Description and characteristics of tomatoes of the Pink Elephant variety

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Many Internet users in their reviews describe the Pink Elephant tomato as very appetizing and one of the largest pink tomatoes. According to the description, the variety is large-fruited, demanding in cultivation, needs attention and care. It is of little use for a greenhouse, the culture feels better and grows in the ground in the spring and summer. The fruit is perfectly transported. Tomato goes well as a separate product on the table, in fresh salad, for processing, for preservation.

Description and characteristics of tomatoes of the Pink Elephant variety

Description and characteristics of tomatoes of the Pink Elephant variety

Features of the Pink Elephant variety

Pros of the type of tomato Pink Elephant:

  1. Excellent yield.
  2. The fruit is bright pink, the flesh is sweet.
  3. Thin rind.
  4. It contains a large number of useful elements.
  5. Good yield.
  6. Long shelf life.

And for many pluses, there are only two minuses:

  1. Capricious in cultivation - fertilizers and quality care are required.
  2. Susceptible to attack by fungal diseases.

Growing this vegetable will result in a bright, rich taste in any dish or pasta you cook.

Description of tomato

When buying bags with seeds, you can look at the finished product from the photo. The variety is named for its medium-sized ripe fruit. Subject to the cultivation of the culture, the Pink Elephant tomatoes will delight the taste buds and delight with large and bright fruits. Brief description of Pink Elephant tomatoes:

  1. A wide bush, stems are strong and powerful.
  2. Potato-type leaves, bright green.
  3. Up to 8 tomatoes in one brush.
  4. Harvest from a bush is about 3-4 kg.
  5. The fruit is large, the approximate weight of one tomato is 300 gr.
  6. Sugar pulp, rich dark pink color.
  7. The fruits are not always pink, they can sometimes be yellow, and red are also found.
  8. Resistant to some types of diseases.
  9. Little is affected by insects.

The fruit itself, according to the description, is round in shape, flattened from below, heavy, large, the base is strongly ribbed. The skin is quite thin, but strong, with a glossy surface. If the fruit is already ripe, then the core is bright pink, not watery. Unripe tomatoes are green or yellow in color with a dark spot. Photos of the fruits allow us to talk about the variety as an excellent choice for growing in a small garden.

Tomato lovers Pink Elephant prefer to eat fresh, which allows long shelf life. The fruits of this variety are too large for conservation. And because of the bright pink pulp, atypical for tomatoes, they prefer not to process it into a paste or juice.

Characteristics of the Pink Elephant variety

The characteristic and description of the Pink Elephant tomato variety says that such a tomato is ideal for small gardens. Tomatoes of the hybrid variety Pink Elephant are medium-early in terms of ripening, 4 months pass from the seed to the appearance of the first fruit. The bush reaches a height of 150-170 cm.On one bush, 7-8 fruits of a rich dark pink hue are formed. Although there is a small amount of fruits on the bush, this is compensated by the size and weight of one vegetable, which is about 300-400 g. There are specimens up to 1 kg per tomato, so that even one bush produces quite a lot of harvest.

You can get a good harvest from one bush.

You can get a good harvest from one bush.

Agronomists recommend planting no more than 2 bushes per 1 m2, the plants are vigorous, if the planting is more dense, they will prevent each other from growing well. And with this type of planting, you can achieve good fruiting from one bush. A video from gardeners shows how to correctly make markings for planting seedlings.

A feature of the Pink Elephant tomatoes is good resistance to certain diseases and pests, which is suitable for planting in summer cottages. Tomato stepchildren, side shoots, must be torn off periodically. The leaves on the bush grow moderately, the inflorescences are intermediate.

Planting and growing

Growing Pink Elephant tomatoes begins with sowing seedlings.

  1. The best time for seedling seeds is March. This is a good time for successful germination and disease prevention.
  2. For better seedling growth, it is necessary to prepare a container with a lid in advance (so that there is a greenhouse effect). You can also use any other deep container with drainage holes and a pan.
  3. Before direct planting, the seeds should be soaked in a growth stimulator for up to 12 hours, before that they have been dipped in a manganese solution for 20-25 minutes and the seeds that have drowned are selected.
  4. For maximum efficiency, it is better to take seeds that are a couple of years old - this will provide almost 100% of seedlings.
  5. The container for planting can be filled with ordinary store-bought soil for seedlings, or you can take a special mixture of humus and garden soil in a 1: 1 ratio.
  6. For better growth of seedlings, you can fertilize the soil with river sand and wood ash.
  7. The soil should be tamped tightly into a container for planting, and the holes should be formed with a depression of 2 cm.After planting the seedlings, fill the holes, sprinkle with water (it is better to use a spray), cover with a container lid or film and place in a bright and warm place for germination.

When the first sprouts appear, which, according to the description of the variety, appear in the first couple of weeks, you should remove the lid and lower the storage temperature for a week to 15 degrees. After that, leave the usual room temperature. Such temperature drops will ensure the formation of immunity in the plant, future resistance to pests and diseases.

How to care for seedlings

The seedlings need constant watering with warm water from a sprayer so as not to damage the soil, bright light, airing and constant removal of the condensation formed on the walls of the dishes.

When the first leaves appear, you should pick into separate containers, peat cups are best suited for this. At the same time, one should not forget to feed the seedlings with complex fertilizers. For the yield of tomatoes, it is better to fertilize the bushes during the ovary period. If the appearance of the sprouts is elongated and pale, it is necessary to add nitrogen-containing bait.

Before planting in the ground, you need to harden the seedlings - gradually take out the pots to fresh air and increase the time the seedlings are outside.

The time of planting seedlings in the ground

It is recommended to plant seedlings in open ground in June.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in open ground in June.

For a better harvest, tomatoes are recommended to be planted:

  1. April - to the heated greenhouses.
  2. May, after the end of the frost season - to film greenhouses.
  3. In open ground - June, when the ground warms up enough.

It is better to cultivate the Pink Elephant variety indoors, or in closed-type greenhouses. During the period of growth and maturation, the bush must be formed into a stem and tied to supports - at least 2 garters. As a support, you can take a rod, stake, trellis. You should also tie up a brush, because the fruit of a tomato is weighty.

Watering rules for plants

Water the plant with warm water. Regularly loosen the ground to supply air to the roots, do pinching (leave only 3 flowers on the first flowers). Flowering should be thinned out once a week.

During planting and growth of bushes, feed with fertilizers once a month (mineral, organic, you can use superphosphate, NPK complex with a predominance of potassium). At first, to strengthen the plant, you can break through the lower leaves - this prevents infections.

Diseases and pests

If we take into account the reviews about the Pink Elephant tomato, its resistance to various types of diseases is average, but without the help of a gardener, it will be difficult for a tomato to resist infections. It is necessary to adhere to just a couple of preventive methods in order to ensure a great harvest:

  1. Before planting, disinfect the ground with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
  2. Remove weeds from the soil in time.
  3. Sprinkle with warm water using a spray bottle.
  4. Ventilate the greenhouse periodically, remove condensate.
  5. At the first signs of late blight (dark spots on leaves or tomatoes) - treat with a preparation with copper and potassium.
  6. If aphids appear, treat the areas with warm soapy water.
  7. When thrips, spider mites or whiteflies appear, use insecticides.
  8. To plant mint in the greenhouse to the tomato, parsley - to scare away harmful insects.

With such simple methods of care, the Pink Elephant variety will provide a good harvest, large sugar fruits.

Usefulness of Tomato Pink Elephant

Tomato is a favorite vegetable crop, which during the season, fresh, practically does not decrease from the dinner table of people. In addition to taste, a breathtaking aroma, the variety has a good set of useful elements that are included in its composition:

  • vitamins (A, E, B, C, PP, K);
  • antioxidants;
  • cellulose;
  • beta carotene;
  • trace elements.

In addition to useful elements, tomato is a low-calorie vegetable; it is recommended to be used in the daily diet for people with a problem of overweight, metabolism in the body, and liver problems.

Gardeners' opinions and variety reviews

But what about which tomato Pink Elephant the reviews say? When asking gardeners about such a tomato crop, you may hear rather conflicting reviews about the Pink Elephant tomato. Many people note its sugar taste, it is believed that this variety is one of the most delicious among the dark red varieties of tomatoes. Moreover, the taste does not differ, using it both raw, in the form of puree, tomato paste, conservation, etc.

There are peculiarities of growing a variety that needs attention, care and attention, but a tomato will also give a large, tasty, ripe, beautiful fruit that you can safely brag to your neighbors and friends. Which is not a shame to put on the table. And in breeding there are varieties with more difficult growing conditions. Real lovers and connoisseurs of the Pink Elephant variety are not afraid of such breeding conditions

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