The use of iodine and milk for spraying tomatoes

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Every experienced gardener has his own secrets to get juicy, tasty and healthy tomatoes. One of the most effective recipes is sprinkling tomatoes with milk and iodine.

The use of iodine and milk for spraying tomatoes

The use of iodine and milk for spraying tomatoes

Purpose of use

Iodine and milk for sprinkling tomatoes is an excellent method of combating many insects, pests and various diseases. Also, the solution helps to increase the percentage of yield per bush by about 30%. Scientists and experts have proven that insects cannot tolerate lactose and milk-type sugar in any form.

The described solution is a good way to combat late blight. Dairy elements completely cope with pathogenic fungi that develop inside the root system of the bush and on tomato fruits.

Tomatoes are sprayed with this product so that they have an excellent presentation. It is also a simple and cheap way of prevention. However, they cannot do it alone - they will have to find an additional method.


Positive sides of the mixture:

  • harmlessness;
  • providing protection against insects and various diseases, including phytophthora;
  • budget;

Spraying tomatoes with milk and iodine is a safe option for humans.

Process regularly

Process regularly

Iodine and milk are suitable for feeding not only tomatoes, but also cucumbers.

Mode of application

Spraying is carried out regularly every week. If it rains the next day after treatment, the plant needs to be sprayed again.

At the end of the procedure, a thin protective film will appear on each leaf and fruit.

For such methods, it is best to use only raw, fresh and natural milk. If for some reason this does not work, then you can take sterilized one. The main rule is that in no case should you use pure milk and iodine - the mixture must be diluted with water.

The ideal proportion of the mixture: for 4 liters of pure water, 1 liter of milk and 15 drops of pure iodine (pharmacy).

If late blight rages on the site with tomatoes, it is necessary to use serum with iodine.


You need to start watering the plant from an early period: this will strengthen the vegetable and protect it from various diseases.

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