Features of ficus Baroque

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Ficus Barok (barok ficus), or ficus Baroque, is a unique plant. Today it is believed that this type of ficus belongs to the Benjamin family. Ficus Baroque grows rather slowly, although by its nature it is considered a very unpretentious plant. The flower got its name because of its rather extravagant and unusual leaves: they twist in an arc.

Ficus Baroque

Ficus Baroque

Main characteristics

Baroque is considered to be the pearl of ficuses because of its peculiarities. The leaves are glossy and shine in the light like pearls. Such a tree is perfect for those who have an apartment or house decorated in high-tech style. Caring for a flower at home will not be difficult, the plant is undemanding, the main thing is to follow a few basic rules such as good lighting and the correct watering time.

Most experts recommend planting Benjamin Baroque's ficus not one seedling per pot, but, on the contrary, several at once. Then, over time, they combine into one large flower with incredible leaves.

Pluses of a flower:

  • ficus Benjamin Baroque is an absolutely unpretentious plant;
  • unusual and unique type of leaf;
  • ficus Baroque has no problems with reproduction.

Description of the species

Ficus Baroque in the photo looks like an interesting design building. Usually this flower does not have the same type of leaves, each tree will have a feature that manifests itself through the shape of the leaf. It will always be twisted, but in a completely different way. One leaf can grow in such a way that it twists all the others around it, the result is a double crown, which will give the plant a unique character. The leaves grow small in length, a maximum of 4 cm, and 2 in width.

Each leaf is dense in structure, smooth and shiny. A petiole is observed on the leaf, which shines brightly when the sun's rays fall on it. The color of the leaves is light green. When a flower begins to grow quickly, its branches with leaves can rise rapidly upward. If, nevertheless, a single plant is planted, its trunk and shoots will be thin, in which case it will be necessary to place the flower where it will feel safe and its leaves will not break off.

The main thing is to observe the temperature regime when growing a flower so that the temperature does not jump up and down. If this condition is violated, the ficus Barok can make a protest and throw off all its leaves, this can happen in a few days. This phenomenon is often found in the Benjamin family, therefore, the rules for caring for the Baroque ficus must be strictly observed. The main rules are temperature and humidity.

Reproduction of ficus Baroque occurs by cuttings. Seeds can be found, but many experts argue that the survival rate of the fetus is practically zero. It is best to use cuttings and plant not one, but several plants in one pot. If you are interested in ficus Baroque, photos can convey all the peculiarity and beauty of a flower.

Ficus care

Ficus Barok is a rather unpretentious flower, it does not require special pots, fertilizers or soil.But for the plant to be healthy and blooming, you need to adhere to the standard rules.

  • Home lighting should be optimal. The flower must be placed on the windowsill so that it receives the required dose of ultraviolet radiation.
  • The temperature in the room where the flower stands during the warm period should be in the range of 23-25 ​​° С. In winter, Baroque loves temperatures of 12-15 ° C.
  • It is necessary to water the flower a lot and regularly, especially during a warm and hot period. In winter, it is necessary to water every 2 days with moderately warm water so that the root system of the flower is always "warmed up". But in no case should boiling water be used: it will kill the whole flower. In this case, it is extremely important to monitor the soil of the flower: it should dry out a little between waterings. This can be verified with a plug. It is necessary to insert it into the ground by about 2-3 cm, if the ground is dry at such a depth, then it can be watered, if it is still wet, it is too early to water, it is better to wait a couple more days.
  • Air humidity should be within normal limits. The flower can easily tolerate dry air, but cannot tolerate humid air. Its roots immediately begin to absorb moisture and the plant dies, due to the fact that the root system begins to rot and disappears.
  • It is advisable to replant plants, especially young ones, every year. According to experts, it is better to choose a warm time for transplanting, the most optimal is spring. After 3 years, the flower should be replanted a couple of times a year. For example, in spring and autumn. If it is not possible to transplant, you can remove the top layer of the earth and replace it with a new one.
  • Feed for ficus with curly leaves should be regular. It is best to use organic supplements. In addition, it is possible and desirable to add mineral substrates. You can add these supplements 2 times a month.
  • Reproduction of this species is not difficult. Benjamin varieties reproduce well using cuttings. In addition, seed reproduction can be found, but this is a rather difficult method, since half of the fruits die.

Final part

Ficuses are very sensitive flowers, so they do not like a sharp change in temperature, you need to monitor their location so that they do not stand in drafts or close to the battery. If the air in the apartment is too dry, this can contribute to the appearance of spider mites. Due to the unusual shape of the leaf, you can simply not see it, therefore, so that this does not happen, you must constantly and regularly wash the leaves of the flower.

Ficus Baroko is a unique and interesting flower that does not require any special care. The main thing is to follow the basic rules regarding the temperature and humidity of the air, and then a beautiful pearl will grow on the windowsill.

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