Characteristics of Tomato Bovine Ears

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The Cow's Ears Tomato is a lettuce tomato variety. Like any plant, this variety has advantages and disadvantages. This kind of tomato is not easy to grow, but worth it. The Volovii Earshi tomato is endowed with good taste and is popular, which is confirmed by the detailed description. Summer residents are very fond of this red vegetable and always plant it in their garden plots.

Characteristics of Tomato Bovine Ears

Characteristics of Tomato Bovine Ears

Description and features of tomatoes

Despite the fact that tomatoes do not have very good characteristics, since they begin to ripen at a fairly late time, many summer residents still love them. The Ox Ears Tomato is described as a late vegetable. It ripens at the end of summer. The ripening period lasts long enough compared to other varieties of tomatoes. Its growth period is 110-115 days. It is because of this characteristic that the gardeners did not like them. Since people at the end of the summer season bought tomatoes and closed them for the winter, and the fact that the Ox Ears only began to ripen is of no interest to anyone.

The description of a tomato has many disadvantages than advantages. But those who try this variety of fruits at least once will understand that such a long growing time is nothing compared to the taste, so you can wait. When choosing tomatoes that a person wants to plant in his area, he prefers not only his taste, but also such qualities:

  • the vegetable is of medium thickness, the flesh is soft and tender;
  • the fruits are oval, the surface is lint-free, the color is red and rich;
  • the taste of the Cow's Ears is good and very delicate, it also does not affect the taste where exactly the fruits will be grown, they will remain as attractive;
  • there are acids and sugar in the pulp;
  • the description of the height of the plant is 60-80 centimeters in height;
  • the amount of the crop always shows good: on average, six kilos of tomatoes can be grown from one square meter;
  • one fruit weighs about one hundred grams;

In addition to the positive sides, Volovyi Ushko tomatoes also have bad sides. If you cut the fruit, you can see the poor vein, which is quite thick in size. The seed spot is only half full, so the fruit seems a little empty. If the bush is not propped up when it begins to stretch strongly, then you can injure and lose half of the crop;

People who have been growing tomatoes of this variety for a long time leave reviews. They argue that if you grow your vegetables correctly, you can achieve an excellent harvest and the disadvantages will be almost invisible. Photos, left under many reviews, are very popular, since the plant really has a wonderful look.

How to properly grow tomatoes

It is best to grow tomatoes of this variety using seedlings. You should know how to properly prepare seedlings in order to grow good fruits.

  1. First, you need to treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then rinse them well under running water and soak for twelve hours.This is necessary so that the fruits begin to grow and develop well.
  2. After that, you need to prepare the ground. To make the soil ideal for growing seedlings, you need to mix ordinary soil with peat or humus. To make the soil sufficiently nutritious, a little wood ash is added to it.
  3. The seeds are sifted into not very deep holes. Then sprinkle with earth and watered with water. In order for the plant to begin to grow faster, the necessary temperature conditions are created for it.
  4. Tomato seedlings will grow and develop perfectly if they are placed in a room in which it will be 25 degrees. When the first shoots are visible, the temperature is reduced, and the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place.

The plant should be transplanted only when a couple of dense leaves are visible. Also, seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers. It is best to do a transplant in mid-May.

How to properly care for tomatoes Ox Ears

When growing this variety, you need to adhere to the rules.

When growing this variety, you need to adhere to the rules.

It is worth knowing that vegetables of this variety need special care. A few days after planting in open soil, the plant is covered with foil. It is necessary to grow one or two stems by removing stepchildren, three or more brushes. In order for the plant to grow tall and give a good harvest, a special support is placed in the ground. Tomatoes must be fed with a complex fertilizer.

The plant has one wonderful feature, they never get sick, as they are quite resistant to various diseases. But experienced gardeners still advise to carry out the prevention and treatment of the plant. Such an event will completely remove the chances of getting sick.

When care is provided and performed according to all the rules, then the plant will delight you. At the end of the summer season, it will bear wonderful fruits that you can only dream of. People, when they leave messages on the gardener's website, also leave photos of their beautiful tomatoes. They are so happy with them that they take a photo every year.

Positive sides

To begin with, it is worth noting that such a variety does not require much attention to itself. The maintenance is very simple and you will not get tired during the growing period. It is also worth following the recommendations during cultivation, this is very important. Therefore, it is possible to grow a wonderful and tasty harvest. Tomatoes will be stored for a long time, and they will not spoil. The variety is practically not sick with anything, and the taste is very pleasant. The seeds of the fruit are used the next year for planting.

The Volovii Ushi variety is used both for tomatoes and for canning. Also tomatoes will be enjoyed in the form of salads. Gardeners use these fruits for trade, since they have a very beautiful view. Many people buy at the Volovye market, but mostly they take tomatoes for salads and just eat. Since at this time the conservation is already over, and people do not buy tomatoes for harvesting for the winter.

Many are satisfied with this variety of tomatoes. They have great reviews from many gardeners. Of course, the tomato variety also has bad qualities, but there are not so many of them, as evidenced by the detailed description, so you can safely buy seeds and grow them on your plots. Ox Ears Tomatoes are endowed with an amazing feature, as they have an attractive appearance, good taste and aroma.

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