Why does Benjamin's ficus shed its leaves

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Floriculture is a rather troublesome activity, but the result of labor is always impressive, because plants provide comfort in the house. However, when breeding flowers, you can face a lot of problems. For example, a plant may begin to shed foliage. Consider why Benjamin's ficus sheds leaves, what causes can contribute to this and how to eliminate them as soon as possible.

Ficus Benjamin sheds leaves

Ficus Benjamin sheds leaves

Reasons for the fall of ficus leaves

Problems with the plant usually arise due to poor care of it, the consequence is parasite damage, the development of diseases, as well as leaf fall in the ficus Benjamin. Even the remaining leaves lose their green color, becoming yellow and faded, and can curl into a tube. Of course, such a ficus looks rather unattractive: dried foliage, a noticeably thinning crown, flabby bark repel the eye. It is very important to understand in time what is the cause of this condition and to fix the problem.

Consider why the leaves of the ficus Benjamin turn yellow and why the foliage of the ficus crumbles and flies around:

  • The conditions for breeding the tree have changed. Even a simple change in the location of the ficus pot can cause Benjamin's ficus to shed its leaves. It is necessary to select and prepare in advance a place in which the ficus will stand constantly. It is strictly forbidden to take out a pot of green ficus to the balcony. The fact is that direct sunlight negatively affects the state of dried leaves. In addition, you need to keep the plant from drafts: even ordinary airing can adversely affect the plant.
  • The temperature in the house is too low. It is no secret that ficus came to us from the distant tropics, where the average annual temperature does not drop below 20 ° C. For this reason, a sharp change in climate towards a decrease in temperature can result in the leaves falling off the ficus. It is necessary to try to maintain maximum heat, especially for the roots of the plant, for this reason it is not recommended to put the ficus on the windowsill in winter if there is no battery under it. The most acceptable temperature for Benjamin's ficus is 20-25 ° C. This is optimal for both the root system and foliage. You also need to ensure that the temperature in the room does not rise above 29 ° C, because from this it can also happen that Benjamin's ficus will shed its leaves.
  • Lack of nutrients. If the plant does not receive sufficient nutrition, this will certainly affect the appearance of the green flower, the leaves will begin to fall out actively, and those that remain will acquire a yellow tint and soon dry out. This can be corrected by adding special fertilizers to the soil. This should be done at intervals of 1 time in 2-3 months, for a ficus this is enough.
  • The influence of the external environment. Not only direct sunlight has a bad effect on the condition of the foliage, there are other negative factors. Leaves can fall off the Benjamin ficus due to insufficient air humidity.In this case, it is ideal to purchase a humidifier that will automatically keep the indicator normal. Or use a spray bottle with water, spraying the ficus periodically with water.
  • Watering errors. It is important to find a middle ground in watering the tree. If the foliage turns yellow, then this is the first bell, indicating that there is too much watering. If they dry out, then it is worth adding water when watering or doing it more often.
  • Parasites on the foliage of the tree. It is worth saying that Benjamin's ficus often falls prey to parasites. Usually it is a flour mite and a spider mite. If there is a barely noticeable white bloom and light spots on the fallen leaves, it is a mealy mite. If you can see small brown moving spots or dots, then this is a spider mite. In any case, no matter what the name of the parasite is, the surviving leaves must be washed with soap and water, and then use a ready-made insecticidal agent that can be bought in flower shops. For example, you can buy Fungicide: reviews on its use are mostly positive.
  • The reason for the leaves falling is not necessarily a disease or damage to the plant by parasites or fungi, it may well be that the leaves fall for natural reasons in autumn and winter. If this is the case, then only the lower crown will be discarded, the upper leaves will remain intact. The natural process should last no more than 2 weeks.

Knowing why the leaves of Benjamin's ficus fall, even a completely bare tree trunk can be saved. The main thing is to take measures in time and correct all the mistakes in caring for the plant at home.

Eliminate the negative impact on the flower

For the appearance of a ficus in the house, you need to prepare in advance, choose a place for it and create the necessary conditions. The first thing to worry about is temperature conditions. The minimum temperature is 19 ° C, with a lower indicator, Benjamin's ficus can shed its leaves. If the house does not have an air humidifier, you need to spray the foliage of the plant 1-2 times a day: this will ensure the necessary humidity. It is important that the water temperature corresponds to room temperature, that is, it is not significantly lower or higher.

Earlier we said that the ficus tree does not like permutations, it is better to immediately find its permanent place and not change it unnecessarily. Experienced flower growers recommend from the very beginning to use drugs such as Zircon or Elin, they are also called antidepressants for ficus. Their action is to minimize stress on the plant during the transplanting period. To obtain a lasting effect, you need to treat the foliage with a solution. The number of sprays is indicated in the instructions for the drug, you need to carefully study it before use.

The foliage is influenced by lighting. In order for the leaves to stay firmly in the trunk, it is important to create the right lighting conditions. Ficus does not like darkness, the plant feels most comfortable in diffused sunlight. It is not worth putting a pot with a ficus tree on the windowsill, but the place near it is considered ideal, so the foliage can get maximum sunlight. In winter, you will have to use additional lighting.

Additional feeding

Lack of feeding often causes Benjamin's ficus to shed its leaves. However, in this case, the foliage does not fall off immediately, this is a rather slow process. First, the foliage loses its bright green color, becomes whitish, then curls up into a tube and only then falls off.

The standard fertilization schedule for the Benjamin tree is once a calendar year, and it is worth choosing spring or autumn for this procedure, when the ficus is in an active growth stage. Complex preparations, which contain all the necessary minerals, are suitable as fertilizers.

One of these components is nitrogen.Its addition to the soil helps to maintain the normal growth of the plant. The addition of magnesium to the ground affects the color: as a result, it will be bright green and juicy. It is advisable to give preference to those fertilizers that contain iron: its presence in the soil will not allow the leaves to fall off or turn yellow.

It is important to note that the ready-made fertilizer mixture should be added only to well-moistened soil, otherwise there is a possibility that the root system will suffer. If Benjamin's ficus is currently shedding foliage, then you should not pour in the fertilizer in full, only half of the solution will be needed, taking into account that the flower is weakened.

If all the leaves of the ficus have fallen

If not a single leaf is left on your favorite ficus tree, there is no need to rush to throw the plant away, it can still be saved. The fact is that the root system is still alive, and after a certain time the ficus will sprout again. To understand that everything is in order with the roots, you need to carefully examine the trunk of the ficus. In the absence of diseases, it should normally be flexible, and with a small cut, a whitish flower sap emerges from it. If it has dried up, then the plant has died.

Only in 40% of cases, the causes of problems with leaves in ficus are associated with diseases, and in most cases, with normal care, it is possible to solve the problems with a small adjustment to care at home. Such unpretentiousness has become the reason that Benjamin's ficus can be seen not only in residential apartments and houses, but also at work, in office buildings, as well as in hospitals and other government institutions. As mentioned earlier, it is important to understand in time the reason why the leaves fall, after which the plant will return to normal.


To prevent the leaves from falling off the ficus, you need to pay sufficient attention to caring for it at home:

  • humidify the air regularly with a spray bottle or humidifier;
  • protect dying foliage from direct sunlight;
  • watering only as needed;
  • avoid drafts, this contributes to foliage falling;
  • periodically loosen the ground;
  • feed regularly.

All these recommendations apply to an already acquired plant that is in its own pot at home. However, do not forget that as the root system grows, Benjamin's ficus needs to be transplanted. The first transplant occurs after the acquisition of a flower.

Usually it is sold in a transport temporary pot, the plant is usually removed from it after 2-4 weeks, this time is needed for the plant to get used to new living conditions. At this time, active dropping of leaves may be observed, but this is a temporary phenomenon.

In addition, during the transplant, it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • Only soil for ficuses and drainage should be used as land: the plant takes root in it best.
  • It is better to refuse feeding after transplantation, after 2-4 weeks it can be restored.
  • Further transplanting should be done as the roots grow, but not more often than once every 2-3 years.
  • In order to update the root system, it is recommended to remove the tips of shriveled roots and branches.

To prevent the leaves from falling off, you need to know the nuances of flower reproduction. Usually ficus is propagated by air vent. To do this, a shallow incision is made on the stem of the plant in a circle, moistened moss is applied on top of it, fixed and tied with cling film. Already after 4-8 weeks, it is possible to see that roots have appeared on this stem, which can be transplanted into the soil. It is advisable to use this method in the summer, it gives the best result. It is in the summer that the plant is in a state of rest. More details about this method can be found in the photo and video.

An excellent prevention of Benjamin ficus leaves falling off will be a properly selected pot.This usually happens when the root system ceases to fit in the pot. First, the leaves of Benjamin ficus dry and turn yellow, after which they fall off. The ficus also feels uncomfortable in a pot that is too spacious: in this way, a large amount of moisture accumulates, which leads to the fact that the roots begin to rot.

Now you know what to do if Benjamin's ficus leaves fall off and turn yellow. It is important to provide the plant with sufficient care and to monitor its appearance.

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