Garlic tincture for watering orchids

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Garlic improves the health of not only people, but also plants. Garlic water for orchids disinfects the soil and is a reliable means of preventing diseases. To bring only benefits to the plant, you need to know the rules for preparing the infusion.

Garlic tincture for watering orchids

Garlic tincture for watering orchids

The benefits of tincture

A lot of nutrients are stored in one clove of garlic. It contains sulfur, mineral salts, organic acids, substances with antioxidant properties. The components are easily assimilated by living organisms.

The chemical composition of the vegetable determines the beneficial properties of its concentrated infusions for indoor plants:

  • disinfection of soil, destruction of pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi;
  • maintaining the immunity of a plant, a newly transplanted plant;
  • stimulation of the growth of leaves and flowers.

Garlic water is a natural and cheap remedy for the prevention of phalaenopsis and other types of diseases. If you properly feed or water the plant, the remedy will not do any harm.

When to water the plants

Watering orchids with garlic water is carried out at any time of the year. It is often not recommended to carry out the procedure, the optimal number of repetitions is 1-2 times a month for preventive purposes.

If a medical treatment is needed to destroy pests, the plants are poured regularly, alternating every other time with regular watering.

It is forbidden to use garlic for orchids during the flowering period: the acid in the composition can damage the delicate petals.

How to prepare the infusion

The extract is easy to make at home. To do this, prepare vegetables from a fresh harvest, distilled or filtered water, a garlic press and a 1-1.5 liter jar with a screw cap.

Concentrate recipe:

  • 170 g of the vegetable is peeled, the cloves are separated;
  • crush the cloves with a crusher;
  • 1 liter of liquid is heated to a temperature of 35-40 ° C, poured into a jar, put garlic inside, tightly tighten the container with a lid;
  • put the jar in a dark place for 5 days, shake the contents periodically.
Cooking infusion at home

Cooking infusion at home

The concentrate is stored after five days of infusion in the refrigerator. A product with signs of fermentation and an acid smell cannot be used to treat indoor plants: it will harm the soil.

Before watering orchids with garlic infusion, it is diluted in a proportion of 1.5 tbsp. l. for 0.5 l of solvent. This optimal ratio allows the soil to be saturated with antiseptic substances and mineral salts.

Sometimes succinic acid is added to the tincture recipe. It enhances the healing properties of garlic and increases the number of buds in phalaenopsis.

Quick recipe

Garlic infusion for orchids is prepared according to this recipe:

  • 1 clove is crushed, juice is squeezed out in a saucer;
  • gruel and juice are poured with a glass of boiling water, mixed;
  • the mixture is infused for 20 minutes.

The cooled solution is filtered through cheesecloth. The correct proportions for dilution to water Phalaenopsis is 3 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.

How to properly water the plant

Orchids are watered with garlic water by root and foliar method. Use only a fresh, diluted solution: using a concentrate leads to root damage.

Orchids are watered with garlic water by root and foliar method

Orchids are watered with garlic water by root and foliar method

It is convenient to feed the plant with the immersion method (it is not watering the decorative orchid with garlic that is involved here, namely, soaking in a solution). To do this, clean water is poured into the bucket and a glass of concentrate is poured (usually a volume ratio of 1:10 is used). Flowerpot for 40-180 min. immersed in a bucket. The liquid should fill 2/3 of the pot. After the procedure, the pot is placed in a sink or a clean basin for half an hour so that excess moisture is glass. The immersion method helps to enrich the soil with useful substances, rinse the roots with high quality, and heal the plant. It is recommended to spray damaged leaves with a solution from a spray bottle; the method is allowed in the absence of flowers and buds.

For medicinal purposes, the plant is poured with infusion every time as the soil dries. The result of watering orchids with garlic water appears after 14 days.


Garlic water for watering orchids is a reliable and economical treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. The recipes are simple and easy to make at home.

Garlic tincture for orchids is only beneficial if you follow the rules of preparation and watering. If you use the liquid incorrectly, you can damage the roots, leaves and flowers of the plant.

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