Characteristics and description of tomato Favorite Holiday

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Connoisseurs of large-fruited tomatoes with a pleasant sweet taste will definitely appreciate the Favorite Holiday variety. It was created by Siberian breeders for growing in moderate climatic conditions. Tomato Favorite Holiday is planted in specially equipped greenhouses or open beds.

Characteristics and description of tomato Favorite Holiday

Characteristics and description of tomato Favorite Holiday

This product has good yields and strong immunity. Plucked green fruits can ripen at room temperature. They tolerate transportation well and do not deteriorate if stored properly. Before starting to grow this variety, vegetable growers need to familiarize themselves with the description and taste.

Characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes Favorite Holiday is a small plant, the height of which can reach up to 1.5 meters in height. Growing tomatoes requires support and tying. The bushes are sure to stepchild. Based on the feedback from breeders, the best harvest results are obtained when two stems are formed.

A distinctive feature of this variety is a very strong immunity, easy care and resistance to various diseases. Ripe fruits are heart-shaped and fleshy inside. Due to the lack of acidity, they are used to prepare fresh salads or winter preservation.

Individual specimens of tomatoes can weigh up to 200 grams. On shorter branches, larger tomatoes are usually obtained. The tip of the fruit is slightly pointed; there is a pronounced ribbing at the base of the peduncle. Ripe tomatoes have a characteristic pink hue, and breeders note the pleasant taste of tomatoes.

Landing rules

Two months before planting the bushes in the greenhouse or beds under the film, you need to prepare the seeds. They are planted in separate containers, which are filled to the brim with light soil (turf and garden soil). It must be fertilized with old humus. Breeders advise to dilute the soil with river sand, which is thoroughly washed, as well as wood ash.

Tomato seeds are planted 2 cm deep and lightly sprinkled with moist soil. For watering the soil in containers, a spray gun or a spraying method is used. They need to be covered with foil to form a greenhouse effect. It is important to do short airings on a regular basis to prevent seeds from spoiling.

When the first leaves appear, they must be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp and fed with an aqueous nitrogenous solution. In mid-May, you can transfer the seedlings to the greenhouse. Only hardened seedlings can be planted on open beds. The distance between plants should be at least 30-40 cm.

Before planting, the soil is enriched with humus and well filled with water. When the ground becomes wet and dries out a little, you can make small depressions. Water the plants during planting with water at room temperature.

During the period of growth and ripening of fruits, plants need feeding. You can buy potash and phosphate fertilizers. They are brought in no more than once a month.Deformed and small flowers must be removed along with the lateral processes.

The Favorite Holidays variety is not completely resistant to late blight. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to treat plants with copper-based preparations. To avoid top or root rot, it is important to regularly ventilate the greenhouse and loosen the soil. If you follow all the rules of growing and care, you can get a high-quality crop.

Variety reviews

The variety will not cause difficulties when growing

The variety will not cause difficulties in growing

The Favorite Holiday variety is in demand among vegetable growers and ordinary gardeners. There is a lot of talk about this culture on the forums, so new reviews and stories from personal experience regularly appear. Gardeners grow such tomatoes due to their unpretentious care. Before growing, you need to familiarize yourself with the description and characteristics of the variety.

Judging by the numerous reviews, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • good taste;
  • large fruits;
  • excellent harvest;
  • resistance to cold and sudden changes in temperature;
  • resistance to various diseases and pests.

The fruits are more suitable for salads and fresh consumption. They can be used to make soup, puree or sauce, or thick juice.

Any annual crop has its drawbacks. The Lyubimy Prazdnik variety is distinguished by its increased resistance to various dressings. But also vegetable growers need to take care of the correct formation of the bushes. From 1 sq. m. it will be possible to harvest a good harvest (on average 7–8 kg).

Pests and diseases

The Favorite Holiday variety is resistant to various diseases.

But any mid-ripening tomatoes are susceptible to late blight. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to spray the leaves and stems with copper-based preparations from time to time.

To prevent rotting of the root or top of the plant, you need to regularly ventilate the greenhouse, as well as the greenhouse. You can spray the leaves with phytosporin. Vegetable growers need to carefully water and loosen the soil. If pests and insects appear on the plant, they can be treated with insecticides.

Processing is possible before fruit appears. The ovaries can be treated with an aqueous solution with the addition of ordinary laundry soap. It can be replaced with ammonia. You can dilute the product in the following proportion: add 50 grams of soap solution or ammonia to 200 grams of warm water. Some people prefer to use folk remedies. You can destroy insects and pests with a decoction of celandine or onion husks.


Favorite Holiday - differs from other varieties in bright pink fruit shade and good taste. Before starting growing seedlings, it is important to study all the characteristics and rules for caring for such plants.

Due to the rather large height of the bushes, they need to be tied up and pinned. Only with proper care and treatment from pests can you achieve a good harvest. This variety is known for its large size and sweet taste. Tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption - juice, mashed potatoes, salads.

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