Bletilla orchid and caring for her

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Bletilla Orchid is an unpretentious perennial plant, about 70 cm high, captivating with its elegance and beauty. It is most widespread in China and Japan.

Bletilla Orchid

Bletilla Orchid

Orchid species

Bletilla orchid is divided into several types:

  • Bletilla striata or hyacinth;
  • The alba striata is white;
  • Bletilla is brown-yellow.


Cultivation on an industrial scale is possible. In small areas, in well-lit areas, in medium-sized regions where the climate is milder and warmer.

If the climate in the region is cold, then closed and semi-open greenhouses are suitable. In them, the flowers will be protected from strong cold winds and rain. Temperature control in such places is greatly simplified.


Bletilla striped is suitable for open cultivation, but it also feels great in the apartment. For a home option, a basket or pot with holes, about 2 liters in volume, is suitable.

Growing in open soil

The flower is thermophilic and does not tolerate a sharp drop in temperature, so the temperature should not be less than 5 ° C. The plant is grown both in the garden and in ordinary decalcified soil. Special mixtures for orchids are ideal conditions for full-fledged growth. For example, a mixture of rotten leaves with lime and sand.

A garden orchid is planted in the ground in the spring, when frosts recede and a stable climate comes. Provide the plot with sunlight with little shading, no dampness, and no cold wind. The planting depth is about 2.5 cm, with an interval of 15 cm. The soil must be periodically moistened, until the leaves appear, and only then carry out normal watering.

Indoor cultivation

Bletilla striped grows well at home, especially in cold regions. Place a container or pot with a plant in the lightest spot in the house. To prepare the substrate, you need to mix the following components:

  • peat;
  • beech leaves;
  • fertile land;
  • sand.

It is also a good idea to use orchid soil, which is sold ready-made in specialized stores.

When planting in pots, drain 1/3 layer, cover with fragments of brick, foam or expanded clay. Place the root of the orchid on a drain and cover with a substrate layer, and leave the stem of the plant in sight. For several days after planting, you do not need to water, but only maintain moisture with irrigation.


Like all indoor ornamental plants, striped bletilla requires high-quality care: watering, feeding, treatment of pests and diseases. The garden orchid is subject to more factors that can affect the quality of its growth.

The amount of watering depends strongly on the temperature regime and the condition of the soil. The whole pot or basket is lowered into the settled water for 30 seconds, then left to dry.

The warm shower method is the most natural and effective for this plant. The flower is placed in the bathroom and poured over the stem with a watering can.This treatment improves growth rate, mass gain and flowering quality.

The ideal humidity level is 60 - 70%. You can control the level with a humidifier.

During the period of active growth, a large amount of nutrients is required - it's time to intensify care and apply mineral supplements. It is advisable to use specialized solutions. The frequency of feeding is 1 - 2 times a month.

Blethilla Orchid Care

Blethilla Orchid Care

Diseases and pests

Especially a lot of pests lie in wait for a flower in an open area. A large number of insects, as well as snails, which can harm and destroy flowers.

The most common ailment is rot caused by bacteria and fungi.

Fight disease

The most common diseases include different types of rot:

  1. Brown. It is treated by cutting off the affected tissue, and sprinkled with crushed coal at the cut sites. For prevention, treatment with copper sulfate is needed.
  2. Black. Rotten tissues are cut clean, treated with charcoal dust or Bordeaux liquid. The affected substrate is discarded and the pot is sterilized.
  3. Root. If it appears, then both the soil with roots and the pot are treated with solutions of 0.2% Fundazol or Topsin. The procedure is carried out by immersion in a solution, with an interval of 10 days.
  4. Fusarium. It is disposed of by processing a solution of 0.2% Fundazol every 8 hours, for ten days. Spraying stops for the duration of the procedure.
  5. Gray. The infected area is removed and the rest is treated with an antifungal agent. If the disease recurs, another fungicide is used.

There are also diseases that appear on orchid leaves due to poor care:

  • anthracnose;
  • leaf spot;
  • powdery mildew.

Pest control

  1. Shield. A small tubercle on a leaf, under which the scale insect lives. Attaches to the leaves and sucks the juice, thereby slowing growth. The reason for their appearance is the increased temperature in the place of detention. Getting rid of the scabbard is easy. Wash with warm water and remove the pests with a toothbrush. Then treat with Fitoverm or Aktellik.
  2. Aphid. Small insects are green and black. The aphid feeds on the sap of the leaves, and injects the poison back into it, poisoning them. They are also dangerous because they carry fungal diseases. Appears when there is a lack of moisture in the air. The detected aphids can be simply washed off with water, if it is not very divorced. The damaged parts are removed. If the aphid has bred strongly, then treatment with soapy water is needed, which is destructive for it.
  3. Spider mite. An indicator of the appearance is a thin cobweb, with a more advanced stage, yellow spots appear. Like many pests of orchids, the spider mite sucks the sap from the leaves. The reason is dry air in the room. To eliminate the tick, it is washed with soapy water, both the flower and the place on which it stood. Then place it in transparent cellophane for a couple of days to increase the humidity around the orchid.
  4. Nematode. Small transparent worms, 1 - 2 mm long. They damage roots, leaves and stems, making trenches and furrows in them that can be seen with the naked eye. Cope with nematodes by isolating them from other flowerpots. Then treat the substrate with Levamisal or Decaris. A warm shower will also help, but you need to do it carefully to avoid harming the orchid.


In order to prevent both diseases and pests, constant care is required.

The indoor temperature should not exceed 25 ° C, because the flower will mate and die. Avoid too dry as well as excessively humid air. Maintain the soil at the same moisture level and prevent root decay. Periodically treat the substrate and stem with antifungal drugs.


You should not pay attention to the number of pests and diseases, and even more so refuse to grow this type of tropical flower.If you follow all the rules for care, then all problems will pass.

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