Features of the sacred ficus

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Everyone knows the legend about Prince Gauman, who meditated under a tree and once the universal wisdom was revealed to him, it is because of this that he was later called Buddha. However, not everyone knows, but this tree was a Sacred ficus. For the first time, the sacred ficus was seen in India and Nepal, it was sometimes seen in the south of China. Today it is considered a houseplant.

Ficus Sacred

Ficus Sacred

The origin of the flower

Ficus Sacred comes from the Latin name Ficus religiosa. Literally it translates as "sacred" or "religious ficus." But many experts considered the name "religious" strange, as it turns out that the flower itself is very religious. That is why the name "sacred ficus" has stuck.

The second name is the Bohdi tree, its interpretation is "a tree that gives enlightenment." The flower, which is very revered in Buddhist countries, belongs to different varieties of ficus, namely the mulberry genus. This flower has a lot of distinctive features.

  1. Firstly, it is a very durable species, which is considered to be its homeland in some parts of Asia.
  2. In the natural zone, this flower can reach more than 30 m in height, but at home, the ficus can grow up to a maximum of 2 m.
  3. This flower has a very massive crown, from which no less strong and thick branches grow later. There are always large leaves on the branches.
  4. The length of the leaf starts at 8 cm and ends at 25 cm. The upper covering of the leaf is very smooth and slightly resembles the skin. The shape of the leaf is similar to a heart, which has a pointed shape at the top, small tails descend from there. On the green background of the leaf, you can see streaks, they come in two shades: either yellowish or cream.
  5. Ficus can bloom all year round, the main thing is to properly care for it. Pseudo-fruits can form various purple fruits, which by their nature are not considered edible to humans. Only animals, insects or bats can eat such fruits.
  6. Another factor can be observed if you keep a flower in a room with high moisture. In this case, clear water will begin to drip from the leaves of the tree.

Today, the sacred plant can often be found near various Buddha temples. Ficus is the main subject of the ritual, no ritual will pass by the tree. All pilgrims gather around it and begin their rituals by worshiping this plant.

Many people in India believe that a ficus branch can save from damage, protect from the evil eye and solve the main issues in human life. Also, according to the legend, a married couple who cannot have a child or cannot have one can tie a sacred thread around a branch of a ficus tree, and then a flower will give a child. If you believe the reviews of many couples, this method really works, the main thing is to believe it. In addition, pipal (another name for the tree) is considered a New Year tree in Buddhism.

Growing at home

Such a flower looks very neat and cute in a home pot. To care for a ficus, you do not need to purchase special products or make special efforts.Caring for this flower is relatively simple. The main thing is to always keep the ficus in a sunny place. It is necessary to keep the flower in the ground especially for ficuses, which can be found in every flower shop. You can make soil with your own hands, for this you need:

  • collect leaf and sod land in equal quantities;
  • add sand there;
  • then mix everything, add peat and move everything again.

The pot for the sacred ficus should be very roomy and spacious. There must be holes at the bottom of the pot so that the water does not stagnate in the ground, but, on the contrary, flows down. The climate of our apartments is excellent for this plant, in summer the temperature should be between 19 and 26 degrees Celsius, and in winter from 17 degrees and above. Ficus religious cannot stand sharp drops or increases in temperature. He can either die immediately or stop bearing fruit. That is why its flower should not be in drafts, and in winter it should be placed as far away from the battery as possible. The most optimal solution is to put the flower near the east or west window, and it is desirable that there is a small shadow there.

But in a warm period, you can take it outside under the sun's rays, but not direct. It is very easy to understand that there is not enough light for the ficus: it becomes noticeable that the plumage of the flower becomes dull, the leaves fall off or curl up. Several days should pass between waterings so that the soil can dry out a little, but not completely dry out. In no case should this be allowed, since then the flower will die, and it will be impossible to return it.

Watering the ficus is only necessary with sufficiently soft and settled water. The leaves also need care: they need to be sprayed with water every 2 days and wiped from dust. Dust can pollute the plant's system, and then it will not grow well. You can improve the appearance of the tree and accelerate its growth with natural supplements that can be purchased at any store. The main thing is to avoid highly chemical additives, as they can harm the root system of the tree. The sacred ficus is easy to care for.

Planting and pruning

Ficus pruning is a very important and difficult stage. You need to know when exactly cutting is required, which branches and roots are already subject to it, and most importantly, how to take care of the plant later. In order for the crown of a tree to be strong, powerful and beautiful, it is necessary to prune often and according to the rules. The root system of this plant is very strong and grows rather quickly.

It is necessary to transplant a flower once a year, each time the pot should become a couple of centimeters larger. While the ficus is young, it will pick up its growth rate very quickly, but after 5 years it will slow down. Experts recommend replanting the ficus in May or June, this is the most favorable weather for the flower to take root in a new place. Among other things, you need sufficient moisture and an optimal temperature, as well as a lot of sun. When the ficus reaches its maximum height and it is no longer possible to replant it, you just need to change the top layer of the earth to a new one.

Reproduction pipal

The flower can only be propagated using seeds or cuttings. The seeds can be purchased at any flower shop. The packaging should say "Ficus Sacred Eden". Most experts claim that if seeds are planted, 90% will grow out of 100% planted. This is considered the most accurate breeding option for pipala.

The cuttings of the tree will take 14 or 28 days to root. It is far from the fact that every posad will survive. But the system of such plantations is much stronger than that of seeds. And cuttings are a faster way to get ficus at home.

Diseases and Causes

If water stagnates in the plant and it does not go anywhere, the ficus can shed all its leaves within a week. It also reacts to drafts, sudden increases or decreases in temperature.

Of the external pests for this tree, aphids, scale insects and mealy bugs are considered the most deadly. But if the plant is processed in time, it is not scary for him.

Ficus Sacred is an amazing plant, it can bring peace and harmony to the family. Caring for the Sacred ficus in the home is not difficult. This flower is easy to reproduce. Ficus Sacred is easy to keep at home.

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