Description and characteristics of tomato varieties Pink Souvenir

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Tomatoes are some of the tastiest and healthiest vegetables you can grow at home with little effort. In modern times, breeders have bred so many different varieties that it is very difficult for summer residents and vegetable growers to choose a particular type. Professionals recommend: if a vegetable grower will plant seedlings in open ground, then it is necessary to choose the variety that can withstand the climatic features of the region.

Description and characteristics of tomato varieties Pink Souvenir

Description and characteristics of tomato varieties Pink Souvenir

Tomato Pink Souvenir is a really good choice as the yield of these tomatoes is quite high. Accordingly, anyone who plants it will enjoy both the amount of fruit and its taste.

Varietal characteristics

This is a hybrid plant, with planting of which there will be no special problems. Like the "Chinese" variety, it belongs to the category of "early ripening" (from the moment of germination to the beginning of the ripening period, about 80 days pass).

  1. The bush is undersized (maximum height 60 centimeters), determinant, stops growing in size after several ovaries appear (3-5 pcs.).
  2. The fruit bush is strewn with leaves of medium size and light emerald hue.
  3. Tomatoes of this type have simple inflorescences. The first, of which, begins to be laid on a 5-7 leaf, all the following appear after 2 leaves.
  4. Cold and heat resistant, respectively, it tolerates sharp autumn - spring temperature drops and summer heat above 28-30 degrees Celsius
  5. Tomatoes "Pink Souvenir" have a good yield, if the grower takes proper care of the tomato, then from 1 square meter he will receive 7-8 kilograms of delicious fruits.

Tomatoes came to the territory of modern Russia during the reign of Catherine II, and thanks to the efforts of A.N. Bolotov, a famous Russian breeder, they won love and good reviews from consumers. And only by the middle of the 19th century, this f1 tomato variety began to be in demand and began to be grown everywhere by vegetable growers.

Description of fruits

The characteristic of the variety says that the fruit has a rounded shape, at the stage of maturity it acquires a deep pink hue, in some with mother-of-pearl tints.

  1. On average, the mass of one tomato is from 80 to 120 grams, there are also larger fruits.
  2. Tomatoes contain a full range of useful elements, especially vitamins C, A, inorganic minerals and organic acids.
  3. Another feature, in the description of the variety, concerns the yield "Aelita: Pink souvenir" has a harmonious return of the harvest, so the ripening process occurs evenly.
  4. Reviews of vegetable growers, regarding the taste, are extremely positive, they are called nothing other than juicy and honey-sweet, fleshy and low-seeded tomatoes.
  5. Tomatoes are often used for fresh salads, for processing into tomato products and for home canning.
  6. Sortsemovosch - is the originator of this variety.

The plant needs a garter to support it, and it also needs partial pinching. The description of the variety tells gardeners that it is enough to form a hybrid before the first inflorescence appears; some gardeners grow the plant without proper formation. And as practice shows, this moment does not in any way affect the amount of the crop.

Features of growing seedlings

The characteristic of the variety assumes that it is an unpretentious plant, therefore, it is enough to strictly follow the instructions and description, and then the yield indicator will be quite high.

Soil and seed preparation

Tomatoes can be grown in various containers

Tomatoes can be grown in various containers

According to the description, to obtain seedlings, seeds must be sown at the end of March and preferably no later than the beginning of April. Tomatoes for seedlings can be planted, either under a film in the garden or in specialized containers. The seedling soil consists of garden soil with the addition of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Before planting, the seeds are best soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. For this:

  1. You need a small container of water (preferably warm).
  2. A match is taken and slightly moistened in water, then in crystals of potassium permanganate.
  3. After that, the match is again immersed in water in order for it to acquire the required color.

An approximate proportion of 1 gram of potassium manganese per 500 milliliters of water. For a higher yield, you can soak the seeds not for one day, but for three, then they will sprout much faster. The depth of planting seeds is not more than 2.5 centimeters. The ambient temperature is not lower than 14-15 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, the seeds germinate well.

Sprout care

From the moment the first sprouts appear, you need to maintain an average temperature of no more than 20 degrees and high humidity. For this, the land is periodically irrigated from a spray bottle. After the first 2 leaves appear, a pick is carried out (all sprouts are transplanted in separate containers) this is necessary so that the root system can develop normally. For quick adaptation to new conditions, some time before transplanting, you need to reduce the intensity of watering.

Landing in open ground

Reviews of experienced vegetable growers show that the most favorable time for planting in the ground is the end of spring, when the air temperature warms up above 13-16 degrees. If planted under a film, then this should be done in the middle of the month. The soil should not have groundwater, as this leads to the appearance and further development of fungal diseases. The soil must still have neutral pH values, in order to achieve such results, you need to fertilize the soil with cow dung.

Seedlings plant to a depth of no more than 20 cm, with an average distance between seedlings of at least 35-40 centimeters. A normal bush has a wide trunk (0.9 -1 centimeter) and 7-8 leaves.

Care features

To achieve good fruiting, minimal actions are required, from time to time to loosen the soil, feed it with fertilizers and be sure to water it well. Regarding the latter, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. After 5-7 days, after planting, the first watering is performed. This time is necessary so that the root system can grow a little.
  2. In the next few weeks, periodic watering is required.
  3. In order for the fruits to set, watering is performed once every 7 days. If you do this more often, then there is a risk of overgrowth of green mass and the formation of harmful microorganisms.

The amount of moisture depends on climatic characteristics, according to reviews, if the area is too dry, then irrigation is performed more often to maintain favorable conditions for the development of the plant.

Preventive measures

This variety is susceptible to some diseases.

This variety is susceptible to some diseases.

Like any other plant, "Pink souvenir" has a number of dangerous diseases, which partially or completely affect the bush. The most famous of them:

Late blight

A fungus that infects fruits, when it changes its color, and spots appear on the lower leaves, this indicates that the plant is infected. For treatment, the bush is treated with copper-containing and saline solution.

White rot

The description of the disease claims that it affects only ripe tomatoes; during storage, a white bloom appears. The main source of distribution is soil. Preventive measure: treatment of the bush with phytosporin.


TMV (stands for tobacco mosaic virus), together with the potato virus, is the cause of the development of the disease. Another sign if brown stripes appear on the stalk or branches.

The culture begins to dry out, the most dangerous thing is that the virus is transmitted through seeds and remains in the ground. In order to prevent further development of the disease, the seeds are previously left in a weak solution of nitrate or potassium permanganate. Additionally, you can spray with a solution of salt and copper sulfate.

Gray rot

Another fungal disease that affects the stem, fruits and leaves. Initially, small white spots appear, which after a few days transform into a gray fungus. The upper part of the culture withers, the leaves begin to turn yellow.

The disease develops during the formation of the fetus. If infected bushes appear in the garden, they must be destroyed, since there is a danger that the fungus can be transmitted. Regarding safety measures, you should try to minimize watering to avoid excess moisture.

Spider mite

This ailment is dangerous, because the culture begins to dry out and its leaves fall off. The first thing to do is to treat the plant with a medicinal solution, as an option Fitover can be used for these purposes. In addition, they destroy the nearest weeds and the bush itself must be dug up.

Formosa or brown rot

One of the most common diseases affecting the "Pink Souvenir". Initially, it manifests itself on the stalk, after the ripe tomatoes cover brown spots, which then lead to rotting of the fruit. In order to prevent this bacterium from spreading on the site, it is necessary to minimize the use of fresh organic fertilizer as much as possible.


Tomato Pink Souvenir receives only positive reviews, and the reason for this is the presence of a number of specific characteristics. Initially, he did not give such rich yields, but after the selectors worked with this variety, not only the quantity, but also the quality of the tomatoes improved. Pink tomatoes need careful care, but it is not difficult, therefore, it will not cause any particular problems for inexperienced vegetable growers.

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