Landing lunar calendar for March 2019

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The first month of spring is the time of active work in the garden, when some are already planting seeds of vegetables and flowers. The gardener's lunar calendar for March 2019 has already been drawn up: favorable and unfavorable days for planting are highlighted in it. Let's consider the main recommendations.

Landing lunar calendar for March 2019

Landing lunar calendar for March 2019

How Moon Phase Affects Landings

Everyone has long known that the phases of the moon have an impact on the future growth of vegetable crops. These data are reasonably taken into account by agricultural science.

Therefore, gardeners are trying to plant plants on the days recommended by the lunar calendar.

There are 2 main phases:

  • growth - the time between the new and full moon;
  • decrease - the time between full and new.

The beginning of each of them is a new (in growth) and full (in decline) Moon. When it and the Sun are at the same level, the Full Moon occurs. At this time, the satellite receives the maximum possible surface illumination.

Growth phase

When the moon begins to grow, all plants begin to actively absorb moisture.

Gardeners try to perform the following agricultural work:

  • actively water the culture;
  • make top dressing;
  • harvest for consumption without further storage;
  • sow legumes and grass;
  • planting leafy vegetables;
  • ornamental plants are planted or transplanted;
  • graft fruit trees.

This is the most favorable time to stimulate the development of plantings, fertilization, and plant reproduction.

Decrease phase

At a time when the lunar month begins to wane, all vegetation reduces the amount of moisture consumed. At the descending stage:

  • harvest;
  • sow root crop seeds;
  • perennial plants are propagated;
  • planting fruit trees;
  • fertilize the soil;
  • weeds are removed;
  • lay compost heaps;
  • carry out pruning.

The most suitable time for treatments against garden pests and diseases.

Intermediate states

Sowing, planting, agricultural work and harvesting will be more efficient if carried out taking into account the intermediate lunar states:

  • seeds planted immediately before the Full Moon or a few days before it show high germination, germinate together and quickly, in comparison with those planted on the New Moon;
  • the absorption of water by plants is significantly reduced during the new moon, therefore it is not recommended to carry out pruning, harvesting, mowing, they are recommended to be transferred to a declining stage;
  • harvesting so that it is stored for a long time is recommended on New Moon;
  • do not carry out any agricultural work during the lunar Eclipses.

Influence combined with constellations

When planning gardening work, it is important to take into account, together with the lunar phase, its position relative to one of the constellations. So:

  • seed germination increases during the passage of the moon through Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces;
  • infertile time, when the companion is in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Landing days in March 2019

March 1-2

Decrease is a favorable period to plant and sow, but without the expectation that vegetables will grow large.

Choosing the most favorable days for planting

Choosing the most favorable days for planting

The lunar calendar recommends planting root crops - carrots, beets, etc.

This is the right time to clear the site of weeds, feed the plantings and process vegetables and fruit crops against diseases and pests. You can also graft fruit trees and do pruning, forming crowns.

You should not resort to watering and picking vegetable plantings. And on March 1 and 2, it is worth refraining from any manipulations affecting the integrity of the plant root system.

3-4 March

The waning phase continues, but the lunar month is under the influence of Aquarius. This is the most sterile sign of the Zodiac, which forbids planting work, because the seeds will germinate for a long time, and the seedlings will develop poorly. You should also not prune tree crowns and plant cuttings.

But this is a good time to feed indoor and garden flowers and vegetable seedlings. This can be done both by watering at the root and by foliar dressing.

5-7 March

The fish is a good seed for the next harvest.

From March 5 to March 7, 2019, it is worth planning to sow seeds - the harvest will grow tasty and rich.

These days are suitable for picking and feeding seedlings. Seedlings are transplanted to an open bed or greenhouse. The moon favors watering and grafting manipulations.

Not suitable for work on the site one day - March 6. This is the time of the new moon. Gardeners can only cut off old branches and remove damaged and diseased shoots.

8-9 March

The growing lunar month of March 8 and 9 is under the influence of Aries. This is a sign that the sown seeds will not yield a good harvest and the plants will grow weak. However, this is the very time when you can dig the beds.

It is better to harvest the cuttings and start grafting procedures, water the seedlings and harvest the first crop in the greenhouse.

March 10-12

The lunar month is in the growth phase. From March 10, he passes into the sign of Taurus, which is responsible for fertility.

You can sow and plant any crops. During these years it is good to carry out fertilizing and watering, but you should not cut the trees.

March 13-14

The time is coming for the infertile Gemini, he does not favor plantings and transplants. It is recommended to clean the garden from weeds and water the plantings, make mineral fertilizing.

March 15-16

Good sowing days. If you carry out the procedure, in the future you can get a rich harvest of vegetables. At this time, they are engaged in transplanting seedlings, picking, watering and feeding.

March 17-18

Starting on March 17, the lunar month passes into the constellation Leo - an infertile sign of the zodiac.

It is advised during this period to restrict feeding, digging and loosening the soil, and transfer all planting, transplanting seedlings and pruning not for the next days.

March 19-20

The time of the infertile constellations continues, the Moon is in the sign of Virgo. On these days, you can plant flowers - they will perfectly take root and delight with their beauty.

21 March

March 21 - full moon. It is permissible to weed, carry out preventive measures against diseases and for pest control. There is no other type of activity on the site that day.

March 22

A decreasing phase begins on the 22nd. Immediately after the full moon has passed, they are not engaged in gardening work, but are limited to treatments against insects.

March 23-24

From March 23rd to 24th, the Moon will be in Scorpio. This fertile sign promises rich yields of vegetable and fruit crops and abundant flowering of garden and indoor flowers.

Starting from the 24th, they begin to form a garden, cutting off obsolete and dried up branches.Watering and application of fertilizing complexes are limited these days.

March 25-27

From March 25 to March 27, the satellite will be influenced by Sagittarius. With the active influence of a marginal sign, only green cultivated vegetation is sown.

In the garden, only those works are carried out in which the inventory is involved: they cut and form tree crowns, plant a crop, weed. Also, these days, fertilizing is carried out, but watering is limited.

March 28-29

From March 28, the transition of the Moon under the influence of Capricorn begins. These days are more suitable for planting potatoes and beans. It is allowed to work in the garden in any direction, but it is worth limiting yourself to carrying out picks and pinching.

According to the gardener's calendar, on March 29, the plants are not fed or watered.

March 30-31

In the last two days of March, the Moon is on decline. She is also influenced by the infertile Aquarius. This means that you don't have to wait for the harvest.

Therefore, on March 30 and 31, they do not sow or plant, but they are engaged in pruning, digging and increasing the fertility of the soil, carrying out processing procedures against garden pests, and spraying plants to prevent diseases.

Sowing days table

The table will help the gardener choose a suitable planting day in March 2019:

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables1, 5, 7, 10, 11-12, 15-16, 23-24, 282-4, 6, 8-9, 13-14, 17-22, 25-26, 27, 30, 31
Green and flower crops13-14, 19-20, 25-26, 272-4, 6, 8-9, 17-18, 21-22, 30, 31
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