Description of tomato Aswon

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Hybrid crops are especially popular today. This is because they are able to withstand mild climatic changes, rarely get sick and always show amazing yield characteristics. One of the best representatives of this category is the tomato Aswon F1. It is suitable for growing not only in greenhouses, but also in open areas.

Description of tomato Aswon

Description of tomato Aswon

Variety characteristic

Hybrid tomato Aswon f1 was bred in Russia. The most progressive breeders of the country were engaged in the development of seeds. In 2004, these tomatoes passed all stages of research and were included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

According to the characteristics of the variety, it was concluded that it is ideal for growing in regions of the country with warm and moderate climatic conditions. Suitable for growing both in open areas and in closed areas.

Description of the plant

Tomato Aswon f1 is an early maturing hybrid. From the moment the first shoots of the plant appear, the growing season lasts only 40-50 days. The bush is characterized by a determinant type, so its height is limited. In the characteristics and description of the product, it is indicated that the height of the bush does not exceed the 50 cm mark.

The bush is considered compact, not spreading. Moderate leafiness. The leaves are presented in dark shades of green and are of medium size. It is important to form a bush of 2-3 stems, no more, since it has a strong leafiness.

Description of the fetus

The fruits are on double clusters. Each contains about 6 fruits. The average weight of a ripe fruit is about 150 g. Sometimes the weight mark reaches 250-300 g.

The red color of the fruit is uniform. The surface is smooth, flawless.

The yield of the described tomato variety is at a high level. It is possible to get about 10 kg of selected fruits from 1 bush. Their taste is rich and sweet, slightly reminiscent of honey. Dry matter is about 7%. Due to its excellent taste, the species is considered versatile in use. From the fruits, you can prepare baby food, salads or canning for the winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the description of Aswon tomato, the following positive characteristics of the variety are distinguished:

  • fruits ripen in a small amount of time;
  • great taste and appearance;
  • high yield rates;
  • immunity to most diseases.

This hybrid has no particular drawbacks, but the species is quite picky about soil nutrition. If the soil is not fed, the yield becomes significantly lower.

Growing rules

It is important to carry out weeding and loosening on time.

It is important to carry out weeding and loosening on time.

Planting can be done in different ways. The first is a reckless option. In this case, it is recommended to treat Aswon tomato seeds with substances that accelerate growth. After that, they are planted in soil, which has a light structure and is saturated with useful substances.

The second option is seedling growing.Its essence lies in the fact that first you should grow seedlings on your own. For this, tomato seeds Aswon f1 are placed in special containers and germinate within 30 days. After that, the seedlings are completely ready for planting. Before planting, humus is introduced into the soil and thoroughly watered. The distance between the rows is 40 cm, and between the bushes - 50 cm.The planting depth is 2 cm.


Watering is carried out with a plentiful method, but at a certain interval: 1 time in 3-4 days. Top dressing is carried out infrequently - once every 2 weeks. They should include the alternation of organic and mineral substances. Humus or wood ash is used as organic matter, and potassium, magnesium and nitrogen compounds are used as mineral fertilizers.

It is also important to regularly loosen the soil, remove all weeds and stones. As necessary, the hilling of the root system is carried out. The formation of the bush also takes place as needed. Tying bushes is considered a must. It is best to remove the lower branches to allow more sunlight and moisture to enter. This will speed up the growth of the bush and the process of fruit formation.

Preventive actions

This tomato variety is highly resistant to most diseases. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to harden seedlings or seeds before planting. Also, experts advise treating the seedlings with a manganese solution.

To protect the plant from late blight, substances with a high concentration of copper are used. So that no types of rot can disrupt the growth of the plant, it is recommended to regularly spray with antifungal agents. To combat the Colorado potato beetle, aphids or a bear, it is advised to use special insecticides. Best suited for these purposes are "Regent", "Fofatox", "Arkan" or "Taboo". They also use methods of folk prevention. For slugs, ammonia is considered an ideal option. A solution of soap and water will help with aphids. All preventive measures are carried out every 2 weeks and a few days before abundant watering.


The hybrid is ideal for both agronomists and ordinary farmers, as it shows an amazing level of yield and quality that allows this species to be marketed. If watering and feeding is carried out correctly, the harvest will surprise with the amount. The main thing is to follow all the requirements and not to miss the examination of the plant for the presence of parasites.

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