Causes of death of pepper seedlings

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Many gardeners are familiar with the situation when young peppers suddenly weaken. The reasons for the death of seedlings lie in improper care. There may be several of them. Consider why this problem arises and how to grow healthy seedlings.

Causes of death of pepper seedlings

Causes of death of pepper seedlings

Sowing errors

If pepper seedlings disappear, you need to make sure that the cultivation techniques have not been violated from the very beginning.


When choosing a soil for planting, it is better to stay on a substrate purchased in specialized plant growing stores. It is advisable not to use the soil from the garden plot, especially from flowers and vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, etc. Such land is already depleted and cannot provide new shoots with the necessary nutrients, even if the seeds germinate, they will give weakened shoots that have a high level of risk of dying during the formation of a stem or bush in the future.


Before you grow a crop, you need to consider. It is necessary to choose seeds after taking into account the weather conditions, the type of land in the garden.

The use of quality seeds is fundamental to growing. Expired or low-quality seeds do not germinate or die a few days after germination. Before planting, it is better to prepare the seeds using a soaking procedure, preferably in melt water. Soaking is carried out within 2-3 days, during this period the seeds swell, and it will be easier for the sprout to break through its shell.

Disembarkation dates

It is also important to follow the sowing time correctly. Insufficiently grown plants are poorly tolerated in open ground, just like overgrown plants. After landing in a permanent place, such a culture often dies.

Mistakes in the care of seedlings

Consider why pepper seedlings die after germination, during the period of active growth of the bushes. Plants need to be provided with quality care from the very beginning. Violations of the rules of agricultural technology in the process of growing bushes is one of the reasons for this problem.


In order to get strong healthy shoots, crops need regular watering, preferably in the morning and not with cold water. Violation of these rules can provoke the development of diseases and the death of plantings.

Top dressing and thinning

There is no need to feed seedlings. When the shoots enter the stage of active growth, you need to make sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch each other. Otherwise, the seedlings lengthen, turn out to be weak and soon die.

Temperature and light

Seedlings need good lighting

Seedlings need good lighting

Sprouts are afraid of drafts, but it is still necessary to ventilate the room where they are located. One of the possible reasons for the death of seedlings is a lack of light. Since pepper is sown for seedlings in February, there is very little lighting for it, so you need to supplement it.In terms of duration, it should be 10-12 hours a day. Typically, table lamps with reflectors or fluorescent lamps are used.

When 2 leaves appear on the sprouts, they are exposed to sunlight for a period of about 8 hours. Lack of lighting inhibits the growth of seedlings, leads to leaf rot and prevents the ovaries from developing. Also, the stems of such peppers are bent, which may cause their death in the future.

Pick and pinch

It is better not to disturb the root system of peppers once again. This applies to procedures such as diving. This is one of the main reasons for the death of pepper seedlings.

You need to remove part of the root as carefully as possible, and do not make too much pinch. Otherwise, root nutrition is disturbed and the plant dies.

What does the death of seedlings say

Sometimes the leaves of the plant during the period of intensive growth turn yellow, wither or curl. After a while, the plants may die. To avoid this, you need to know what contributes to the weakening of the plant and its diseases. The reasons for this may be:

Root development problems

Sometimes it happens that the roots develop well initially, and after a while they become entangled. This leads to impaired circulation in the stem and to diseases. This is because the seedling boxes are too small. This often leads to the death of seedlings.

Lack of nitrogen

Due to the deficiency of this element, the bush turns yellow and grows poorly. Some weak specimens do not just stop growing, but die. In this case, the introduction of feeding will help. Nitrogen is found in large quantities in urea and dung.

To make a solution for irrigation, you need to dissolve 500 g of droppings in 10 liters of liquid, leave for a day and then mix this solution with 15 liters of liquid - the dressing is ready for use. The solution is used as an irrigation liquid.


Pests can destroy plants

Pests can destroy plants

It is the attack of click beetles that often leads to the weakening of the plant. In addition to the clicker, you should beware of aphids and wireworms, feeding on the juices of the bush, they slowly kill the plant.


When a seedling is transferred to open soil, unhardened plants die. Therefore, it is important during the period of intensive growth of sprouts every three days to spray the bushes with cool water once and gradually reduce the temperature in the greenhouse.


The lack of moisture also negatively affects the growth dynamics and the quality of the plants themselves. Ideally, such a culture should be watered once every 7 days. It should saturate the ground with moisture, but not overmoisten. It is necessary not to let the water stagnate, this can lead to the development of fungus.


Blackleg is a fungal disease that is provoked by fungal spores in the soil. They feed on dead plant tissues, but in contact with roots and root collars in high humidity conditions, they infect plants. It can affect almost all garden crops at the stage of young sprouts, including pepper.

The black leg damages the shoots from the moment the seeds germinate until 2-3 true leaves appear. In a diseased plant, root tissues soften, become thinner, blacken and rot. The diseased sprout lays down on the ground and dries up. The causes of the disease are high soil and air humidity, dense sowing, and as a result, poor ventilation.

An effective prevention of blackleg disease in seedlings is soil disinfection before planting.

Mistakes when transplanting seedlings

In order for the plant to take root in a new place and not die, use seedlings with the following parameters:

  • height 15-20 cm;
  • there should be 10 leaves in stock;
  • several buds are formed, but not yet ovaries.

A seedling with an ovary develops very poorly after planting on the ground.

He becomes emaciated and may wither. For planting, you need to take care of the comfort for plants on the land.It must be protected from the wind, for the reason that such a vegetable does not like drafts and dies from this.


The death of pepper seedlings is one of the problems when growing this crop. This happens most often due to violations of agricultural technology. If, from the very beginning of the growing process, you pay maximum attention to the seed, the land used, temperature, light, watering, then you can grow high-quality seedlings. It is also important to try not to thicken the crops and feed on time.

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