Description of ficus Abidjan

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Ficus Abidjan is a houseplant that can grow in any conditions. Ficus Abidjan was named after a small town in Africa. This ficus is one of the most common types of rubber plant. Such a tree at home will always delight the eye of any owner.

Ficus Abidjan

Ficus Abidjan

general description

Rubber ficus Abidjan is a plant that is green all year round. It can be up to 1.5 m in height. The shape of the leaves of this handsome man is rather large, slightly oval and with slightly pointed tops. The leaves themselves are smooth and dull in structure, shine brightly when exposed to the sun. The length of the leaves can reach 25 cm, and the width can be more than 17 cm. The color of the leaves is always rich and bright, green. Also, sometimes there are yellow streaks at the base of the leaf.

From below, the leaf can smoothly turn from green into a purple-burgundy hue. The stem of the plant always stands straight, wide and massive in structure. On a flower over 5 years old, slight branching can be seen.

The ficus itself came to us from Asia, so you can understand why he loves the warm climate so much and hates drafts. But even in spite of his "arrival" from a rather warm country, he can get along well and adapt to our changeable weather.

Home care

Ficus Abidjan does not require much maintenance. This tree is perfectly adaptable, suitable for growing at home and does not present any inconvenience to the owners, and also beautifully decorates any room and makes the room exotic. The ficus should stand in the brightest place in the house and the warmest. But you don't need to overdo it: even though the ficus loves warmth, it should still be moderate.

If it is very hot, the root system will lose all moisture and may die. You also need to avoid direct rays of the sun, as they can destroy the cells of the leaf, and then the ficus will die. And if the pot is placed in a too dark place, this can negatively affect the tree: it will stop growing. There is also a chance that, if you do not rearrange the pot, after a couple of months the tree will wither.

Taking care of a ficus is absolutely easy: the tree itself is undemanding, but you must adhere to the main rules for caring for it so that the plant is always healthy and blooms well.

  1. After you have purchased a ficus, you do not need to immediately transplant it into a new beautiful pot: the root system and the plant need to get used to the new climatic conditions.
  2. In the first couple of days, the flower may wilt a little, but this is normal. The main thing at this moment is to give the plant a little more vitamins and minerals to support the entire system and so that the flower recovers as quickly as possible.

Within a couple of days, the plant will return to normal, and then after 2-3 weeks it can be transplanted into a new pot with soil. For the first time, it is best to buy land special for ficuses with peat soil.In addition, the plant, due to the fact that it has fallen into unfamiliar climatic conditions, can begin to drop leaves, it can even drop almost everything. There is no need to worry about this: this does not mean that you have been sold a bad flower. The reason is that the root system does not know what to do and thus protects the entire system. The plant will recover after a while.

Watering the plant

Ficus Abidjan has only one preference in this regard: correct and quite moderate watering. But you need to take good care of the ground: high humidity is contraindicated for it. If you pour too much on the plant, it may die. And all due to the fact that the root system absorbs too much moisture that it does not need, as a result, all the roots either begin to decay and become flimsy, or begin to rot. If there are such cases, then the flower must be immediately transplanted into a new pot. In this case, it is necessary to cut off all bad and rotten roots, and then let the plant dry, disinfect the roots. Then you can transplant into a new land (required).

It is necessary to water only with warm water, and it must be necessarily settled. Since tap water is too hard in structure, that is why it is not suitable for watering plants.

Like any other ficus, this one loves to be given time. The best way is to do a daily spray with a spray bottle and then wipe it down. Thus, the care of the plant is carried out, plus everything, it is a great way to prevent dust mites from destroying it.

In the warm period, the ficus can be watered several times a week, but in the cold - once every 2 weeks. Such norms will not harm the pet in any way, and he will always be healthy. To check if the plant needs watering, you need to take a fork and insert it into the ground, about 3 cm. If the ground is still wet, it means that you cannot water it, if the ground is dry, you can safely irrigate the flower with water.

Ficus flowering

According to experts, ficuses of this type almost never bloom at home. It is difficult to understand what they lack, perhaps the sun, or perhaps that the root system is too cramped, and because of this, it cannot grow enough to bear fruit.

There are rare cases when the flower bears fruit, usually this phenomenon can be found when the flower is more than 10 years old. Ficus Abidjan photos confirm that the flowers of this plant are small: about one centimeter in diameter.

How to properly shape the crown of a tree

Caring for this plant will not be difficult. And the care of the crown is even more important, the main thing is to follow all the rules and instructions. At home, the ficus grows quite quickly. The growth of a young tree in 1 year can be over 50 cm. So that a meter-long palm tree does not stand at home, occupying the entire space, it is necessary to connect the shoots so that the tree does not grow rapidly and does not stretch up. Such a variety of ficus belongs to very rapidly growing and developing plants, but nevertheless, such upward impulses must be restrained, because the larger the flower, the more area it needs.

The main stem of the ficus must be connected at about 20 cm in order not to cause great harm to the tree and not to bring the plant to a state of stress. Stems that will grow to the side must also be trimmed. Thus, you can create a beautiful shape for the ficus. Ficus Abidjan in the photo allows you to see your beauty.

Soil and soil

This type of ficus loves a calm and non-aggressive land. The soil must be fertile and of high quality. The newest and youngest seedlings will grow very actively and quickly, so they need nutritious soil so that they can take from it all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the system. Also, the structure of the soil should be soft and rather loose. This is required so that the root system of the tree can germinate well and strengthen in a new place.

Ficus, which is more than five years old, is perfect for an earthen mixture consisting of turf, peat and clean sand. In warm periods, the flower must be fed with universal dietary supplements. Preferably 1-2 times a month.

Transplant and planting of ficus

An adult tree should be replanted 1 or 2 times a year. Drainage should always be poured at the bottom of the pot so that the ficus can quickly get used to and adapt. Young animals need to be replanted every six months. Ficus reproduces in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • using layering for propagation.

Both methods will always lead to a 100% guarantee that the plant will survive and bear fruit.

Ficus is an unpretentious flower that will be a great addition to any collection of house plants and interior items. It does not require much care and always pleases with beautiful and large leaves of rich green color.

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