs and superstitions about a flower

Mysterious Zamioculcas - signs and superstitions about a flower

Signs and superstitions about zamioculcas are so diverse that one might think that we are talking about several plants. Money issues and women's fate are also discussed, even the well-being in the house, and that depends on the location and state of health of the foreign guest.

Why is it called the dollar tree

Popular rumor quickly christened the zamioculcas in its own way. Indeed, there is some hint of an overseas origin, where a completely different currency is quoted. This is how one of the most persistent superstitions appeared that the plant attracts foreign capital into the house and helps to save up for large purchases or to enter the business to a new level.

There are a number of recommendations for attracting wealth to the house:

  • the flower loves not only care, but also communication; when watering, you need to ask him to fulfill his financial desires and it is advisable to do this on Tuesdays with the growing phase of the moon;
  • at the roots or in the pallet, you need to place a shiny 1 cent coin so that it attracts wealth;
  • I water from a container, at the bottom of which a handful of little things are laid out.

The effectiveness of these recommendations is difficult to verify and document, but folk signs are very tenacious.

Why is it called female happiness

Few had a chance to observe flowering. In order for the zamioculcas to bloom, special conditions must be observed and then the owner will be honored to see a flower that has a characteristic phallic shape. Moreover, it is necessary that the plant be donated, and not purchased independently.

Particularly valuable will be a specimen grown with kindness and love from a secretly broken off branch. In this case, it does not matter where the dollar tree grew, the effect will remain.

According to legend, if long and abundant flowering is fortunately in the house, but for an unmarried girl it is worth waiting for a wedding or, at least, male guests with serious intentions.

Celibacy flower and muzhegon

Many believe that the zamioculcas given with a pure heart will bring good luck, and the acquired one is able to deflect representatives of the stronger half from the house and even form a celibacy wreath. For this alleged property, the name "muzhegon" has stuck to him.

To trust the omens or not - everyone decides for himself, but the flower is hardly to blame for failures on the personal front.

According to popular opinion, only a tall, well-formed zamioculcas has a magnetic effect that attracts men, so it is imperative to carefully look after him.

If signs of a disease are noticed or the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off for no apparent reason, then the flower cannot be thrown away. Taking care of personal well-being, you need to make every effort to heal it. One of the options involves buying a healthy plant and placing it next to the diseased one. It should help and share vital energy.

Interesting: there are obvious contradictions in the signs, but this does not bother the owners of the zamiokulkas.

It is considered that:

  • a flower in the house of a married girl can leave her as an old maid;
  • a lush blooming plant with rich leaf color lures happiness and good luck into the house;
  • a given flower is good, and a bought one is bad.

Why is crying

The plant is native to tropical forests, where periods of heavy rain alternate with periods of prolonged drought. In such an environment, most plants have learned to store water for future use in the fleshy leaves.

Zamioculcas can get rid of excess moisture

Zamioculcas can get rid of excess moisture

When unfavorable conditions occur, it begins to gradually consume life-giving moisture, the leaf plates become thinner, waiting for a new downpour. At home, such a mechanism is no longer in demand. But the genetic memory cannot be deceived, so the dollar tree continues to stubbornly store the necessary vital resources.

By the way, watering due to this feature should be medium, closer to the economical option. Zamioculcas tolerates short-term hydration delays well and quickly begins to ache from root rot when watering is regularly exceeded. It is best to simply monitor the condition of the soil and water as the clod dries.

Sometimes transparent droplets appear on the tips of the leaves and it seems as if the flower is crying about unfulfilled hopes or missed opportunities.

In fact, everything is much more prosaic: zamiokulkas gets rid of excess moisture obtained during irrigation or a fine water suspension has accumulated in the air, which happens before rain. This sign was also taken into account, and now it is believed that if a flower cries, it will rain soon.

Is it possible to keep a flower at home

The peculiarity of zamiokulkas lies in the poisonous sap of leaves and shoots - this is how it protects itself from pests in nature, and at home it can cause food poisoning for pets and small children.

Freshly plucked leaves can cause itching, redness of the skin, swelling, therefore, when caring for the plant, you must wear gloves and do not break off, but cut off the damaged parts.

Having brought zamiokulkas home, you need to carefully consider where to put it. It is best to determine a place for him in the bedroom. The flower perfectly purifies the air, exudes beneficial energy in the house, neutralizing negative energy flows. Also, a good option would be to place it in the living room.

It is worth considering: Zamioculcas does not like frequent moves, reacting to them with the loss of leaves and the cessation of growth.

The flower grows almost all its life, more than 10 years. This means that he will need a lot of space.

When planting a shoot or replanting an already grown tree, only new soil must be used. You can make the mixture yourself from equal proportions of turf, peat, sand, laying a drainage layer along the bottom of the pot, or buy a universal mixture at a flower shop.

In the process, it is recommended to lay a few coins at the roots for happiness and prosperity in the house.

Who can you give

There are no restrictions on this issue. The most successful occasion for awarding the dollar tree will be an event related to something new:

  • moving;
  • purchase of an apartment;
  • promotion;
  • wedding;
  • replenishment in the family;
  • large purchase.

In this case, the positive energy of the plant will increase a hundred times, attracting new successes.

The value of a plant in Feng Shui

A flower can help improve your financial situation

A flower can help improve your financial situation

Chinese philosophy is very sensitive to the distribution of living space zones, highlighting the southeastern sector of a house or apartment for material well-being. This is where you need to put the flower.

Why blooms

Young plants do not bloom until they gain the necessary green mass and supply of nutrients. The first peduncles appear in fully formed specimens.

In order not to wait for favors from fate, it is worth considering the advice of experienced florists and creating optimal conditions for the beginning of flowering.

In order for zamioculcas to actively grow and form a flower, it is necessary:

  • provide long daylight hours and a good level of illumination;
  • follow the watering schedule and do not overmoisten the plant;
  • maintain the temperature at least 20-26 degrees, and in winter reduce it to 16-18;
  • transplant a flower annually, gradually increasing the volume of the pot;
  • carry out planned fertilizing at least 1 time per month with universal products for indoor plants;
  • add a tablet of succinic acid to the water for irrigation, spray the leaves with Epin's solution every 3-4 weeks.

Such measures will help the dollar tree quickly accumulate strength for abundant flowering, which, according to popular belief, portends joyful changes in life, inheritance, promotion or a profitable marriage.

Zamioculcas is very unpretentious in maintenance, beautiful and in demand among designers as a decorative element of the room. No special skills are required to grow it.

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